EDITORIAL Increased rent result of budget shortfall On Sept. 1. University housing rents vvil! increase For students who live in family housing, rents will go up S20 to $40 a month Students in the dorms can expect a $221 jump for multiple rooms. $244 for doubles. So far, the plan has been received with varying amounts of outrage. At issue is not so much the rent increase, but how the University administration does its math. University housing is expor ted to pay for the cost of its operation, meaning rent is determined by what it costs to provide the service. Since the program is self-supporting and receives little in the way of general University ser vices, if the cost of those services go up. rents will — obvi ously — rise at oordingly, O. 'g because increased maintenance c osts and the liki are bumping up rents seems to have little value. A sad. i old fact of inflations is that as time goes by, things will iK> more expensive. Thai's tin* way it goes. Hut where University housing residents have a legitimate complaint is the seemingly arbitrary $300,000 assessment by the University for "administrative over head" — tho cost of pro viding the logistical and administrative support. The failure bv Uni versity ofl'ic ials to stMs i( ft’s not the principle of higher rents that's causing the problem; it’s not knowing specifically what you're paying for that raises backs. u .illv account tho costs ol those overhead serve os has started tho complaining. Housing residents feel they’re being charged for an ambiguous service It's not the prin ciple of higher rents that's causing the problem; it's not knowing specifically what you're paying for that raises backs. The obvious reaction to all the turmoil is: What did everybody expect f With tuition costs skyrocketing and Measure 5 wreak ing havoc on the state budget, no one can expect to escape the inevitable crunch. As long as the state remains ambiva lent toward higher ed funding, the costs of attending the University will go up. And up. And up. No University service is immune to this inflation. Park ing costs, health center costs, and yes. oven housing costs, will all have to increase to make up budget shortfalls. Live with it. folks. It isn't going to go away until the state higher education budget stabilizes. Complaining about rent increases attacks the periph ery. not the problem. The choico facing students is to either regard those fee increases with weary acceptance, or try and fix the machine that spawned the fiscal short falls: Oregon Daily Emerald P 0 0O» (uGCH€ OfttGC* the Oregon Rarty Emerald.» pubFWed dariy Monday through Friday dunog me kchoo ,ea< and Tuesday and Thursday during lh» summer by the Oagon Oa.iy Emerald Publishing Co Inc ar tne Umvervty of Oregon f ugsne Osgcm The E merest operates independently of ine Ucuvervly earn offices af Suae 300 of me Erb Memorial tJmon and n a member of me Associated Pres* Tne tme private property The unlawful removal or use or papers » prosecutable Editor: Pat Mae Photo Editor Anthony Forney Associate Editors: Fd Carson Mane Fisher Scol Clemens Night Editor: Martm Finner Oenaral Manager Judy Red Advertising Director Mark Walter Production Manager MicheM Ftoss Advertising: Frehme Fir* Jeremy Mason Van V O'Bryan II An^e Wnjherm Paine* Wong Claaamed Becky Merchant Atanagw Business: Kathy Carbone Scpervwor Production: Ingnd While Producrpn GoorOnm# Stacy kAtchori Jarwlor Roland Nnwoom .J4MS1I MMna OWe* -«*•»** Display Advancing. MA-1712 ClmKU Advertising MMM •'iWtfS.MowDoKTwc PfeiiDW Ha 6 W£ WWi * HMJF- 9R31UEC ? Wsu.rrs * M»a C*mc£ Of fVe 6w,nriiNoB»G«*L lfM»sFPENSTD Wfc M-i -me n^t' w>Ww*f?. \ i>Dwe*K WK CUNTON fULi. x Ou. To Mis Ntw eKbTuoc r'oiweR OOY ' y«s me Sfctfs.' Mcy. 6f?o -1 Like yoof? styu wcvrgan' l pufAP THE fua 8toTM6K MD GET y>J M=fD»MTED flRST 0HomER7''^ *.y! « OPINION Tuition due? Form a student group ho other das I woke up with thi* need to feel JL empowered (also woko up brukc* Kent’s coining duu. Visa is doing nasty things to my < rodit rating and my auto insurance company has threatened to break my knet« aps If all that doesn't make you fool like a helpless peon getting pushed around by powerful, bloated entities, I don't know what would. So. given that. I've decided to gain some healthful empower ment and perhaps make a few bucks on the side. The logical solution, of course, is to create my own student group When the idea came to me, 1 was floored (literally I wasn't stunned, I was actually lytng on the floor at the time) "What a simple, cost -effective way for me to pay rent." I thought to myself, as thinking to someone else usu ally doesn’t work too well. Fact is, everyone else is doing it The University society is now polarized, fractionalized, sin ed. diced and divided into a myri ad ol special interest, cultural and ethnic groups These groups were created because someone, some where felt they weren't ade cpiatelv represented by an exist ing group There just isn't a student group on campus that I feel adequately represents me: a column-writing, beer-drinking, golf-playing, sin gle WASP straight male baseball fan. Science Fiction Reading Croup? Nope. American Market ing Association? Un-huh. Stu dents for Creative Anachronism? Forget ii It’s not that I don't feel these groups are worthy, they |ust aren't for me The 1FC. doled out S-t t> million last year (students coughed up $!(#> (ier term) to var ious groups around campus Since I've been at the University since furry lizards walked the earth. 1 figure I've contributed about SI 2 billion in student fees, very little of which I've gotten bai k in the form of ai tivitios or activism As in a lot of things, greed over whelmed md. If everyone else is gotvhhng pork, I might as well bel ly tip to the slop trough, too. I don't tiegrudge existing stu dent groups their money In fact, I encourage it Given their exis tence, the ASUO and IFC will lie hard pressed not to recognize my group Therefore, given my under-rep resentation and the declining state of my bank account. I here by formally create the I Want to Suck Up Student Funds Too Fnipowerment Group and Social Club, or IWSUSFTKGSC for short. Tah-dah Why that name you ask? Because it accurately describes my group, sounds really cool, and I want to see the Emerald write the name out in a news lead Creating a group and getting money out of the IF'C is remark ably easy It can be accom plished in a few short steps 1. Write a lot of press releas es. Follow ing the example of other student groups. I plan to unload on the Emerald enough trivial press releases to wallpa per the FIMU. ("The director belched' Quick, somebody alert the media!'') 2. Create group bylaws. That's the easy part The All Grand Master Poobah (me) has complete control over the group's finances, fundraising and activities, and is appointed for life or until he graduates college, whichever comes first IWSUSFTEGSC members have ttosat in anything 3. l)o some ridiculous things to draw attention to your group. 1 plan to hold weekly meetings at Rennie's during happy hour And maybe I'll picket something What. I don't know, but it seems to work for everyone else. 4. Apply lo the Iff for fund ing. Simple, yet tru ky. During your hearing, you have to pre sent your case in a firm yet gen tle way Examples of your group’s activities are vitally important. I foresee my IFC hearing going something like this: IFC CHAIRMAN: So. Mr Peters, your group's sole pur pose for existence is to get stu dent funds ME; That’s correct. CHAIR: And your members have absolutely no say in group activities7 ME: You got it. CHAIR Mr. Peters, I don't see how we can fund IWSUS FTEGSC. ME: Long live the glorious worker's revolution. CHAIR (handing me a brief case full of cash) Take all you need, pal See how easy that is? My first group meeting will l>e at Rennie's today at 5 p in. I’ll l»o the one on the sun duck wearing the Angels hat Please be prompt I'm not doing this because I'm greedy. Heck. I think every one should gel in on the action. I encourage everybody to trot on down to the ASUO and form their own student groups. Get as much as you can while you can. Don Peters is a columnist for the Emerald 7WE SUP6AFW0 PROUitM IS IN TROUBLE BECAUSE 7UI £PA IS HAUIN* TROUBLE fl£Cov€C'MG CliAwuP COSTS fQOM RESPONSIBLE i POLLUTERS. J RtSPCfeKiBlfc POUOTiRS? _lo -v* Tka ~MxU»c«tevm V Jv 7W* MKXnr4«0MiC tktMrU