its TYPING SERVICES 344-4510 quality wo*tt>p*rxT,vsiNc; »ix&aJai id leaning 1358 Oak St, Suite 1 DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME THIS SUMMER Sumvm wo" «» too to hours fypng W# o24 *ou» ruenAfOufto ori stt proMf*. A#'** (Mum# d*y on rnmt IftrMx* yot* «r*»A QM im today! EtMng • Wrftng a»aia»«k» • T At m'”* Pte/Edh 343-2747 Error-f PMjKtt* Al 344-0759. ROSIN i GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED ?0y«aiWWOB bat* ground T arm paperyf l, -esume vn v«te fd'ng l asm pr ON CAMUS' Manuscripts Transcriptions A BooAAeepidQ Services avaiiatve Call 342 4888 AVTHKimC VKOCTARlMi ORBEK REC ITKS Send name, address A S? 96 to Stoma PO 3879, lugon*. OR 97403 us CARS TRUCKS 80 ToyOU T*rc*l (Jdr) high opood An cassette. hon! *h«*i drrv* $1575 060 94?-9087 88 Dodg* Sh*tby 2 door coup* Air PS & Pfl turbo S3300 060 Contrdw partirad* 744 9153 _ 87 HONDA CIVIC 81 i3dri Nnr clutch and brake* Sunrool jubwootw Ask ing SS100. negotiant* 687 964’ 91 Coll 01 Hatchback Hoc! i** new. E?0 900 maesi DHu*e 5 ipeed 35 WPG $8600 ntm JtttC 060 689 9890 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS for Safa: 24 gb Macintosh Modem 4 lai includes jo>iwai« cable manuals $125 OBO 4 MB HAM tor Mac list $140060 Marim 4&6 41 $4 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH"! We buy noli and service VMS VC»« and stereos Ihompsonf lecooncs 1122Oat 34$a?73 Stereo equipment lor sale ! umubie $60 Speakers 175-CO Player $60 PlulW6»*or4»4«80 i75 INSTRUMENTS Fend*' Squire Outlet £ ■cettent condition _OBO Guitar, keyboard, be** leeeon* All styles. 4'! auj&s Jo#w Srwfcey 342 9643 195 TRAVEL INTERNATIONAL EMPIOYMENT EamSJOOO $4000 . pe> mom* teotfung Engttn atyoad You car loam toe cutu<« Da a part o> trim ■ ,n Tha Ouoe v»a<* l # Oortu* Call noa {ZOftt 032 ' 146 ■ J'206 EUROPE THIS SUMMERY Onfy saw** Jot tnere anytime SY*» Matt Co«B S'69 horn ( *Jt Coa»' V NY $l» A*MIJC« I 80066* HlTCM ?05 OPPORTUNITIES postal joes $ie 3* ser.issoa Noa hmng. can 1 80S 962 8000 £«i P-964?_ Student achoUrahtpa eveiletxa no GPA ot mcoma teounement*. cat l 800 620-8238 lor ■n'Q'mation Calvin and Hobbes ?05 OPPORTUNITIES WINDSURFING Th# U 0* O CXiWcxy Prof nr' m a»n*«i>on •» *a Ivm «wxi»urfc«g on fVK»a«y« Sgr up n room 3? «* I** EMU 21: HELP WANTED NMd M poop* N» t»»nO m i»«H pri o( \n» 21M century Burn* '1 muiH *W9y '00% n**ur« (wgsesiM ★ ♦♦POSTAL JOBS^*♦ SUtf S' ' 4t*w • b*n«M» For app**e«t»on A »nto t-2'6-324-2'02 7 00am 1000pm {7 day*) 215 WORK STUDY Now hiring Wort Study qualified studant* as office assistants to typ* 1«s f«a«iWa hours FkB Out application at 320 Chapman Malt 5mm» Jane* o» can 346-25'4 Must tx* wor% study Quafc Nd to» Summ*__ 220 HOUSES FOR RENT near campus and shopping 3 Bom Mouse S6CO 4 B<*m ViC Ca* 343-90? l 225 APTS DUPLEXES Available July IStti t Auy 1 ►ummei. 1 (x*m Api Clear Qu» 1 tu/msbed ?/? bloc* Oom campus Bom Aj» Rewro Vk f at $0» $3/5 739 e irm-34»-*iu 7faa /4tMliLsi&U, • 2 Mart .1 hwtwwm * TmK ernes at! -4 • I 1/2 lUANt' • 1/2 Mark • K. ■>' mpMK h> amt*' • (knh ***** • Mt*** & Call I Am to sku $44-5*95. Jennings *■ Co Summer Rate Bargains! Rooms: 186? Kincaid *'50 Studio Apart moots: 1360 A 1372 Palhwson *240 1 Bod rooms: 301/3617> E I4tn *295 766 E 19m ■«»«•««> *310' 9UE iBtn ****** (torn *300 945 E i9tfi *295 95? Hityard *275 975 Hilyaril *275 1370 High Si *250 1372 Panwson *2 50 1666 Ferry Si *280 :»44 K.nt* OCCXXd 345 W 10th Ave 656 1130 365 E 19th i ‘465 No Pets Allowed i on the worlds P1Q5T PQUtRLUL. CQnPUTER RSK ITE R QUESTION 1 ;y, iPTS DUPLEXES Caiapua » parka anw turn***) I *2 Bedroom* Sinwwmw tXU%tOO 466-2S23 CIOS* TO CAMPUS 2. 3 and 4 badroom ncuaa* ArarfAb* t Harm (fccMm $2S0 779 £ ie»> 2 Bdrw KMMtfiauM 127S 7?kf «i8<»*turn IrwWin* Utt MMM»o>4»rOM Summ« Ralaa SM to campua Seacxsu*. anna ona badroom Balcony lawxky Parking Omy *?» . dapMrt 96? P«iar*oo Raal two Hodtwraa1 7*1-2604 I and 2 badroom Mi avakatna laundry Parking Sacunty Ooaalocamtnd <»t 9923_ 112 BLOCKS FROM CAMPU* S«udk» win on vta laundry tea «rw*> & ma WftncJM-TOM_ 2 Badroom Apartmant tx&mo. 1 Sin A MR Anaoreg_ J badroom |)H Pra-laaaa lor fall 1 monin Iran' J badroom (pad SoWi laaa than 1 block tram Campua aim covarad parking 344-0072 or 461-0199 454 E 1§t* V«ty nc* 2 B*dr©o^ Q»rp*f»d **tn»*:ory $46;Vmo a*1 r*& C«BtO*«w WXXSC SUMMER RATES FALL RESERVATIONS RESERVE MOW' One o' !he enO r**v Campus Selections SJtxJios ano 1. i » :i Bottooms CAU FOR MORE INFORMATION VCR KLEIN PROPER TV MGMT INI FERRY STREET _4RST77f _ Walking distance lo Catnpui EugenaMenrv >050 ferry " 1(M 1*41 * Cl'WT^tng 1 l*gn r tsa • A* • oaMe ^ckxkxl • Stucko* large i A ? tledroom* ■ Startmo « SJ9S Invest In toot future with ODE Advertising You are eeteoma to Hot 0y our ol lice lor a tea b«t ol our present an<1 Mure racAWMM Apartment* end houtel etf Hand wmv me* Than AM tv ant bcakcna Yue merest you enl >:a» our olkca hr ar apporMart to wa me mk SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 145 W IMP Aeanua MMtM T5 APTS DUPLEXES I J M.OCK FROM CAMPUS larg* I (Mdroofli ipM HnM p*n* hows# apt. Sat* i»m. SSTSfrao. CMI Me» _ 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS ? Batltoor" Aparwart S3SO»«o *or Sumrnu AwMabw ►*>» uwi <•«_Can >t»ooo 2*0 QUADS CEOARWOOD QUADS 441 C 1» MOW ACCE PT»tQ APPUCATWMS Wit* to U ol O A Sah*»ay PnHIM fWflt» WM Mtf < w»rr SUMMfB««CM»in> CAU TW0T-4SXSW_ wsoMavARO SUMMER RATES Wit* to campmt *om !ha» n«m>i r*K*txiftad ■>***>*» Pnvato f ntraftca * I i V $ha>« t*» inclucJtJil 3 t»*ocfc® to camput WV4IW »5 ROOMMATES WANTED Roommat* «ant«d to ***** furniahad apartmant Ona t>« * to campu* 4H4 6*J&? __ Roomm«t« wan tart to ***** "*c* «*** bedroom apartment Can't OMi 3t»ct4 !f>** CIO-** to c:ampu* $244 * M« Rot) * 4AM)34& 2W ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT By GARY LARSON TMI FAR SIM At the popular dog ttlm, 'Man Throwing Slick*." KU1 DOES T\C WORLDS MDSt POWERtUL COHfMTEB HEAR UUlE. RED ■SHEiKieS’ by Bill Watterson 315 COUNSELING pnoeKMsn;*! ** uo o-*» u«a tor Ira*, anonymowt crwr* ecwntafcng WXl'Otorrau 5pm Han> Mon I" J4 r*x.»» on araaliansta >46 4466 jjo SERVICES fraa Pragrraney TaaBnj tugana P'*gnar*,> Support Lamar aamMtom tuna In >04 M5040C Inaipaniiya hatrcuta-l cut ha* aa a notary Ratorancaa ara avaUatXa Oo naoan* o» U hr* a (rtm SIO lor a cut Janaan m-WM Ptaonarl Parunthood (or Pap tmaor, aitociwn cPaca*.. 6a» control pragnan cy taata an! urrbl atari coun taring .144 94 M Unplannad Pragnancy? '■*»<’ car nato ConManliai I >aa f arty dutaclson B-rtragrtl. 661 >66' Doonesbury UHATS •i/f tW' \ t HUUtHNOON A sufrmumrwuix/i fVW announcjho au rut ‘•Aif. ntm roKfexTMUA \ \ V menu ihaty> A*WIN6 AMCH/lflY Autsa*e 3M SERVICES FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Zesty Chicken Fajita Pizza Special Introductory Otter s3.00 OFF large s2.00 OFF medium 346-0776 Ottef good thru spong term BY GARRY TRUDEAU KUHtAH XV tMJU/HHAr foopGeaM Vfit (W&U dtK#t tvm If* U W A M WOOD’ IWrb KMjHT, ONpAntfuJ^ fwmiiGtt AU mt fm aifvffri mmv > Jr cv rou t vif pun'r on um>or (+vuj up me ) S Ship » no** • Faction 12 Richard o» 1*1* show lama 1J-B*d* — t*alh*i ' 14 CointwkJ mvadar 15 War* hoot* machmary 17 Malur* II Abnar * *df*ciiv* II Acton litoi *c*n*s 21 Avanc* 24 Gtub 21 Ci4ki/*i harshly 21 Act lh« ktapio 30 Ona*»i*. lamkarly 31 Annual VIS40T 32 Thompson ol Uack to lh* Futuia" 33 Nip and tuck? 3$ Uongkut • kingdom 30 Scrutf 37 Munica 34 Watch •««y panny 41 Aiafat t o»g 42 t *• a bump on — 43 f ma> ganry cai®u transport malhodt 44 sr» counlai part 49 Slcky stuff 50 liavt fountain loti 51 Bat!, oi lull (vaiaga 52 Ramnant 53 Command to I do DOWN 1 43. on Ilia phono 2 F tautkan contain 3 Diseni dam a 4 Low pints 5 Saalha 9 Vacation ■ng 7 Ba caraful 9 Awful pan manthp 9 Rainbow 10 Nitwit 11 Faim Solution tin* 24 mmi 16 Top 20 B**' 21 5l#»ti ol 22 Avm 23 Gtmnd 24 Rot) th« wrong way 26 Wh#t fO*n p#*vont) 27 Would to you?* 28 Tropta Uon 28 l fttf« W* 31Ou*hog 34 Bftfftor 35 Vdor't duo 37 Com 38 Un changed 38 Of aftMd 40 RcX4« ol anoOw cofcw? 41 Jo&tto 44 Charged b4 45 Suitable 46 1 a Ui lead >n 47 Pul into word* Thursday » An*war 7-4