Summer Class Supplement CPSY 407, CRN 43438 Stmituir: Life Skills Stress Management & Self-Esteem Enhancement Imtructot Sandy Tsuneyovhi, Ph I'. staff Psychologist. University ( ounsellng Outer, and othet Counseling Center staff time t lavs meets Tuesdays 6a thursdayv. 8 Vain 12 Wptn Iktlr July 2 1 August I S (■* weeks) Number of ( mills ) C redlts Hatr Room 22V University C ounsellng C enter 12nd floor of Student Health Center) < ail Mf> 1227 for further information you will I earn skills that will have u positive imparl on sour I Ilf! Plan Ahead For Your Summer Road Trips With Preventative Maintenance At... •OSCM 485-8226 ^ 1917 FRANKLIN BLVD. Close to Campus ifflaamn QUESTION: What question would you like to see the Emerald ask in its final ‘Streetwise’? “How many people are sick of the IFC and all the hub-bub and having to read about it in the Emerald ?" HERSCHEL BROWN freshman, undecided “Where are all the good green buds in this town?" STEVE CATHERWOOD freshman, undecided “Some thing important as opposed to the Beverly Hills 90210 question r ERIC MICHAELSEN Ireshman. history “Should these 'Street wise' questions contin ue?” STACEY KISER graduate, biology “Is ‘Street wise’ an accurate reflection of the UO student body?" NIKI SCOTT Ireshman, sociology “Got any spare change?" WILL WAGNON junior, political science ROCK Continued from Page 1 Monday’s groundbreaking will show everyone it can happen here, said Michael Benz, rock hall executive director. 'It's going to be a celebration The big deal is to say thank you' to all of those people over the years who have helped and supported making this Rook and Roll tiall of Fame a reality." he said In 1<)!>2. Cleveland disc jockey Alan Freed used the words "nx:k and roll" to refer to the music gen erally known as rhythm and blues. His coined phrase became Cleveland's most valuable currency in its hid for the rock hall more than three decades later: How could rock n' roll's hall of fame he built elsewhere than in the city where the phenomenon got its name? Kut Cleveland's spirited bid left many people less than enthused Traditional big guys like New York, Chicago and Philadelphia were throwing their weight around, and cities with strong musi cal histories such as New Orleans, Nashville and Memphis, Tenn . were courting the hall's New York-based foundation board. Cleveland was persistent. In (anuary 1986, USA Today asked its readers where the hull should be built. Cleveland got 110,315 call-in votes. 15 times the number received by its nearest competitor, Memphis, which had 7,268 votes. Sour grapes wore not in short supply. "It's ludicrous,” George Klein, a L)J at WLVS-AM in Memphis, sputtered to USA Today when the poll results were released. "Kock 'n' roll started here with Elvis. Without the Cleveland hype, we’d be number one." Taking another crack, DJ John Harvey at WIOQ FM in Philadelphia said, "We have such a groat city we don't need this. Let poor Cleveland have a break." Summer Duck Call is on now! Register tor summer classes today. All students pay in-state tuition in summer. For a free summer bulletin stop by 333 Oregon Hall. Prepare for Fall: MCAT, LSAT, GRE, GMAT If you’re taking one of these tests, take Kaplan first. We teach you exactly what the test covers and show you the test taking strategies you’ll need to score your best. No one teaches you to think like the test makers better than Kaplan. Classes Forming Now. Call 145-4120 140 West 8th Downtown Eugene KAPLAN The answer to the test question R»1 °*H«r Bolle' ' AND MORE... D€S \ V'REFLECTION IS OUR BUSINESS" One of the Largest Selections in the Northwest 524 Valley River Center 345-9437