Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 22, 1993, supplement, Page 2B and 3B, Image 14

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Beginning Woodworking
Dean Lainoreux • Pal Grrenwcll
Materialize your ideas in iIk- wikkI shop < reate
.t profeil while learning ixmcr tool use- and
safet> Instruction will iover pr> >|eil ilesign,
wood properties, hand and power trxil use and
(otnery Allow for extra shop time and <ost of
vfHir projeit 21 “hours <>f inMmetion (rail
( enter metnlxTship required
Two sessions ottered
1 luesdays. June 29 Aug 10
600-9 00 pm »f SiS
Instructor Lirnoorcux
2 Wednesdays, June 2A Aug i
6 00 900 pm *2 StA
Instnn tor (ireenwell
Light Table Making
Pal C ireenwell
Art hitecture and .irt majors spend two Saturdav s
nuking tlu- ultimate light table This design
mcorjvorales youi Mayline and Boren into a
shape that (its studio desks in Lawrence Hall
lin kable, ponable, and functional, this table is a
must tor your studio space Wood and screws
provided Students w ill need to puix lutse their
own glass, lights and Boren 9 hours of insmit
non Cralt ( 'enter membership required
Saturday. July 1™. lQ.30am SOU pm anti Saturdav
July 24, 10 (Oam 1 30prn *3 $.30
Whole Bike Health
Brad Mills • Stewart Gilbert
sirandeil by a broken bike' Never again’ learn to
overhaul I km ring sets, adjust gears and brakes,
and iruc your wheels By the end of 6 weeks
your bn At le will Ik- overhauled bring your
bn yt le to each c lass Allow $S lor replat eiiK-nt
Ix-arings IS hours of insiruction
Two sessions offered
1 Tuesdays, June 29-Aug 3 * t memlx-rs S3<>
0 00-8 30 pm *S non memlK-rs $40
Insmictor Mills
2 W tvlnesdays. June 30Aug i »<> memfvers $3<>
6:00-8 30 pm •" non memlK-rs $40
Instnmor thllK-n
Beginning Ceramics
Frank (jo»ar • Anthony Thlcr
'Hus workshop is everything you need (or .1
thorough grounding in ceramics Wheel throw -
ing, handlxnlding. and glu/tng techniques will lx*
covered. with iiuln idtuli/ed instnulion for
tx*ginners and those with previous experience
( |a\ 125 II.m and glazes provided 1H hours of
instnulion t raft center membership required
Two sessions offered
1 l uestlays, June 29-Aug 3
6:00 V tit) pm »H St2
Instructor (iosar
2 Thursdays, July 1 Aug 5
2 30-5 30 pm *9 S t 2
Instructor liner
Continuing Ceramics
Frank (xwar
1 or the adventurous spirit with previous clay
experience Ixpand your foundation skills and
(K-rsorul expression with t lav Inerease your
throwing and handbuilding skills, nuke s|xiial
i/ed tools, and refine your gla/ing techniques
( lay (2*> ll>s) and gla/es provided 18 hours of
instruction ( rah ('enter rnemlrership required
Wednesdays, June (o Aug t
2 30-5,50 pm *10 $i2
Handbiilding/Scijijpti ire
Frank Gosar
Fxplore your own imaginative process through
playing with clav learn ancient methods ol clay
construction coil building. slah Innlding, carv ing,
additive anti subtractive techniques ( lass
provides Isgti directed ami self-directed opportu
nines Clay <2S lbs) and gla/es provided IS
hours of instruction ( raft Center membership
Mondays, June 28 Aug 2 (No class ” si
6:00-9:00 pm *11 $.(8
Colored Porcelain
Peter Meyer
llandbuild beautiful cups and bowls with
colored porcelain We will use white, sludes of
gre\ anu a few accent colors Colored slips will
Ik- available Porcelain, mason stains and glazes
provided 12 hours of instruction Craft Outer
inemlxTsliip a*ouired
Wednesdays. July 7 28
6:00-9:00 pm *12 $>6
Rakij Firing
Frank (kwar
A sjxs ul, one time firing lor intermediate and
advanced students interested in experimenting
w ith raku techniques Bring A-6 pieces of
bisqued pottery or sculpture to glaze and tire in
this flamboyant process dazes and firing
prov ided 6 hours of instmction Craft Center
metiilx-rship required
Sunilay. July 2A
11:00am S (io ptn *1A Sis
summe r
Spinning and Dyeing
Jennifer Fane her
Explore the possibilities of yarn design while
creating your own handspun wool Start on the
drop spindle and move rapidly to the spinning
wheel. All phases of wool preparation will lx
covered and natural dyeing will lx- introduced.
Cost includes fleece 1H hours of instniction.
Craft Center memlxrrship required
Tuesday, July 6-Aug 10
6:00-9:00 pin *1-4 $40
Silk Painting
Shelley Socolofaky
Complete several projects while exploring
tei hiques of silk painting with dyes and pig
merits experiment with painting anil printing
styles using resists, antifusants, salts and alcohol,
and more traditional techniques of wet-on-wet.
layering anil stamping Color theory, mixing and
dyeing procedures will lx- investigated. Dyes,
resists and some silk will lx- provided 12 hours
of instruction Craft Center memlxrship required.
Tuesdays, July 6-2"’
1:00-4:00 pm *15 $.46
Gobelin Tapestry Weaving
Shelly Socolofsky
Examine the interpretive possibilities < »1 the finely
controlled medium of tajx-stry through the
traditional techniques of the Medieval f rench
(iotielin Weavers You will learn basil methods
of defining line and building shapes, color
blending techniques and the use of formal fades
and shades Individualized exeri ises w ill allow
the beginner and experienced ta|x-stry weaver to
refine their skills Students will have the opportu
nity to use a professional 8' Gobelin Style
Tapestry loom Frame looms will lx- available for
use or purchase- Waqr materials will lx- pro
vided IK hours of instruction
Tuesdays. July 6-Aug 10 »K> memlx-rs SVH
6:00-9:00 pm non memlx-rs Sri
Bead work
Kim Habun
You will learn traditional and contemporary
treading techniques, iru luding Peyote stitch,
Comanche weave. Luc stitch, and ltx>m heading
Individualized instruction and guidance will
enable you to design and create projects of your
choice, such as earrings, neck laces, pendants,
bracelets, anklets, and pouches All levels of
experience welconx* Cost includes a bead loom
m for you to keep, warp threads and needles
Hung $3 l to the first class to purchase1 beads 12
flours of instruction.
Two sessions offered
1 Wed , June 30-Aug i *lh members Ski
i 00-6:00 pm *19 non-memlxTS S3t
1 Wed., June 30-Aug t *20 rnetnlrers $30
ti 30-8:30 pm *21 non-members $3i
Intro to Jewelry Techniques
I .aura <«c ranis
This Ix'ginning level class will explore a variety
of techniques in which one or more protects will
lx1 complete*.I during class lime Fmphasis w ill
lx- on fabrication with some exploration ol
casting Demonstrations anil discussions include
cutting, filing, soldering, design, design transfer,
marriage of metals, findings, and cold counci
tions Some materials provided 21 hours of
instruction. Craft Center memlx-rship required
Wednesdays, June 23-Aug i
6:00-9 00 pm *22 $ »2
Fimo Ciay Jewelry
Kathy Hcmtian
fashion your own unique jewelry using colorful
FIMO clay in this class you will learn the
techniques of mixing colors, marbling milletion,
and incised design to create exciting and unique
IxmcLs and lewelry KIMt) finishing treatments,
jewelry construction anil design w ill lx- dis
cussed All materials provided 10 hours of
instruct ion
Wtxlrx'sdays, July 1» Aug I *23 nx-rnlxTs $2H
6 00 K 30pm *2 * non memlx-rs S31
Stained Glass
Mark Keefer
Create* your own lx-autiful stained glass window'
'Hun course will help you turn your ideas into
colorful works of art Design principles and the
toil wrap construction method will lx* taught
Beginning as well as experienced students are
welcome Tools and some materials provided
Allow a little extra money for glass 18 hours ol
instruction (raft Center membership required
Tuesdays, June 29-Aug 3
6:00-9:(X) pm »2*> $35
Intro to Glass Fusing
Mark Keefer
Rediscover the ancient IgyjHian artfonn of glass
fusing 11ns two-session class will cover primary
fusing techniques and allow students to create a
few small pieces ot jewelry Tools and glass
provided 5 hours of instruction
Tuesday, June 29 and July 6 »20 members $16
3 00-3 (0 pm *27 non mcmlx-rs $2t)
Flint Knapping
Craig Ratzat
An introduction to stone i«k>I working twh
niques Participants will k-.irn how to make
obsidian and flint tools, such as knives, axes, anil
arrow points using antler anti stone hammers
and Makers Haw materials and knapping tools
w ill lie provided 10 hours of instruction.
Tuesdays. June 29-Jul) 2" *2K iixmlx-rs $2H
(VSO-H.V) pm *20 non-memlxTs $,t2
Clockface Etching
Demetrius (kmrik'/
Need more tune' Spend an afternoon creating
your own clot k Participants will design and eti h
a x glass cltxk lace and assemble hat king,
hands, dock mechanism and etched lace into a
finished cltxk. Glass, quart/ cltxk mechanism,
anti hands provided An example ol a finished
dtxk is on display at the Craft Center i hours ol
11 Hirsttiy, |uly 22, S JO-OAO |xn *30 >2u
llaina Jamieson
Tills lust* drawing class will focus on the use ol
pencil .nut iiuno.il in drawing from observation
and imagination The use of various qualities of
line and value will l>e explored \ll materials
provided IS hours of instruction
Tuesdays. June 29-Aug V *C| members $29
6:00-8 30 pm *32 non memfxTs $33
Jennifer Fane her
|)o vou have an am lent quotation |iist waiting to
lx- presented in the I ncial style-' How .iIhiui vour
own modern prose io lx' rendered in Neuland. a
popular style from the 1030V Both funds are
easy to learn with a little work Elements of color
and design will lx* demonstrated All materials
provided 12 5 hours of mstruition
Wednesdays Inly Vug i *33 members $25
6:00-8 3<* pm * Vi non memlx-rs $20
llaina Jamieson
"Hus class will introduce the traditional methods
and char.Kteri.stns of waiercolor painting
Working from still life and lands* .qx- panici
pants will lx- encouraged to interpret their
observations Drawing experience is helpful, but
not required All materials provide*! Is (lours of
instruct H >n
Wed . June 30 Aug I *V5 member* $ (2
6 00-8 30 |>m *36 non -memlx-rs $-!(>
Craft Center Staff
Design amt print your own I shirt. poster, or
lards learn the photo emulsion method ol
sjlkscreen sternal We ll explore various inks,
stencil methods, pa|>ers and fabrics Allow 5 in it
you want your own screen Ink amt some stencil
material prosailed IH hours of instruction Craft
Center membership required
Wednesdays, June 30 Aug i
6 00 9:00 pm *37 $-12
Beaded Hkac ielets wmi Kim Balsam
Make colorful tx*aded bracelets using lace and
flower stikhev a gi x>d introduction to Ireadwork
and a chance to ask beading questions
Wed . June 23. b 30-9 30pm * SH S3
Mi gs & Bowes wrni Frank Gosar
fired of Tupperw are? You can handbuikl your
own cerarnk mugs, tumblers and small bowls in
this workshop clay and glazes provided
I'nday. June 23,1 30-1 30pm *39 S3
35mm Camera Use with Valerie Nyugen
learn the "secret" meaning of all those numbers
and letters' A short lecture covers how your
camera works.including discussion of film and
composition bring empty 33mm camera to class
Thursday.July l,(vl>o0j>m *-»0 S3
Tie Dyeing with Katiiy Kaie
Create a variety of patterns using different tying
and dyeing techniques bring up to three
prewashed loo cotton items to dye
Two sessions ottered
1 Wed, (line 23. 2.313 3tjrm * 11
2 Wed, June 23, S-.3f8:.3)ptn *i2
Beginning Photography
Annrttc (turdjian
learn how to use your anu'w develop IWW
ftlnt. .uul make IWW contact prints and
enlargements Composition, the camera. .uul
darkroom in hniques will Ite covered Bring
your empty (Smut lamera to the first class
I tint, i hemicals ami some p.qx-r \\ ill lx'
provided IM flours of institution t rait (enter
memlvrship required
I wo M'ssions offered
I Mondays. June 2H Vug U (No ( lavs |ul\ St
VOtt not) pm * 11 $4H
l Tuesdays. June 29 Aug !<• * N<> class |uly d)
fittouuopm *m S|H
Intermediate Phonx.rapiiy
C.A. Burns
\ walk down the aesthclu path for photogra
pliers familiar vvtth general darkroom prove
dines anil interested in fine tuning the process
of exp (sure control Photographic
ortcnleenng. light subject nutter, lomposlion,
the /one System and equipment will Ite
discussed I se a variety of papers and dev el
ojters to produce prints with desired contrast
and deptit Students must provide Hack and
white film, paper, anil one roll of color slide
film Chemicals provided Bring your camera
to the finst class 1H hours of instruction t rait
( enter memfxTship required
NX editesilays. June V) Au)> 1
6 00-9:00 pm »|S $ IK
Handcoloring B&W Photos
Vak-He .Nguyen
Add color lo your IkfiW photographs In this
two week workshop, we will explore tr.tili
tional and contenijutrary met I tot Is of
lundi oloring prints Previous photographu
experience not required You wilt neetl IkSNX
photographs printed on matte surface papet
t KC p.qter will not work) Color pencil*, oils,
dyes, anil prat lice prints will lx- available S
hours of instructi*>n
Wed, June 30 and July ^ * )<> mcmlx rs <dS
6:00-8 30pm *47 non-members $19
Infrared Film Photography
Swan Dctroy
Ixpand your photo skills Iry learning io
shoot, develop and print Mark
and white -tSmm infrared
film Students must I*
familiar vv ith the .llmrn
camera and have some
darkroom experience
()ne roll i >1 him and
chemicals prov ided
llring your camera to
the first class 6 hours
instruction Darkroom
use limited for non
metnlxTs to cla.v* time.
iTuir s. July K and luh lS
00 <i 00pm
• ih tnemlxTs S2S
* to noivmemlx-rs %>')