Webber ends up with NBA’s Golden State AUBURN HILLS, Mi< h CAP) — Orlan do helped Golden Sioti' get toller end tougher In return, the Magic received the perfei t t omplemmit to Shaquiile O'Neal and a chance to lx* one of the superteams of the future Orlando made Chris Webber. Michi gan's Ci-foot-9 forward, the first player chosen in the NBA draft Wednesday night And after the Warriors look Mem phis State do-it-nll guard Anfernee Hard away two pic ks later, the teams swapped the players In I tel ween, Philadelphia filled its tall order with 7-fi Shawn Bradley Golden State, desperate to add rebounding and defensive help to a small, potent lineup, threw in three first round draft c hoic.es. with the first to hi* exert ised no earlier than I'l'lti It was the first draft-day deal ever involving the league's No 1 pic k and the first time the top c hoice has been dealt at all since Cleveland at quired the pic k from Philadelphia in 198f> "These are boih great players. We would let happy wtlh either one." said Dick DeVoss. Orlando's director of play er personnel. “Bui when you put one together with three other players, that's a fantastic value We just insured our future.*' Webber and Hardaway both wanted to play for the Magn "Nothing against Golden State, but I'm looking forward to playing with Shatj," said Hardaway, a fine passer and outside shooter who ran play point guard, shoot ing guard and small forward "I think we re going to l>e a dominating team. Me and Shaq will play well together We really complement each other." Webtrer appeared t learlv disappointed when first told about the trade Hu! it didn't take long for him to get philosoph ical "Maybe I wasn't the right thing for them," he said "This is still a great thrill, to lie the number one player in the draft Asked if he was upset, Webber said "This is (i dream come !roe Don't take away my dream come true.” As costly as the trade was (or Golden State, coach Don Nelson was thrilled “The beauty of the trade was that we didn't have to lose any players," he said, "We did have to give a lot. Three first round picks is a lot to give for anybody, but wo think it was well worth it "Tills has been in the works off and on for well over a month We continued to communicate on a daily Iwisis and it was culminated a few minutes before the draft began." The move also had financial repercus sions. especially for Orlando The Magic are going to struggle signing their draft picks as it is. Adding the No J choice for the second straight year might have boon impossible. O'Neal signed a seven-year, $40 mil lion contract after Orlando drafted him first last year. Christian Laettner, picked third l>\ Minnesota a year ago, signed a six-year, $21 f> million deal Wrestlers sue to compete DES MOINES. Iowa (API — Drake University wrestler*, charg ing discrimination, have sued the school, demanding reinstatement of their sport. The suit, filed Tuesday in U S. District Court in Des Moines, said wrestlers are being treated unfairly because they're being denied a chance to compete and obtain scholarships. Attorney Lawrence Marcucci. who is representing the wrestlers, said they are seeking no monetary damages, only reinstatement of a program the school dropped in March "Wrestling programs are caught in a v ic e between rising costs and Title IX." Marcucci said Wednesday. FOOTBALL Continued from Page 6 $.10 million net on a two-team playoff. $f»o million lor a four-team series and about $102 million fora playoff sys lain involving eight teams Many presidents are worried a playoff would < on flit i with their staled philosophy of de< reusing commercial isiri in athletic s "Nothing would be done unless that had been thor oughly discussed and it was coni luded by members of the commission that would not be the case." Voung said In other business, the commission voted to sponsor legislation at the January < on volition adopting several rei ommendalions In a spei oil cost cutting committee and issued a position paper lor a task fori e that is prepar ing possible legislation to increase funding for women's sports in pursuit of gender equity r There is no plan to put an action item on the agenda. On the other hand, there was no feeling that it's not something we ought to continue to examine, to take a look at UCLA chancellor Charles Young The presidents did not net on c ost-cutting < ommittee s rw niumondation to limit !A foot I in 11 partu ipation to 105 athletes, including walk-ons. Presently. IA schools can have HH players on scholarship and an unlimited num ber of walk-ons, something of groat importance to pro grams such ns Nebraska. The cost-cutting committee's recommendation to make 105 the maximum may l>e sponsored bv the NCAA Council, which meets later this month. "We expect the Council will probably bring forward legislation we can support." said Gregory O'Brien of New Orleans University, the commission chairman. Cost-cutting recommendations the commission will sponsor include: • reducing proseason practice for fall sports. • reducing proseason orientation for freshmen ath letes. • reducing recruiting contacts in football and basket ball. 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