MONSON Continued from Page 1 institution or other units." A July 1. 1991 letter from Kulongotki said. "(Monson) may huff and puff, but hp ( annot make OAK 580-21*318 go away." The state also denies it is responsible for Monson's loss of income from outside sources Monton had contract! with Nike fS15,000/year), the Oregon Sports Network ($fi5.(XX)/ymir). and a Basketball summer camp (SIB.(HHl/year) among other*. In hi* claim that the University is responsible for those cen tral ts. Monson is relying on a March 18. 1981 letter from for mer athletic director Kick Bay. who offered Monson the job as basketball coach. The letter mentions radio and television contracts, saying. "It is difficult to bo precise about any potential income in this area Present estimates are that you could earn hut ween S10,000-J12.000 from the radio/telovision shows ....” The letter also mentions summer camps, saying. Again, ii is difficult to project potential income here ... Nonetheless, it should tie emphasized that you are fret* to earn ns much camp related income as you can generate The state claims the letter is meaningless for several reasons: f irst. Monson is suing over terms of his 1992 contract, not bis 1983 control t. sec ond, the letter's language, including terms such ns "you could earn." and "you are free to earn as much camp-related income ns you can generate," suggest that the lan guage was not intended to bind the University to those income sciuri es. and third, the letter was not a contract. The letter contained a clause that read. “Please understand, however, that this offer is contingent upon ratification from the President of the University and can only lm fully consummat ed in a letter directly from him which will require your sig nature " Thu state claims that, because of this clause, the letter from Hay could not he interpreted as a binding contract. In a (line 1, 1993 deposition via telephone from Australia, where Monson is now com hing a professional team, he recalled events leading up to his leaving the t Jniversity Monson said Byrne came into Ins offic e on the morning of Man h 17. 1992 "(Byrne) said lie felt tlmi he wan going to make a change in the basketball coat hing,” Monson said, and that Byrne suggested the fob as golf ( oa< h "I told iHvrne) I had been a bnsketlwdl coach for 14 years, and that is what I anno to Oregon for." Monson said Monson said Hymn told him he was calling a nows «onfcr erice for that afternoon and asked him if he wanted to attend. Monson replied. "What in the world would I waul to attend the press t onference for. w ith the things that you just men tioned/ Why don't you get out of hen*7” A letter from Byrne that same day confirmed Monson's reav signmenl as golf coach "You explained to me that you were not hired to tie the golf i oach and used rather graphh terms to explain that to me," the letter said I'm sorrv that this has come to this Don. hut I'm convinced that for the good ol tin1 department, we need to make a change ill leadership in the men's basketball pnrgrom," Byrne said Monson refused the job. and on April 20 was given a letter assigning him as t oinpliunce coordinator. I ll expet t you to begin your new assignment by Max 18. 1992. II you fail to begin In that day. we will i onsider that you have resigned." the let ter said. Both positions would have (slid the same salary, hut the < run plian< e coordinator job would not have in< I tided the cour tesx i .ir or «lub membership, which are reserved for head com lies. Models Needed for Advanced Haircutting f/r t Vj/tf /tf/su A HMR WH.ON P^All types of hairXI welcome. For more information please call 686-9907. Cooking With A Social Conscience Nurturing your health while supporting the earth •Jan's Salsa •Marinara Sauce •3 Bean, Black Bean & Chili Dip All made wilh organically grown tomatoes & beans 1% tales tof Ecology ft Hunger Protects AVAILABLE IN THE EMU New dialing for long-distance For people who can't sot the clock on tneir VCRs, the now change in telephone servo <• might lie a litth* confusing Starting last Sunday, if you want to make a long distance i all to another point in Oregon you have to dull 1-503 before dialing the number Otherwise you'll hear a computer voice instruc ting you to try again the* corns t way Win is this happening7 Some ant'-industrial conspiracy theo rist-. might think that it is ill a plot by "them” — you know who "they" are — to make life more com pi it ailed for the mass es. Actually, as Oregon's masses have multiplied, the telephone m stem has las orne too crowded Without changes, telephone companies could run out of pre fixes ns early as next year Under the new system, they will have 150 new prefixes to use "The new dialing plan will free up the number combina tions to use os prefix codes whit h previously were only area codes." said a press release for l IS West Currently, none of Oregon's three digit prefixes have a 0 or 1 in the middle because those combinations have been reserved for area codes Bv requiringcallers to dial 1-503 on long-distance calls. telephone companies' computers will know thni the next three num bers are tin* prefix and won't In* confused when prefixes an* cre ated with a 0 or 1 in the middle. The new system will not change oi l calling or dialing 0 for operator assistance. These changes will only he a temporary solution. According to US West. Oregon will need to he divided into two area codes probably in the next four to six years, In homes that have a blinking 12:00 on the VCR. that change may be overwhelming. Parents looking for son’s rescuer Ttu* n«*ar drowning of a three-year-old boy at Perkins Peninsula at Korn Ridge Reservoir lias grateful parents looking for the woman who saved the boy's life Dustin Drake was at the reservoir with his nat ural mother Friday. June 25, when he apparently slipped fie low the surfaie. said |nl)ee Davis, the flam ee of the bo\ s father, DeWavne Davis said a woman then pulled Dustin from the water and administered t.l’K Doctors found no damage from the iru ident. and Dustin went swim ming again the next dn\. Davis said Two days later. Dustin turned four sears old. thunks to the literal gift of lift- given him by his anonymous resc uer. Duv is said she and DeVVayne would like to find the woman who resc ued Dustin and "thank her for being there and feeing aware of what's going on." Dustin has three step-brothers and two natural brothers, all of whom are "happy to see him lie able to have a fifth birthday," Davis said. The c ouple appeared on KMTK news and have posted fliers asking for any witnesses to tom# for ward. hut so far have rec eived no responses. Anyone who saw what happened that day are asked to c all Davis or Drake at 935-6235 Child Care Inc. turns 25 Saturday Child ( .in* Inc will celebrate Ms 25th anniversnrv in the l-.ugette-Springfield area Satur day .it Skinner Unfit* Park A*, a < haritahle organisation. Child Can* Ini . the oldest In oust'd i enter m tin* i ountrs has a mission of providing qual ity < are to families of all income level*, offering a sliding scale and si holarships to families, based on levels t oosisient with I ISDA guidelines (.tiil 50ur Hrrad Frrsh Dailv 25 Varieties of Hot AL Cold Sandwich** Eat Her* or To (#o Comer of 12th ft Alder 343-1141 CM. H * H %S «rt U «AAf %» ■ *HB U SC • uQI ti *0 • «Tf aw**-**** «n BAHOAM MUMtft am HQ* 5 Muywft fgftl!I SSL !0 flOQOiU TM r lighti t IuiMmIM "ASTON 1S1! INGr DAZZLING! MUCH ADOABOUH i NOTHING I SR CH9C9LAT E. (mlrfrd infuctaUraU'r ■ .■WWW mm I" 2 J mi §h Ilf 1 HOT d MeNAce 3X v Emerald / Pass it on. (please) Help our successful recycling program on campus by putting the Oregon Dairy fmeraw back m its original rack when you've fimsheo reading it. This will allow another person to read it and/or be easily picked up for recycling ROSES $9.99, Pfetor ordm wt-kumt • Drt'ff' Atjutahk * L« >"l »is \N1M4I Is *r i mb hpw (>» «"«i »< iw: n*( imff*. or rm: •i:*i OFF Any Yogurt* (•! Vitwll tunr* and Itnm Kiptnr* 7/29/93) Campus SUBSHOP 1225 Alder 345-2434 \wi vaU) dn iM<%m .* • «