Oregon Daily Emerald Sports - Top players advance to next round at Wimbledon WIMBLEDON. England (AP) — Fans gasped at the revival of Pete Sampras' J 20 ntpn act’s anti went gaga over Andre Agassi's shaven torso on a day of tennis and titiilalion at Wimbledon. And to everyone’s relief, no one shout ed anything cruel again at Steffi Craf The sun shone improbably for a third straight day Wednesday ns the top seeds sailed unperturbed Into the third round Craf. the women's No 1 and four-time champion, Iteal Clare Wood (i-2. ft-1 Cer man compatriot Boris Bet ker, the three time c hampion and No -t seed, downed Alexander Volkov 7-B (7-.1). fi-1,6-3 And No t> Michael Stic h. the 1‘t'tl < hnrnpion. bent Sondon Stolle 4-fi. t> 1. 7-*>. fi-4 Yet nothing was more stunning than the power Sampras showed in his quit k recovery from a shoulder injury, and nothing excited the crowd more than Agassi posing unabashedly to reveal Ins newly sheared i host and belly during his victory. Sampras, the No I seed, served 17 at ex with a lop speed of 122 mph in (mating a tough grass-t ourt player, |amie Morgan of Australia. l>-4. 7-ti (7-r»). f>-4 "I wasn’t apprehensive today." Sam pras said after his second matt h in two days without any pain in the tendon that had flared up Inst week and threatened to keep him from playing Wimbledon. "I wasn't to really hit it at 120 miles per hour 1 felt 1O0 perron! fit and strong and fell that I may as well go for it As it turned out, I served much _ bolter today than I did yesterday. "I malty don't think it's a problem anymore I didn't feel it at nil. and even more importantly, in my mind I feel there's no problem at all ” .Sampras had been granted a delay of his first-round matt h until Tuesday, and he started off the tournament restraining his serve, going more for plat ement than power Me expet ted to have Wednesday off to rest his shoulder but didn't let the lini k-to-lwii k mai< hes bother him. Kvon whmi hi was in . danger of dropping a set. trailing !>-4 with Morgan ready to servo twice in the si*< ond-set tiebreaker. Sam pras seemed entirely at ease Morgan, who recently heat Stefan Kdberg on grass in a tunewp tournament. flubbed his first serve softly into the net -Sampras jumped on the short next one to drive n fmi khand perfectly down the line for n winner Sampras made it B-5 with n low backhand I Hire I v over This Is the biggest tournament In the world. If you ask 90 percent of the players on the tour they will say Wimbledon is the one tournament they would like to win, and I'm one of those people Pete Sampras (he net cord that Morgan scooped up on a half-vol ley and knocked hack into the net Sampras then ended the set with a service winner that ticked off Morgan's out stretched racket In those three points, and ill the set th.it fol lowed. Sampras showed not only Ins health hut Ins in< reusing confidence on grass as he seeks to improve on a semifinal finish last year — his best at Wimbledon. This was only his third match on Centre Court in five years, and he reveled in the experience "Centre Court, out of all the Grand Slams, is the most enjoyable and peat vful," he said. "Behind the court it's dark, so you ran pick up the ball real ly easily. It's really a great c ourt to play on. I feel my grass-c ourt tennis is getting butler "This is the biggest tournament in the world If you ask 00 percent of the play ers on the tour they will say Wimbledon is the one tournament they would like to win, and I'm one of those people." The key to him winning, ho said, is less in his serves than in his returns He'll get his ares if he's healthy, but he'll have to improve on his ability to handle the low, hard, skidding serves of the top grass court players. "Look at the past champions," he said. Agassi won it last year. His return of serve is the (rest in the game, and that's a good example of how important the return of serve is I didn't lose my serve at all today, but could have lost the second set tiebreaker. The return of serve, if I am going to win it here, that's the shot." Agassi displayed that same return-of sorve prowess — and more — in his 5-7, fi-3, 6-2. 6-0 victory over Joao Cunha-Sil va. At the end of the second set. Agassi pulled off his shirt, exposing a newly shorn midsection almost as smooth as Cher's. The women in the crowd whooped loudly and Agassi hammed it up by raising his arms and turning around to model for them. Jordan picks up third straight NBA Finals MVP award CHICAGO (AP) — A gracious but tired Michael Jordan received his third consecutive trophy and new cor for being the most valuable player in the NBA Finals and said Wednesday he was looking forward to a sum mer without basketball. "I tune o great feeling that it's over with," said Iordan, who averaged an NBA Finals ret ord ■tl points over sis games in lead ing the Chicago Bulls to their third straight championship "It's very relieving that 1 t an get up and not think haskeilvdl." he said at a news conference where the award was presented Iordan was mimed the MVP after Sunday's clinching win over the Phoenix Suns Iordan is the first player over to win three straight NBA Finals MVP awards and only the sec ond player to win three in a career Magic Johnson won fhe honor in imho. iiih2 and l*iH7 with the l-os Angeles lakers. Iordan said mental fatigue bothered him this season, whir h followed his plnv with the gold medal winning U S. Olympic, basketball team last summer That effort came shortly after the Bulls' 1*1112 NBA victory "I fee I without the Olympic s. I've got on adequate time to get away from the game." Iordan said With their 99-98 win Sunday, the Hulls became the first team in 27 years to win the NBA title three straight seasons. Jordan said Wednesday he had expected the pressure to lessen after the team's second championship, in 1992. fiut the pressure "was even greater than 1 ever expected It was a tough season " "1 must thank my family — my wife and my kids for dealing with me for eight straight months of frustration, ups and downs, whatever — the Chicago Hulls ... the coaching staff, my teammates, everybody," Jordan said. He also thanked fans and the city of Chicago. The playoff prussure was compounded by an uproar over reports of Jordan's gambling habits, some observers suggest ed that Jordan. 30, wasn't enjoy ing the game anymore Hut the nine-year NBA veter an said he still expects to find fulfillment on the court. "Basketball is my medicine, is my psychiatrist," he said. "It helps mo solve a lot of problems that 1 may have away from the game. And I think that's one of the blessings that 1 feel that I've been blessed with.” For Jordan's efforts in this year's finals, where he also aver uged 8.5 rebounds and 6.3 assists per game, he received a large trophy and keys to a 1993 Fugle Vision TSi automobile from the Chrysler (iorp. "Now I've got so many cars I don't know what to do with them,'' he said, jokingly. "But I'm never going to turn them down when they're free." He received cars for each of the past awards 105 personals Alison Had • graal tuna In l.A. WeaPy our trmodaMp Kiwy *\ to»ct>. CM 115 TYPING SERVICES NEED EDITING ON YOUR TYPING PROJECTS? CALL US! Su«m*< isisto gam by to* snd I you donl hmm Wn» »o fyp* P*rfnc* P«P^« Mi un do tfto norti to* you* IdM• Wftdnf *t**mmm • Typing ai dyn* **d nut**** PftJEdn 343-2747 -OuatanHad tin* f taa Pm)aaa' M447W. MO«M a OAAO SCHOOL ipanovio ?0 raar »»»•*'<*» i>«» (round T #rm papa«*f u> raauma MX xm EcMmfl laxrpr Off CAMPUS! 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