Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 20, 1993, Page 12, Image 12

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Continued from Page 10
the volunteer parents Shu and five of her friends
were chairpersons of Taste of Eugene this year,
which is the largest fund raiser for Kidsports
"We had meetings once n weak up until the event,
but we had no follow-up meeting afterwards, and
we never even got a thunk you note,” Grube said of
her most negative experience with Kidsports. "Hut
overall. 1 think the promise of Kidsports is a posi
tive one."
Her husband. Murk, has either been an assistant
or bond coach of about 20 different teams in the
past six years
Mark Grid** is essentially satisfied with the pro
gram. hut he also cited a couple of problems from
a coaching point of view
"There's been a trend lately for Kidsjxirts to have
large teams,” he said. ''With the expansion, it's
probably for economic reasons. With the larger
teams, though, kids don't get to play as much.”
Kidsports requires that the coach play each child
for a Kidsports-designated amount of time.
Although Mark Gruhe lielieves that most coach
es are not interested in training programs, he is
an ndvor ate of Kidsports cracking down
"If cour he# aren't going to listen to the rules, if
they violate them, then Kidsports should punish
them They really do need to bu< kle down on the
i imk lies," Mark Gruhe said. "It's totally bizarre how
some of the < (inches net They forget that it's just
a game and we're out there to have fun
Rob Boehm, an independent contractor (or Kid
sports who is the commissioner — meaning tie is
m charge of the officials — of basketball and base
ball/softball. is confident that most of the people
are OK.
"Ninety to 95 percent of coaches an* good, rulo
nhiding. decent people who are out there for the
kids." Boehm said. "It's the other 5 percent who
arc* a problem, and when you're only dealing with
them, it seems like there are a lot of undesirables
out there "
Boehm, who has been a referee and coach
throughout the different phases of Kidsports since
1972. always tries to avoid any problems by pre
game communications with the coac hes
"I always tell coac hes before a game that their
players, assistant i oaches and sjas tators are a dime t
extension of their attitude and that their behavior
should he two or three notches above everyone
else." Boehm said.
Joseph son is a firm believer that the offic rating
is part of the unique experience of sports, "depend
ing on how tiie referee or umpire is going to inter
pret the game on any given day." But his resolve to
maintain discipline is foremost on his mind
Boehm said the solution lavs in education and
"There is no magic: button to push to fix every
thing — it will just take time." he said.
Carrie Vincent is a student of journalism and
English nt the l tniversity and has coached and ref
ereed for Kidsports
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