Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 24, 1993, Page 3, Image 3

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    Kool-Aid targeted for boycott
Summer science fun
offered at WISTEC
By Martin Flaher
Oregon Da:>y Emerald
The Willamette Science and Tec hnology Center is offering .1
serins of short classes for children axes 5 to 12. beginning lone
28 and running through Aug. 20.
Classes ant offered in three age categories. 5-8. 7-9 and 10
12. And while the 5-fi*y ear-old camp is already full, most of
the other classes, which will present various scientific con
cepts at easy to understand levels, remain open.
From July 5-9. 7-9-year-olds can take Terrific Trees, where
they will learn about trees, their differences and their uses
Students will adopt a tree and make edible leaves
From July 12-16. they can study Nature s Power, learning
about what causes severe weather such as lightning, hurri
canes and tornadoes. They'll also experiment with volcanoes
and create an earthquake.
Students will learn about local flora and fauna from July 19
25. in the In Our Neighborhood Local Plants and Animals
class. Students will keep a nature diarv as they explore Alton
Baker Park and the grounds surrounding VVISTFC.
Young astronauts can take a Journey Through the Solar Sys
tem. Aug 9-13. Students will discover what it would tie like
to live on Mars, as well as exploring other planets, the sun and
the moon. The i lass will finish with a star parts at VVISTFC
Another set of classes is offered for 10-12-vear-olds From
June 28 through July 2, students can learn Why Things Work
by studying machines and their components.
Students will learn how bones and skeletons mirror the
environment in Skullduggery, from July 5-9. Students will
assemble a mammal skull for their personal collection.
From July 19-23. students can blast off with Basic Rocketry,
where they will learn how and why rockets fly. They will
build and launch model rockets using compressed air. expand
ing gasses and chemical fuels.
Students can follow up with Advanced Rocketry, front July
26-30. They will build a Hawkeye rocket and learn how to cal
culate its launched altitude and velocity. They'll also design
their own rockets. Both the beginning and advanced rocketry
classes require an additional $5 fee for the purchase of model
rockets and engines.
From Aug 9-13. students can splash through Ponds and
Wetlands, exploring the ecological controversies that surround
our use of area wetlands.
All classes cost $35 for W1STEC members. $50 for non
members. For more information, contact W1STFX at 4H3
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Express Yourself!
Lmnmiymnmit District
By Ed Carson
Oegoe fWv Imetaki
The Orison Slate Public Inter
est Research Group announced
Wednesday that it is launching a
boycott against Kool-Aid Kool
Bursts for utilizing wasteful
pac Paging
"Gonsumars are outraged at
the excessive, wasteful pac kag
ing of Kool-Aid KoolBursts."
said Lauri Aunan of OSPIRG
Kool-Aid KoolBursts are pro
mixed Kool-Aid in plastic: bot
tles that are sold in six-pat.ks in
a c ardhoard box and covered
with shrink-wrapped plastic
Ac c ording to OSPIRG. Kool
Bursls cost between five to JO
times more than Kool-Aid pac k
ets, provide one-third lews drink,
and c rente 50 times more waste
“It's n big c onsumer ripoff that
gouges their poc ketbooks and
creates tnciri> waste,'' Aunan
OSPIRG c hose to target Kool
Bursts bee ause it believes the
pac kaging is espec ially detri
mental to the env ironment
"This w as the most egregious
example of wasteful pac kaging
we c mild find," said Maureen
Kirk. OSPIRG c ampaign direc -
In October national
environmental groups gave
KooIBursts a WasleMaker
Award for wasteful put kaging
OSPIRG is joining a boycott
begun in March by the Massa
chusetts Publh Interest
Research Group Boycott orga
nizers hope to reach 100,000
people by the end of the sum
mer and is urging them to boy
cott KooIBursts and express
their concerns to Philip Morris
Companies, producer of Kool
Bursts. via Phillip Morris's toll
Laurl Aunan of the Oregon State Public Interest Research Group holds
up a packet of Kool-Ald and new Kool-Ald KoolBursts to demonstrate
the difference In packaging. OSPIRG claims the KoolBursts packag
ing Is wasteful and will harm the environment
free number or OSl’IR(«'s post
(aril write-in i ampaign
Organizers are demanding
that Philip Morris remove kool
hursts in their present pai Pag
ing from store shelves, change
its overall npproai h to par kag
ing, ami stop spentling money to
defeat environmental legisla
According to OSPIRC. Philip
Morris is the world’s largest sell
er of pm ked goods and was the
largest corporate contributor
again*) the Oregon Kci yr.ling
Initiative in 1000. contributing
OSl'IKt. representative Steve
Oardner said another reason he
is opposed to kooIHursts is
because it is "aimed at chil
dren." OSI’lRt. s own fai t sheet
states that "Kool-Ald has been
u favorite kids' drink for years "
The boycott is the current fcsus
of OSl’IRCTs Plastics Watch (Cam
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