LETTERS Inhumane With Interest. I have followed the protestations of the local chapters of Amnesty Interna tional and Clergy and 1-aity Con cerned on behalf of the perse cuted people of our planet. However, I have not heard, read or seen any members of the aforementioned local human rights organizations protesting the inhumanities that are con sistently rained upon occupied Palestinians by the Israeli gov ernment. For instance, t‘)f> Palestinians, who were thrown out of their homes by the government of Israel onto a no-man's land on Dei 17, 1902. are spending the summer there, after having spent the winter and spring in that barren land. Do the local chapters of Amnesty International and Cler gy and Laity Concerned care' Why are these local groups so woefully silent on crimes com mitted against Muslims in the Middle Fast7 Could it he that these local chapters and their local sponsors are not interested in human rights and dignity for Muslims? M. Roza Bohnam Eugene Name games I am writing in response to a commentary written bv t.in Sal ciocia (ODfc. July IS) titled "Christianity fails to honor women." It is unfortunate that she feels women are excluded from Chrisitianitv by the wording that is used in the more common Knglish translations of the origi nal reek text of the Kittle. In fact, the original Creek seldom makes distinctions between males and females At the time when these trans lations were made into hnglish, it was common, and also gram matically corroc t, for "he" or “him" to be used for pronouns in yvhii h no gender was speci fied. The Knglish language, unfortunately, is short on non gender specific pronouns, with the exception of the third person (them, those, eti I However, as the i lunate of our society changes, so are the trans lations of Scripture changing. 1 suggest to Lia that she read through tin' News Revised Stan dard Version of the Bible 1 think that she will find that changing a few pronouns makes the Bible much more palatable and much more inclusive Christianity (the kind that Christ taught) was inner intend ed to be a white males-only ( luh Two of Christ's ( loses! friends (Mary and Martha) were women, and many of His teai fl ings and experiem es were w ith women. Christianity was not intended to he for tfie few. hut for all Changing a few specific terms does not change tfie meaning of Christianity Christ's teachings and his love are for women and men. Thomas Huckaba Biology/Political Scianca OCA thin veil In a remit announcement by Lon Mahon, the ()regon Citizens Alliance served notice that his organization will start a cam paign to retail 14 stale represen tatives who voted for HR I’ll)!) I am deeply troubled by this latest action of the OCA and pledge my help and assistance to my colleagues. regardless of party. in their efforts to resist nnv such recall effort Thin mat ter transcends party lovaltv and strikes at the heart of representa tive government Recall is appropriate for malfeasance and impropriety, for example, but not for voting one's ion science on a very dif ficult sot ini issue M\ col leagues have mv full support on tins matter Mahon’s announcement < I ear ly shows the citizens of Oregon that his crusade to promote dis crimination against gays and les hums is motivated entirely by greed and has nothing to do with family values or any other subterfuge he has i laimed to fur ther his particular version of big otry The Mahon family money machine is interested only in the fund-raising potential of the plethora of local initiatives his organization has planned for Oregon The OC.A has consistently attempted to mislead Oregoni ans by i hunting their i ampaign of hate is only to guarantee that gavs and lesbians are not grant ed sjhh ini rights lilt {500 is. in fad, their final victory, ns it spe< ifu ally prohibits Iih al goy ernments from granting spe< ml rights to (MHiple based on sexual orientation Hut. faced with the loss ot their divisive agenda for fiimf raising, their allenlmii lurns not to the celebration but to the v il ification of tnv i olleagues The moral bankrupt! v of ttieir cru sade has been stripped of all of its i over Oregonians i an now i learlv see the OCA is merely a thill and tattered veil for Mahon's blatant money-grub bing Rap. 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