Oregon Daily TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1993 University housing rents increased for next year j University charges housing department $300,000 assessment By Martin Fisher Oregon Daily f merak1 Students living in University housing will be paving more for rent beginning Sept. I The increased rents are due to rou tine maintenance costs, sup porting n new family housing site at lHtli Street and Agate Avenue and a controversial $300,000 administrative fee being assessed bv the Universi ty. Rents at the Westmoreland housing complex will in* rease $25 per month, rents at the Amazon complex will rise $20 per month and East C ampus rents w ill increase as much ns $40 per month Kents for resident halls will increase for multiple rooms from $ 1.220 per year to $3,550, while single room rates will go from $4,101 to $4,435. However, the increase is not setting well with many tenants, particularly those in family housing. Nancy Forrest of the Amazon Tenant’s Council and co-< hair woman of the Family Housing Hoard, said she believes stu dents living in University hous mg are being unfairly singled out to generate additional re\ emie for the University. "We're being taxed twice - because we live m housing.” she said "Our fees .ire already going up hei nu.se we re stu dents. and our tuition is already going up. Now. simply by the fac t we live in housing, we're being asked to subsidize the University Michael l ister. University housing direc tor, said, 1 don't like to charge my residents any more than I have to.” but said ho understands why the Uni versity is assessing his depart ment the S.tt)0.000 fee Although the housing depart inont is entirely self supporting and ret eives no money from Turn to RENT, Page 3 INCREASING HOUSING COSTS Ammh Mfliyi fMi fv J WW Ifl MitM) ' Wl IP I Source Unnumly l*ou%mg Department irxrc -T tei> 92 93 9394 MA2II 9? 93 93 94 WtSTMIfUm 9? 93 93 94 IAST CAMPUS MAIKfT Court disallows voting districts based on race J So-called minority majority districts may violate rights of white voters WASHINGTON (AH) Statu legisla tures may lie violating v\ bite voters rights In i renting congressional distrii ts that are (li*sigin*(l to give minorities an elei tornl majority, the Supreme Court ruled today I he T>--» decision revived a ( liallenge to a congressional redistricting plan for North Carolina that i rented two majoritv-black districts The challenged plan was drawn to satisfy a |ustii e Department objection to a previous plan the state Legislature drew. The decision could jeopardize action in other slates that recently created so-called majority-minority districts to comply with the Voting Kights A( t The court's Voting Rights Ait ruling < nine on a challenge by two white voters who contended that the North Carolina leg islature's M>‘12 redistrit ting plan amount ed to "racial gerrymandering The two contested congressional dis trii Is are among about two dozen new dis tricts across the nation with black or Hispanic majorities They were created under justice Department pressure fol lowing the t‘i‘«) census “Racial classifications of any sort pose the risk of lasting harm to our society,” Jus tice Sandra Day O'Connor wrote for the court "They reinforce the heiief, held by too many for too much of our history, that individuals should in? judged by the color of their skin " O'Connor said racial classifications in voting pose "particular dangers," adding. "Racial gerrymandering, even for reinedi til purposes demands i lose judic ial s< rut in v " Hut today's dis ision appeared to viv that such close scrutinv should lie applied hv courts when the districts drawn are so bizarre” they appear to bo "unexplainable on grounds other than rat e " O'Connor was joined bv Chief Justice Willmnt H Kehnquist aiul Justit es Antonin Scuba, Anthony M Kennedy andClarehcn Thomas lustit es Hyron R White, Harry A Black mun. John Paul Stevens and David II Sotder dissented. Based on the 1990 t ensus. North Car olirta increased its t ongressional delega tion, from 11 to 12 seats in the House Five white voters from Durham sued over the 1992 redistricting plan, contend ing that it amounted to unlawful "rai ml gerrymandering ” They noted that the new, worm-shaped 12th District stretches 160 miles from C.as tonia to Durham hugging the thin line of interstate H5. Fhe district is so narrow at one point that drivers in the northbound lanes of I BS are in the 12th District but drivers in the southbound lanes are in the Sixth "Today we hold only that (white voters) have stated a claim by alleging that the North Carolina Cam era I Assembly adopt ed a reapportionment scheme so irrational on its face that it can be understood only ns an effort to segregate voters into sepa rate voting districts because of their race," O'Connor wrote Today’s ruling made clear that such minority-majority districts must answer to claims that they violate the constitution ally protected equal-treatment rights of white voters Strip and wax 1_— Donny Patterson (left) and Barry Rager from the Eugene Police Cadet Post, try to lure customers to the cadet posts annual "nude'' car wash Although there is no actual nudity, the idea to hide behind signs was thought of several years ago to stand out from the plethora of other chanty car washes WEATHER Th« sun should tome out today after the morning clouds bum away Highs are expected to reach the mid-7(K Expect more clouds on Wednesday, but highs should still remain about 75. BYRON WHITE RETIRES WASHINGTON (AP) - Byron R While, the Supreme Court s hard-as nails senior justice, retired Monday saying "Then1 is no doubt I shall miss the court very much’ after 31 yean on the job. White read from a letter be had written his eight fellow justices as he took the bench to close out the court's 1992-93 term "This (Burt is a very small organization for the freight it carries, and its work is made possible only by the competent and dedicated service of those who work here." White quoted from his "Dear Colleagues" letter White. 76, had announced his intention to retire last March President Clinton has nominated Ruth Bader Cmsburg. a federal appellate |udge. to replace White. His gravelly voice seemed to break when White concluded. "The court is a great institution, and I wish it well. It has been good to me. SPORTS ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) - Texas Rangers outfielder lose Canseco received a sei ond mediial opinion that confirmed the (.tub's diagnosis - a complete ligament tear in his right elbow that will require surgery Canseco’s elbow was examined Monday by Dr Frank lobe in Inglewood. Calif, dub ofTu lals said The tear is in the ulnar collateral ligament Jobe has recommended surgery, which would end Canseco s season but have him back in time for spring training next year. He is batting 255 with 10 home runs and Sfi RBIs in 60 games