EMU CRAFT CENTER NOW REGISTERING FOR SUMMER WORKSHOPS General Information I !u- i Ml l ull ( enter is a comprehensive \iis Program offering well e<|uip|X‘U t.u ilttics and workshops in most areas of the Vimi.iI Arts 11 u- program is both edueation.il ami recreational, encouraging all levels of interest, from lx*gtnnng hob bust tti serious artist It you have an interest in an or a laconic hobby, the I Ml ( raft ( enter at tin I niversity ol < )regon is lor you 'i ( hi II find us m the l ib Memorial ft lion I At h and I niversity. last wing, lower level For more info call Vlb-i/Wd Membership Information \ ( rail < enter ntcmlxrship entitles you lo live tlu- I at iltties and tools in the ( rah ( enter lor the term Memlx*rship is always available to the entire l O community and I <) alumni The general public may purchase a ( tall Center memlxTship with enrollment in a Craft Center workshop 1 < 1st mg >|S or more Day use p.isses are available lor current t o students, faculty stall ami alumni Memlx-rships an- valid for the term in w hich they are pun based and are not refundable Workshops using the ( rail Center facilities and equipment require a memlx rship and are indicated in the class listings Membership Fees/Term S S to students anti spouses s|() I O faculty, stall and s|xmses SIS t'O alumni ^IS (ieneral public. with enrollment in ( raft Center workshop of SIS or more (It you camel a workshop, your general public tnemlx*rship "ill be refunded ) Day Use Fees s I |x*r day l <) students sj per day I O faculty and stall s S |kt cla\ l () alumni Summer Hours Moil-Vied Thursday Friday sat Sun July 6 l(MXM>3< )pm 10:00 uoopm lo (M) i ISpm Clc >sc cl (J< ised Supplies For Sale • Hike cablev Ix-arings, patches, lire kits • Ceramic tool kits, stoneware, porcelain • l ilxT dyes, silk, silkscreens. and T-shirts • (.lass cutters, copper toil, ami solder • Copper, silver, saw blades, and findings • B&W photo chemicals, paper and film • Wood, dowels, fasteners and plywtxxl Tbe University' of Oregon is an equal <)f^M>rtu n ity/affinnattt e action employer Stijdio Facilities I Ml ( rail (rnlcf facilities iru lude • < i f.mins area with high tin- capabilitcs • Photo da rkuroms equipjxd lor IkWV or color printing • Icvvclo lab with casting and fabrication equipment • < < unpick- w i m kKIii >p • facilities l<>r silk screen and tabm du-tng • stained glass. fused glass, lapidarx tools • Bike repair tools • Sewing weaxing. and hlx-t studio • Hand tools lot woodworking • Hooks and periodicals for meinlx r use • Storage linkers for mcinlxTs Small s I ~s. Luge S2 JS jx-r term • Hand tool rentals for I <) students Refund Policy • Workshops art* loo refundable 96 hours < i days) prior to the first class meeting, but non refundable thereaher • Workshops which do not meet the minimum enrollment will Ik- cancelled on or Ix'fotv the first class meeting • It the draft t enter cancels a workshop, fees will Ik- fully refuitck-d-your option to retain yout l () memlK-rship • l <) mrmlx-rships are mmrefundable if you cancel a class, although community memberships will Ik- refunded • $S Specials are not refundable Registration Registration is on a first tome, first-served basis until classes lx*gin or are filled farlv registration is strongly recommended W orkshop registration r an Ik- done in [x rson or by mail and must lx- accompa nied with lull payment Members of the rO community purchasing memlx*rships w ill lx* required to present University I D R E C I S T E R • T O D A Y I WORKSHOP REGISTRATION • SUMMER 1993 MAIL-IN REGISTRATION ONLY Name Address City State Zip Phone Evening WORKSHOP PLU NUMBER FEE $ MEMBERSHIP NUMBER UO Student / Spouse - $5.00 Faculty / Staff / Spouse - $10.00 All Others-$15.00 $ TOTAL FEES * Mail-in registrations are confirmed by mail if a stamped, sett-addressed | envelope is provided or by pnone-please include a daytime phone Art for Teachers wth l laiua Jamieson How can we rekindle anil utilize creative energx in tin* i iassruom? How can your creative energy motivate creative learn ing'' Hie ( raft ( enter is offering a one week intensive class tor teachers to expand visual awareness anil creativity l acli i lass w ill include a short lecture, a Kish ilrawing lesson, and studio work in a speiilu art medium, individual explo ration will lx- encouraged to promote confidence in your ability to use an in the classroom One credit is available from Art I ducaiion with an additional tuition charge ( all the Craft Center at VMV-4361 Mail-in Registration University I I) required lor .ill UO nieinlxTships Mail-in registrations are eon tinned by mail il a self-addressee!, stamped envedojx? is provided or by phone-plea.se include daytime* phone* number. send mail-in registration to : I Ml Craft (enter I inversus ol ()regon Kugene. OH 9?*t03 I I Refund Policy • Workshops are KXr« re fundable 96 hours (4 days) poor to the first meeting, but non-refundabte thereafter • If the Craft Center cancels a workshop, tees wi be tuty refunded your option to re taw you UO membership • Membersfkps are not re fundable if you cancel class • $5 Specials are not re fundable Mail registrations to: EMU Craft Center University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403