EDITORIAL OCA’s recall effort misguided, divisive The Oregon House of Representatives took a step toward ending the local battles over gay rights last week when it passed House Bill 3500, which, if enacted by the Senate and made into law. would prohibit city or coun ty governments from either supporting or opposing gay rights. The reaction by the Oregon Citizens Alliance was as misguided as it was swift; leaders of the OCA immedi ately began a recall effort against 14 of the key legislators who voted in favor of HH 3500. The organization's attempt is inappropriate because it is not motivated by a desire to replace inept or incom petent members of the state Legislature, which is the only legitimate reason for a recall. It is clearly designed to remove those legislators who believe that the OC.A’s crusade against gay rights, currently being waged in local communities like Junction City and Springfield, should b<> fought only on a statewide level. Why the OCA should be so opposed to HH 3500 is not immediately clear: after all. the bill prohibits local gov ernments from enforcing any ordinance that "singles out citizens or groups of citizens on account of sexual ori entation," which would make "special rights" as equal ly forbidden as the OCA's more severe anti-gay rights objectives (like the "wrong, abnormal, unnatural and perverse" language in last November’s failed Ballot Mea sure 9.) If HH 3500 makes it impossible for communities to grant "special rights" to gays and lesbians, then the OCA should support it. The fact that it is not indicates that there is more on the OCA's conservative agenda than preventing "special rights." HH 3500 frightens the OCA because it will rob the OCA of its ability to fight winnable wars in local com munities like Junction City Such small victories are cru cial if tho OCA is to expand its base of support and hope to eventually win a statewide measure. No matter what the OCA's real reasons for opposing the bill, the means of opposition, the recall, is what demands attention. The misuse of the power to recall is commonly threatened, but rarely is it threatened by a group as large and powerful as the OCA. I he legislature cannot help but notice, and some members of the Senate may even oppose tho bill when it comes up for a vote, simply because they fear OCA retaliation. Oregon has elections for stato legislators every two years; if the OCA feels that its views have not been tak en seriously, then it has every right to mobilize its sup porters and replace those legislators when the appro priate time comes. The power to recall representatives should be reserved for those occasions when a represen tative has demonstrated that ho or she is unable to do the job, not for when that representative makes a choice that happens to be different than the one voters would make. Oregon Daily PO ftoom IO&€Nf 0*€GC»»,*.3 The Oegon D»<> Emerald a potAshed da^y Monday through f 'von and •» a member of tht* Associated Press The f me*aid * pnvate property The uniawM removal or use <* papers *t prosecutable by la* Editor Ja*e Berg Photo Editor Anthony f orney Associate Editors Ed Carson Marhn f sher Scot Demon* Night Editor: Jake Berg Oenerei Manager Jody ffcadl Advertising Director M*fc W^p' Production Manager M*he*e Moat Advertising F *e< me Be« Jeremy Mason Van V O Bryan II. Ang>e Wndne»m Patnc* Wong Classified Bec*y Merchant. Manager Business Kathy Carbone Supervisor production: ingnd WhAe. Producuw Otydnjfor Stacy Michefl Jennifer Roland mmroowi . ButfcwuOmc* .J48-J511 . J46-SS12 Oftpiay Advertising _ ClmlDid Advertising MMM3 wm do A VOUMEAN, rtoeoov** HAPPV? i mm'“fat**. *u*W*u» «W( HC&OOV QV’Tl CNV'iiOUtd THIS OPINION Streaks and stars at the break s baseball slogs into the All-Star break, it's time to reflect a bit on the season thus far Where once baseball ruled as America's pastime, it has now become just a way to pass time between football seasons The names of Mantle. Williams and Aaron — giants one and all — have been replaced with bicker ing egoists Bonilla. Canseco and Bonds Superstars, yes. but taint ed role models Still, baseball has an allure no sport tan match. After all. even George Will was moved to was poetic ahout the game, though he made it sound more like quan tum physics than chalk lines and rawhide Spauldings. Thoughts on the 1993 season: Expansion was a good idea, and the committee that chose Colorado and Florida now looks like a genius. The R iMUtP. GET %f Vi secsrww 0FUMROD iM <£g& 14? PRWPWT MK fOSrtlCN K UNHUlCt XtH ><3U COMCCT tf wnw mu wmtmtHO jcewnu iff7 „1K * A IVOORPM6 I