‘Workfare’ accord goes to vote SALEM (API Nearly three vearx after Oregon vot ers passed a "workfare" pro gram. it lias gone nowhere But that t otild < hange if law makers buy a heavily rev ised version of the pilot program, which is aimed at replacing welfare witli work On the day after the 1990 general ele< (ion. Gm Barbara Roberts tle< la red Measure 7 "dead on arrival" even though it had passed with 58 pen out of the vote However. Roberts and sponsors of the workfare proposal now have rent bed no ord on a reworked version, which is on its wav to the full House (or a vote. The measure in its original form would have sus pended all welfare, food stamp and unemployment benefits in the sis pi lot counties when- the program would have a trial run. Employers volunteering to hire the former pub lic assistance recipients would not hav e had to pay more than 90 pert ent of minimum wage Money front the suspended government programs would be shifted into a fund to pay the w ages Proponents sa\ the plan is intended to get peo ple off welfare and put them into job training that involves actual work for employers But Roberts and other Measure 7 opponents said it was too drastic in its effet ts on people dependent on government aid And they argued that federal officials never would grant rule waivers needed to allow the project to go ahead Welfare, food stamps and unemployment are mostly federally financ ed. so states have to seek exceptions to rules il they wont to make major changes in a program The new bill is a major overhaul of Measure 7 and addresses "fundamental deficits" in the voter-passed version, says Kevin Concannon, director of the state Department of Human Resources. Among the flaws in the original measure, lie said, was that it would have cut off some assistant e as health insurance to people who would have ended up with fewer overall benefits even though Ihi’v went to work The revised measure i ontinues Mod it -lid anti child t an* jwyments for people who got jobs tinth'r the program They also would have to !«• paid .it least the stale minimum wage, now S-i 75 an hour 'it’s a more humane program and I think a l*e!ter idea of what the voters wanted." Com an non said lie said the state also plans to seek federal per mission to allow d to pass along all t hild support it ret overs for parents on welfare f ederal regulations allow just 550 a month of amounts recovered to go to parents The rest offsets welfare aid and i osts of the rei overs prograin Roberts supports the new plan Iks ause it lietter recognizes needs of people who would go into the program, said Kerrs Barnett, the governor's legal counsel. "Measure 7 was punitive Harnett said "Under the original program, a mother faced losing welfare if she did not take a stihmmimiini wage jolt It was giving her a i hoice between two impossihle alter natives " The effort that put the measure on the ballot hs initiative petition svas led In e\e< utives of (eld Wen. a Klamath falls based wood products i one pons "We think the bill is maintaining the basil prim ciples of Measure ’ said Bill farts a senior vii e president based at the iiimpanv's Vancouver. Wash plant "Our real e\t itemeiit mnv . to see it imple intuited." he said "We tfiink this has the poten tial to change the whole approach to reforming welfare " The revised plan still has detr.u tors in the l eg islature Some s.n business would fare too well under the bill. IIB24.V1. hs getting free help without paving anything. "I do not oppose employer incentives to hire people hut lor the slate to pay the full load is a question." said Rep Dave Mi.Teague. I) Mil waukee who voted again.st the measure in a House committee Three charged in Diet Pepsi incident PORTLAND (AP) — Three Oregon residents who claimed to have found syringes in Pepsi tans were charged Monday with mak ing false statements According to court documents, two of those charged said their claims were made as jokes. The third person admitted he too was lying when he made the claim Cheri Bishop, 22. of Hillsboro; James Robison. 19, Portland, and John VVaudbv. 21. Portland, are to appear before ll.S Magistrate John Jelderks Tuesday If con victed. they face a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Court documents showed Bishop said she made the claim as a joke on her husband and that Waudby also said his claim was a joke Robison also admit ted to lying, court documents said. More than 50 cases of alleged tampering with Pepsi or Diet Pepsi cans had been reported as of last week As of Friday, there had been more than a dozen arrests or confessions of false reports Bishop said m an interview last Wednesday that she had noticed two syringes in the bottom of a glass of Pepsi her husband had poured for her. "It's really sad to think, about the sk k people in sim lety nowa clays.” she said at tlie time U S Attorney Jac k Wong said mu h false c laims are no laughing matter. "You're scaring the public It's c ertainly disruptive to line soc i ety." he said. " There's a tremen dous ec onomic cost to Pepsi and to the federal government We have to go out and investigate all of them bee ause they could he potentially serious." ALL DAY TUESDAY s p A G H E T T I r ALL • YOU CAN EAT EVERY TUES! » includes Garlic Bread 11:30 am-10 pm $095 pizza ?iTE& ITALIAN KITCHEN 2673 Willamette • 484-0996 Win Eugene Em’s Tickets Drawings Weekly MR. 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