Campus radio looking for voices to fill the airwaves By Ed Carson ()r&Q0fl f tally (tt***(*Hl Tin? sun is shining. m hool is out. so thorn's no better time than now to tm cooped u|> lit a ton oflii e without windows Now thnt rumpus radio. KWVA MH t I M. is finally on tie .nr. thnn? an? a number ot posi linns open for students interest ed in radio broadcasting KWVA is looking for ^0 dis« pa keys and three formal direr tors Of course, ii student can’t walk in on Monday and expect to go on the uir Tuesday Becom ing a disc |ot key is hard work, and no one is guaranteed air time "Not everyone is made to In on the air, said KWVA Fro grnmoiing Dm* tor |on Thomas Interested students must attend weekly 1 )| meetings every Tuesday night nt 7. Froxjieetive l))s have to he trained how to use tin- equipment They must sit in on other l)|s' shoves and prodm e a demo t.ipe lieforr they i an go on the air If and when ney\ D)s are judged ready , they .ire put in the late night slum from midnight ‘I want to be in broadcasting. This is definitely a step toward a career.' Chandra Foote, KY/VA n! gc’W.t rvir-.iQtV to l nnt I)|s .it KVVVA sov oil tin* fflort is definitely worthwhile The S< reamer." I)f for the heav y met .il show every Wednesday from H to i2 p.m . said lie "wouldn’t trade lieirtg a D| for anything in the world — ext ept lor may lie a |oh at a ret ord company format directors don’t sit behind the microphone, but they do dec ide whic h songs w ill In- played They specialise in a parlic ular style of music. such as rap or hard roc k. and are sup posed to Ih> the foremost author ities in that genre When new compact disks arrive at the radio station, they are given to the appropriate for mal director The" director reviews the (ills and titles each song. The beat trm ks go on the A list Because l)|s are required to play a minimum number oi "A" songs the format three lots have a lug influence on what is played KVVVA Mush. Direr lor Strive Woodward, who supervises the formal (firm tors. says students should have a good working knowledge of the style of muse they're applying for KWVA needs students who are well versed in K \ H. New Age or Jazz. Students who apply during the summer will have a three month advantage over others who apply in the fall. Thomas saul Working at a c ollege radio sta tion can also provide hands-on c-spcneiic e for a futnre c areer in ! jcflo !i!i cade .1st Ml),f "I want to t>e in hroudr asting. I his is definitely a step toward a, said KWVA Assistant General Manager (Trandra I oo(e. who also does the morn ing show weekdays from 7 to 10 p in Opticolor Film 13M4-100ASA 1S9 One Day 4* Reprints 29C" Taes 1-Hr Photo 2* Set 4’ Prints m Weds Overnight 2nd Set 3* Prints I 99% I Than Opticolor Film 135/24* 10OASA 199 UNIVERSITY OF OIECON A PARTNER "TnTo u r I nut ATI ON 342 rr» ’ s-gKiS* 0°UeR' ctra*&errV' °Sfe. iw “ “ *1 Pto**^’*' *2,.a.99 ^SSoS^**0*!^*5 tOO\ ♦i.S* ” A 8b ^35 R«Q OIM«,v --SSSai 'he KIVA V 125 w. 11th Avenue 8666 RIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? OfTcring a ride? Rule Share brings together people needing and offering rides any where in Oregon or throughout the country, lor more information call 345-7600. The Copy Shop Open Mon-Fri 8-7 Sat 10-4 Betmien PMunxin & Petty WyWji 13m 485-6253 99 ! FAMOUS I STAR* I HAMBURGER rmrru th»* I toupurv 4 receive a Famuut *>ur If Limburprr tor only I (cheese extra) l unit * with coupon I Not valid with other oHm F xptres 4/10/93 Broadway and Hjhrard Puerto Dy M«de»u Tomeofca KWVA General Manager (and punk music director) A lyssa Jensen is looking for more OJs to take the controls of the new FM station. i—iihwhmh inarm "i--n '"ffigsag,, -i