Holy pit! Stand by your mallard smells like green spirit to me Way back when, around the beginning of basketball season. I nearly pit my pants when 1 heard the Ducks' slogan for the upcoming season At first, I thought it was a hoax Or at least a joke being passed around by those masters of high-jinx in the athletic department But then I saw the posters and the bumper stick ers. It was then that I realized the slogan "Pit Happens" was made up by someone actual ly being paid to come up with a slogan to repre sent the team and the University Now. I could really give a pit less if someone was actually offended by that slogan, and obviously the athletic department didn't care either 1 could have written a big column about how lame it was that our school actually had a team slogan that was a take-off on a vulgarity-laced saying usu ally reserved for the crown of some overweight trucker's tap. But I didn't. Six months later. ... It's nearly summer, ai d foot ball season is a mere three months away. Ticket sales were down last year, so the athletic depart ment all got together and tried to come up with an ad campaign to bring the masses back to Autzen Stadium. The slogan? “Stand By Your Mallard Yikes! The commercial, if you haven’t seen it. is a take off on the 1970s country hit "Stand By Your Man'' But face ft The new slogan sucks pit by Tammy Wynetto ft'* presented like one of those K-Tel "best of" gems, with i»untry song titles roiling down the screen with words replaced by Oregon opponents' nicknames. "Take This Wazzu and Shove It” and "Achy Broaky Beavers” are the onlv two I was able to catch after coming out of shock The nd is obviously trying to capitalize on the recent boom in country music's popularity, and I see where they 're trying to go with the new slogan But face it. It sucks pit Are "hipsters” who listen to country music actu ally going to be drawn out to Autzen Stadium because of this ad campaign? And. more impor tantly. do we even want them there? What's next? Grunge songs? Rap lyrics? 1 mean, with the new $2 par-game fee students will have to pay next season, why doesn't the ath letic department crank out some slogans that cater to us crazy kids to keep us coming to the games' I even have some ideas of my own (like you didn't see this coming). Ten Songs the Athletic Department Could Change the Word* to and Make Them Crazy Fun* On That Wild and Cooky Duck Theme: 10. "Duck You Dry" (Mudhonoy) 8. "Baby Got Quack" (Sir Mix-A-Lot) 8. "Bills to the Wall" (Accept) 7. "Back In Quack" (AC/IX!) Turn to SLOGAN, Page 16 BRIDGESTONE DAYS FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY June 11-13 MEET THE BRIDGESTONE REP— SATURDAY, 5TH ST. STORE SAVE $30-$150 ON A1993 BRIDGESTONE BICYCLE PAUL'S BICYCLE SHOP * 2480 AkJef • 342-6155 BICYCLE WAY OF LIFE • 152 W. 5th • 3444105 summer workshops! craft center U eieryM« jewelry . ceramics woodworking photography calligraphy weaving stained glass bike repair drawing watercolor and more. irfistniiii starts: ties Jiie Mi 18 aa EMU CRAFTCENTER U)\N|IUIVII ()l I Ml I MU I OR INlDt Al l I W. I W. 1 Enjoy Spring Cleaning with .ur SUPER WASHERS! MR CLEAN JEAN'S COIN-OP LAUNDRY 240 E. 17th (Between High & Peart) Sexual Harassment? Amym^mdmk \ Hmepnfm mktdym m 4 mty dm lamgmtgr •* fdm mtd m ymm dm*? % tU H*m ym/di mtfkd ** Kw muni*4 0 f tfm pm (*m kJp mJ mfpmt. You Are Protected by tmnmnt) nJm mmd ftdmd mad mm Lmm Mt»u» MfcHJ MklW MMM - -— __.mu --MN -MM -4#*l __4»M4 --4-14*4 __4441) 4»*l _4441’ _44114 -4I»M l ■>■■■)! Ci.,4.11— M4UT 0&»«/lS*tetete* M4U44 Um^VmWm 4T4US bdMV^CNb-.ailM 44441II 1*44*11*1® (I4.J(M tea*. Mk Sexual Harassment Resouki Network Pick up your free copy of the bulletin at the Summer Session Office, 333 Oregon Hall, or call (503) 346-3475. All students pay in-state tuition in summer. Duck Cull—registration for summer session classes, is going on now\ 1993 UO ; Summer Session Bulletins with schedule of classes are now i available! of OW*"°N V MVI*-?' msslON SUMMl''1’ , ;a