—Oregon Daily Emerald Sports — Security tight at University Games SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLIES Scales Chemicals Lab Equipment 9-6 Mon-Fri • 10-5 Sat 726-9176 1124 Main St. FAMOUS I STAR* IHAMBtRC.tR f*mmt tfa% Icoupun & m nvr « I jmcAit sur Ilbmbuffcrf ft* cwrlv •*** I »mil S *r»th n»up2 min utes, 2‘t seconds in a sprint just ahead of the main pat k Nolis son was sw.ond and I-ranees I.aurent lalahert third. lndurain had I ho field won dering what ho will do next Ho was expected to plav a waiting game until the first major time trial next week "In the stages where the par e accelerates nearing the finish line. I prefer to stav at the head of the par k to avoid the tails." lndurain said "I wasn't really looking for the sprint bonus but 1 felt my print ipal opponents, notably (Gianni) Bugno, very interested by the thing I took a certain pleasure playing the game " lndurain avoided trouble Sun day as several sprinters fell. American Lam e Armstrong finished 20th Sunday in a group four seconds behind Cipollini. but was H2nd overall — ril set onds behind lndurain The Tour t ontinues through |uly 25, on a 2.312-mile clock wise journey around l-'rance VANNl S France (AF) — Ke*uitt Monday of the %tn omi stage of the Tour dll France - « 14 1 mile stage from la** Sabirs d'Olonmt to Vann«* 1 Wii fried Nelnsan. Belgium. Nova (Hail. % hour*. 41 mlnuim, *1 m* omit 2 Dtamolidme Abdmifajwtrov. Urhekiiitan. l-ampre name lime \ Marto Ctpollmi. Italy. Ciii Ml. same time 4 Dial l ud wig. Germany, Telekom, same lime 5 K#u! Aii .da, Menu <> Wuull’erlw I same time b. Cumm Bugno. Italy. Galorede. same lime 7 Uw o Armstrong. Plano, r**xa*. Motorola, name lime H Mirio Kuutitter (iarmany Telekom, l see ami* 'i loan kirtiptiu. FsUmia. Chaxat, 6 10 |an Nevwn*. Belgium. Folio same ? ime 11 MrtniiluSian Sii.indn. Italy Motorola same Hint* 1 ~ Johan MunM-iiv*. Belgium. l',B Ml-- same time 11 Stalitno(Inline Italy./Xi sometime 14 ItumTUodtt Qilutii. France. GAN. same time 1$ Christian Menu, Cur many Telekom, same time Other Motorola ruler* 27 Sttaii Yatev Hrijdti), same time 18 Andy Hampaten Boulder, Colo . *ame time 3? 1'hil Aiulemm. Australia same time IQ Sieve Bauer, Cotnada, same lime 4 t Alvaro (iilombis, same time t>4 Muhal thimwi* Belgium oowi tune M« Frankie Nndreu. Dearborn. Mil h wm.e SPORTS BRIEFS LONDON (AP) — The only driving Ian VVoosnam will be doing the next year is off the lee. VVoosnam. the 1991 Masters champion, was fined Sit.320 and banned from driving for one year Monday after a court ruled his blood alcohol level was more than double the legal limit when he crashed his car Inst month. VVoosnam. .15, drove through a row of hedges and into a field in the western English county of Shropshire, not far from his home in Wales. Woosnam s wife. Clendryth, suffered minor injuries in the June 24 crash. The car. a 5120.040 Mer cedes, was extensively dam aged. “I just wanted to get it all over quickly." said VVoosnam. who is scheduled to play in the British Open beginning July 15. "lustice was done." ATLANTA IAP) — The Coca-Cola Co. will donate $<>50,000 to build and renovate youth league ballparks around the country — $5,000 for each of the 130 home runs hit by professional players on the Fourth of July. The donation is part of the company’s Homers for Ameri ca program. Major league players hit 23 home runs in 14 games Sun day. two of them by Houston Astro Kd Taubensee. Minor teaguurs added 106 homers in 80 games. Last year, players hit too home runs on Independence Day. prompting Coca-Cola USA to donate $500,000 to youth ballparks. The program was expanded to include the 1992 World Series, adding another $60,000 Fifteen youth organizations in 13 cities have received the funds. • • • LOS ANGELES (AP) — Daniel Stern, who makes his directorial debut in the base ball film Hookir of tlw Year . wants to make movies that amuse, not titillate. Hankie of the Year . which opens Wednesday nationwide, is the story of an awkward boy who. after breaking his arm in an accident, develops a 100 mph fastball and is signed by the Chicago Cubs. Stern. who piny ini a hapless hoodlum in the Homo Alone movies and a henpecked hus band in City Slickers , also appears in Rookie of the Year us a bumbling batting coach. "I don't want to exclude any body." he said in Sunday's edi tions of the Daily News of Los Angeles "So as not to exclude people. I don't have violent* ... I don't want sex. I don't wont (offensive) language. "1 can tell a funny, warm, romantic, exciting story with out those things.” KING AND BARTLETT TOWNSHIP. Maine (AP) — Sir Edmund Hillary spent four days in western Maine last week testing a new line of camping equipment that bears his name. Hillary, the New Zealander who conquered Mount Everest 40 years ago. and his compan ions hiked, fished and battled black flies while checking the equipment's performance. The new line includes sleeping bags, tents, camping cookware and other gear.