Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 13, 1993, Page 4, Image 4

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Bearing it
PhQiO lrf 1 0»»M»
Anne Hadden, a University fme arts major, works last
week on a replica of her father s wooden bear, a fami
ly heirloom It she can make a good likeness of the
wooden bear with clay, she gets to keep the wooden
aw for herself
Continued from Page 1
overhead assessment fee on Uni
versity Housing for such admin
istrative services ajt budgeting
and bookkeeping to X (iln'tTOri
This would he a $f> monthly
increase for housing residents.
"Now the University, bo< ause
of Measure 5, is in ft shortfall, it
is changing the mandate of hous
ing — espec ially family housing
— so it can generate revenue for
the University for Measure 5."
Miller said.
University Budget Director
Trent Spradlmg said that budget
problems are behind the large
overhead fee iiu rease. but he said
it was justified because housing
has not fully paid for services it
receives from the University.
' It's fairly clear that the over
head assessments are precipitat
ing from shrinking budgets, with
the understanding that costs have
not been fully allocated out in the
past,” Spradling said.
Spradling said the $300,000
figure was only an estimate, and
the budget office would not have
hard numbers until next year.
ASl!() University Affairs Coor
dinator Thomas Huckaba read a
statement to the crowd saying
that the ASUO opposes the
$00,000 overhead assessment fee
and supports a more "progres
sive" solution.
"Inc reusing rents on the poor
est families is the most regressive
policy option," Huckaba said.
However, the ASUO has not
said whether it opposes the oth
er rent increases, and it has been
silent on the remaining $240,000
assessment charge to the dorms
One protester said family hous
ing is being singled out.
"They know that the students
in family housing have the least
defenses against this Attack the
weak, how to the strong,"
Michelle Barks said
Major earthquake rocks Japan
TOKYO (AIM — A major
earthquake struck, northern
Japan Monday, setting hun
dreds of houses ablaze and
triggering tidal waves that
destroyed homes and boats as
far away ns South Korea. At luast 12 people wore
reported killed and at least 40 wore missing
Thu quake mati tied the strongest to hit Japan in
15 \tsirs. measuring 7.H on the Ki< liter scale, the
(Central Meleorologii al Agent \ said
It was i entered 30 miles under the Sea of japan
and ahoul 50 miles west of Hokkaido, the nation's
third most populous island with 3 65 million peo
ple Several strong aftershocks followed in the
same area.
Police confirmed seven dead on Hokkaido, eight
injured and It) missing, basing their information
on incomplete reports from villages along the
Okushiri, a small Island just 30 miles south of
the epic enter, was devastated by the quake
Kyodo News Sendee said the island’s two-story
wooden Yoyoso Hotel collapsed, killing at least
five people and leaving about 20 missing The pub
in television network NHK reported thut si\ or
seven people were rescued from the burning hotel.
About 300 houses were ablaze on another part of
the island of 4.600 people A number of houses
also were washed away by tidal waves, they said.
Three hundred fapanose troops joined in rescue
efforts on Okushiri, which was entirely blacked
out after the quake, NHK said.
Tidal waves wrecked about 60 small fishing
boats along South Korea's east coast, more than
600 miles from the quake's epicenter, said South
Korea's Central Anti-Disaster Headquarters News
paper reports said the waves were about 15 feet
Elsewhere in northern japan. Kyodo said, two
people were killed in landslides, a woman was
killed by a tidal wave and a town official was
killed when his car overturned in an aftershock.
In villages on the west coast of Hokkaido. 12
people were missing in tidal waves that swept
away 30 houses, NHK said. In another town. 10
people were injured by collapsing houses, it
Television footage showed erne ked roods and
store shelves whose contents had hewn toppled
onto the floor on Hokkaido In a port in south
western Hokkaido, parked cars were shown
thrown into small piles by the waves
The quake was not felt in Tokyo, 500 miles to
the south.
On Okushiri. aftershocks were frightening
alread v-edgv residents The meteorological agency
reported aftershocks of 5 4 on the Richter st ale at
11 )f> p in. and t> t at 1:12 a.in Tuesday.
"I'm afraid of aftershot ks. which are continu
ing." Ms Nnrita. the innkeeper, told kvodo after
taking refuge at a loc al si hool.
Masahiru Miyamoto, 55, a local schoolmaster,
vud of the aftershocks, "There was a rot king, witfi
a boom, at 10- to 20-uiinufe intervals, and each
time people fled outside from the (si two!) gym"
Miyamoto said about too people took shelter in
the sc hool compound and spent the night around
outdoor bonfires,
NHk had warned people to evac uate northern
Japanese* coastal areas immediately after tin* quake
hit at 10:17 p in. (9:17 a.m KDTI Four hours later,
it reported that waves were receding
Japan, on the Pacific "Kim of Fire." has been
rocked bv some two dozen quakes of 7 or stronger
in tho last half-century, but none greater than 7.H
since a 7.9 temblor killed killed 52 people in
Hokkaido May If., 1978
A 7.8 quake struck Hokkaido on Jan. 18. killing
two people, injuring 425 and causing widespread
damage to buildings and roads. It was c entered off
of the Pac ific coast near Kushiro. some 250 miles
east of Monday's epicenter.
The Richter sc ale is o gauge of the energy
released by an earthquake, as measured by the
ground motion recorded on a seismograph. Every
increase of one number, say from magnitude 7 to
magnitude 8. means the ground motion is 10 times
A temblor of magnitude 7 is a major quake, capa
ble of causing widespread heavy damage in pop
ulated areas, One of magnitude 8 is a "great"
earthquake capable of tremendous damage.