Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 07, 1993, Page 4, Image 4

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Not narrow
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Christine Vincent, but isn't this
the 1990s. as you say. or what
(ODE. June 4)?
I am so frustrated by the peo
ple on this campus that extol the
virtues of honoring diversity,
but at the same time say the
gruel, system is filled with awful
people who foster an environ
ment that is degrading to
women and non-greek meml>ers.
Tliis is simply negative stereo
typing and is untrue. My per
sonal experiences with the grwek
system, specifically the fraterni
ties. have been nothing but pos
1 am sorry your friend was not
made welcome at the Beta's par
ty by one member, but is that the
grnuk system's fault, or was one
member of the house just an
unfriendly person? You men
tioned that his brothers agreed
the member was making a fool
of himself, yet you proceeded to
criticize the whole system This
is simitar to blaming all white
people for what Hitler did
If you really believe in honor
ing diversity, please do so. Not
all fraternity members are
rapists and racists, just as I'm
sure not all lilwrols are irrational
Democrats who are constantly
searching for something to bitch
Beth Matthews
Your ‘libido’
In response to Rich Peterson's
response (ODE. June 3) to my
May 2H letter, possibly you
should care. If lie has enough
time to write in response to
what 1 said, obviously he should
care enough to lot everyone
know where he stands.
I do not wish to say it is hard,
but the media and society place
such a value on sox lhat it is
hard, because I believe people
who remain celibate are looked
down upon.
It is Peterson's own choir* to
avoid the "singles" scene, but 1
will give him some advice:
While ho is denying his
"libido." maybe he should nur
ture his brain, which obviously
misread my letter lost week.
Kristen Kessler
Thank you for your June 2
arlicte about the mission of Joe
Brown. The response hos been
great from people leaving at the
end of the school year, faculty
and even from reporter Tammy
Batov, who, after interviewing
me for the article, donated a
dresser, dishes and clothing, all
of which have already been dis
tributed to families here and to
the Tijuana mission
I would just like to add that in
addition to the Items mentioned
in the article (clothing, house
hold items and furniture), that
wo can especially use textbooks,
shoes, medical supplies, tools or
donations to purchase food and
other supplies
If students plan to discard any
of these, please pass them on to
us Joe Brown is planning a trip
to Tijuana in mid-July and any
thing donated will be taken to
the people living from the city
dump or distributed in l.ane
County. This is a non-profit
organization, and all donations
are tax deductible. Thanks.
Suzanne O'Shea
Go read a book
It is regrettable that Professor
Henry Goldstein, a man who can
state the argument for affirmative
action so clearly, can then negate
and deny it so rapidly (ODE. June
2). Goldstein’s comments, which
seem to explain and then deny
the roots of sexism, reflect the
importance of the multicultural
course requirement at the Uni
versity that will address issues of
institutionalized discrimination
against people of color and
women in this society
Until the time that the multi
cultural course requirement is in
place. I recommend that Gold
stein pick up a copy of Carol
Giiligan's enlightening book. In
A Different Voice, which
describes gender bias in early
childhood development and its
impact on adolescent and adult
decisions and choices.
Perhaps after reading this text,
we can have another discussion
about why there aren't more
women in tenured (acuity posi
tions in physics, mathematics
and economics And how a new
awareness of gender bias might
remedy this inequity.
Rev. Janet Cromwell
Wesley Foundation
Campus Ministry
Peanut buttery
Does Pat Maiach not have
enough to do as the editor-in
chief of the Emerald? KWVA is n
brand-new station trying to get
off the ground, and we have a lot
of situations that need to be
dealt with But on Friday. Put
gave us a new one
Here's basically what hap
pened. The night of the first day
KWVA went on the air. Pat
came into the station with his
copy of "Peanut Butter” by the
Marathons and requested that
we play it. We did, and he went
home with his record
Soon after, we started getting
requests for that song again, all
from the same guy. We had to
explain that we didn't have it
and that Pat Maiach was the
only person in the state who
would admit to owning a copy
of it Then Friday, in his review
of a Rocket from the Crypt
album that he didn't even listen
to. Pat ripped us a new one for
not playing "Peanut Butter"
again (ODE, June 4).
Although it may have been
done in jest, it made KWVA DJs
look like overzealous jerks who
don't care about the community
they serve.
This is the exact opposite of
what we are. We were put here
by the students to provide the
Eugene community with what
they want to hear on the radio.
We are doing the best we can
right now with the resources we
have If you have any problems
with what we are doing here at
KWVA. lot us know and we will
try to help you out. Keep listen
By the way. for those who
would tike it. here's a quick
review of Rocket from the
Crypt's Circa Now! They're a
great band from San Diego. They
sound kind of like Sonic Youth
meets Pavement. Three-and-a
hatf stars Go buy it.
Scott Draw
Alternative Music Director
Dean's list bad
The Dean s list. That great
accomplishment that all college
students strive for. How do you
get on the Dean's list? To make
the Dean’s list, a student must
carry a GPA of 3.75 or higher,
with a minimum of 12 graded
This seems fair enough to
everyone, hut 1 have found thut
there is at least one major — there
might be more — that is lacking
representation from the list:
architecture. An architecture stu
dent would have to take a mini
mum of IB credits in order to get
on the list.
Architecture students take a
studio of six or eight credits giv
en only on a pass/no pass system.
The department only recom
mends a load of 13 credits while
taking a studio. This is unfair to
students who cam spend up to 12
hours a day in their studio. Some
thing needs to lie done to make
the Dean’s list a goal that every
one can aim for
Peter Sprouse
m on s
Separated Moments After Birth?
Eric Bowen ...
George Hamilton
Jason W. Moors...
David Korash
Steve Masat...
Tristan Masat
Martin Fisher
Adolf Hitter