Oregon Da,h Emerald Sports Kidsports giving the game back to Eugene kids □ Group is cracking down, disciplining some coaches, spectators, and even officials By Carrie Vincent foe fhtf Oregon Dfcty (nwtaki As a referee of soccer and bas ketball for Kidaports. I have rec eivcd "aupportivo" remarks such as "Why dontcha gel a joh at McDonald's instead?" "Art* you blind?" "Do you know ANY THING about about this game?" Granted, more often than not, I ret nived a pat on the bar k. a handshake or a "Good game, ref." in passing But it only takes a few moody, angry, unhappy, sour well, you get the picture - coaches or parents to put everyone on the defensive Many times at a Kid* port ft game it became a • lash of wills between the offii ini and the coach or spectator In the pro* ess of the battle of egos. the kids, whom we nre all there for. get lost in the shuffle KidsportS. under new Presi dent itoh fosuphson. is making every attempt to give the name hiii k to tile kids Josephson. 47. believes educa tion is the key "There are several areas that we are improving upon We are educating coat hes and parents, teai hing them what is accept ahle and mini i eptahle conduct; we are demanding training for the i oat'.hes and for the officials; and. because education only goes so far. we are following Up with punitive responses." lie saul Despite the fact lhat the num ber of participant* in Kid sports has gone from about 16.000 in 1986 to 23.000 in 1093, Joseph son said that ihi* overall number of complaints against coaches, parents, players or official* has gone down. "There has been a tremendous response to clamp down." said Joseph sou. who has also been a hidsports i oat h of soci er and basketful 11 for seven years Many of the problems arise from the enormous expectation* of parents and coaches, he said "There are a growing number of parents who place way too high of an emphasis on the per formance of their i Hi Id at too young of an age Therefore, they are instantly frustrated." Jnsepli son said. "There is also a gener al disregard for self-control (on the part of the i oai lies and par ents) If you throw in an inexpo rient ed official, il < mates ail the ingredients for an explosion Although Joseph son has only been president since November (previously, he was executive vice president for two years and on the board of the directors for three years), his system has already been implemented. In the current oasehall/softhall season, four ( oarhes were sus pended for at least one game (one for the entire season) after physically abusing an umpire. Two umpires were suspended for the season for inciting a problem, (osephson said Josephson said that if he has any "beef" with the umpires it is that they an* often "over-author itative." During the basketball season, a woman was brought up on criminal harassment charges for punching a referee and was con sequently fined $300, put on 1H MID-SUMMER BLOWOUT! Come To Us For Your Summer Photos! 99* • Printed from COtor negatives * Reg Si 99 59* Prints Prom Sums • Reg 69c • 4«6s now 69c Printed by K&K Cotoi Labs 2n.$5 8X105 • Printed from color negatives • Meg $3 50 each 890 E. 13th Across From U of O Bookstore 342-3456 Mon-Fri 10am-6pm Saturday 10am-5pm growing number of parents who place way too high of an emphasis on the performance of their child at too young of an age.’ Bob Josephson, Kidsports president months probation ami ordered to undergo anger management counseling. Any coach, whether soccer, basketboll or baseball, was auto matically suspended for one game if thrown out of the game. "We're righting an uphill bat tle to change the psychology of some of these people. But we will follow through." Josephson said. Recause Kidsports now pro vides training meetings for coaches and officials. Josephson said the next step is to be< ome more pro-active with the par ents. which Kidsports is now in the process of collaborating on with the -41 School Distru t. Teresa (.rube is an active and supportive parent who has had three children involved in Kid sports, two of which are still active in soccer, basketball, baseball and football. "We've been involved with Kidsports for nine yeurs. and I really think they need to com municate with the parents more," she said "It s gotten a lot bigger since we started, but now it s almost too big because there is not enough fields or gyms," Grube said. "Another problem is the area directors flinks to Kid sports) who often try to be everything to everyone We haven’t had am consistency or longevity with them." Grube is also frustrated by the apparent lack of appreciation for Torn to KIDSPORTS. Page 1? 100 BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Yu-hsiu Lovr vou m much!! Happy f»th Hmhdav' ’ Jane. Kathryn. Mom hi Oad ns TYPING SERVICES 344-4510 Qt AI.ITY WORD PROCESSING (4MD MI V IM4 vn»u»cnpt» T nmacftpdoni A BooAhMpmg Suwis avarfatta CaMM3-4AM DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME THIS SUMMER Surrww* if nr «loo «*ort to Kan) hour* typ*HI PMn W* o*of H *ov< turnaround on atf pope**. and ftv«a on mo* Ptc/Edn 343-2747 XiuaiaiOaM Encr rraa Pnaacta' MS TYPING SERVICES in#C IMftHIHD ltffcMI Uad SUS FOR S-LE WiSC Ainwumc VKorrARMw amMMM Kmarta Sand nm. kUeu 4 fc’ 9510 Sum* FO 3879. tugana. 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