Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1993, Page 7, Image 7

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    Oregm Doth Emerakts Weekly Mw*., {7u:wu;t. f^wr, V »»iruJ Nti
Jumbalassy (ethnic) at Good
Times 9 30 p m
Buckhorn/Supemova/Her Number
(rock) at John Henry s 10 pm
Magic Circle (rock) at Taylor s
9 30 p m
Gila/Mischiet (alternative) at New Max's
9 30pm
Jamaican Reggae Dance Party w/ Rankin'
Scroo and Ginger/Brimstone/Crucial Youth
Band(reggae) at the WOW Hall 9 30 p m
Mel Solomon and Ah Oat City
(blues/R&B) at Good Times 9 30
p m
Oswald S-tVThe Spinalnes/Mike
Johnson (rock) at John Henry s
International Anthem (rock) at Taylor s
9 30 p m
10 p m
Hardbound Head Hunters (alternative) at
New Max s 9 30 p m
Boogie Patrol Espress Tape Release Party
(disco/lunk) at the WOW Hall 9 30 p m
Unplugged (open mic) at Good
Times 9 30 p m
Radim Zenfcl (mandolin) at John
Henry s 9 30 p m
Eugana Yamaha Music School (student
keyboard ensemble concert) at the WOW
Hall 2 30 and 4 15 p m
Rooster's Blues Jam(open mike)
at Good Times 9 30 p m
Movie Night (tree movies) at John
Henry s 10 pm 342-3358
Forever Alter (alternative) at New Max s
9 30pm
</> A; High Street (acoustic rock) at
$ U : Good Times 9 30 p m
3 fliAdickdWComposVFrogSandwich
** w: (rock) at John Henry s 10 p m
Rough Mis (alternative) at New Max s 9 30
p m
Guardians ot American Morality
(rock) at Good Times 9 30 p m
Lost Creek (rock) at John Henry s
10 p m
Renegade Saints irock) at Taylor S 9 30
p m
Power Train (blues) at Good
Times 9 30 p m
Lazy Cowgirls/ZipgurVThe
Fixtures (rock) at John
Henry s to p m
John Fohl/Greg Biller (rock) at Taylor s
9 30pm
Outlaws (Southern rock legends) at the Mill
Camp Annex 8pm
By Jen Ellison
Oeyon Drf'fy (metaxl
When some of us think of Star Irek
conventions, we conjure up visions of
full-grown adults dressed in Starfleet uni
forms, and/or made up to look like vari
ous aliens, standing around rattling off
Star Trek facts
The stereotype holds some truth, yet
mud) more than meets the eye goes on at
these holy gatherings
Eugene had the chance to witness the
event first hand Saturday, May 29, when
a convention beamed to the Eugene
Hilton with actor John de Lancia, a.k.a. Q.
from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Sunday. May 30. it moved on to Port
land to the Benson Hotel where yours
truly was on hand to observe.
Of about 200 attendants, 15 people
Pnom* (v, Hamti 1
4-year-old Mark
Frailer (above and
tar left) checks out
the Star Trek
games available at
the Eugene Hilton,
where a Star Trek
convention was
held May 29.
John de Lancia
(left) autographs
Star Tr*k photos
tor tans at the
were dressed in Next Generation uni
form*, four of whom were Vulcan*.
Romulans and Klingon*. Tho convention
encouraged the Trekkers to dross up by
sponsoring o costume i ontest.
Doug Green, a high school student from
Madras wore a full commander uniform,
complete with phaser and communicator.
He's only been to two convention*.
"A friend of mine gave iii« a couple
hundred dollars worth of collectors'
stuff," Green said. "I come to these things
to get more props and wear my uniform
The Portland chapter of the Star Trt>k
fan club attended to offer free labor to the
Turn to TREK, Page 10
Tracking the latest
Rocket from
the Crypt
Circa: Now!
e :993 trtwscop* 9»co'fls
Rating: it it .
• Fossa* rr>*t*»al
• * ixxrnog soeoa’
« • * »o«v a
• * * * 'TUtVC
« • • • * vea 'i >’ rtK r\**r >c
Rocket from the Crypt is a
l^reat name for a band. There's a
lot of movement in the name;
the music is probably pretty
Unfortunately, I didn't have
time to listen to the record, but
judging from the cover art and
the photo of the band, it looks
like the type of alburn you'd
hear on campus radio, KVVVA
(HH l I'M). Speaking of campus
radio, it's time to expose the
new station's sinister manipula
tion of the airwaves.
Students have waited three
years for this station to begin
broadcasting, and what do stu
dents gut for their patience? I’ll
tell you what; They got a plot to
censor and devalue a song I
happen to know is easily one of
the top-10 requested songs at
the station
What could KVVVA have
against this song?
Why does the station refuse
to heed the w ishes of its listen
Is payola involved? Where's
Alan Freed?
The song of which I write, of
course, is "Peanut Butter" bv
the Marathons Although, there ,
has boon a ground-swell of (.um
pus support for this song. the
station refuses to honor
requests. Just try and request it
(346-0645). You'll get the same
ol" "we-don't-have-thot-song"
line the I)Js have been using
since they first played "Peanut
Butter" ut 10:30 pin.. Thursday.
May 27. Yeah, sure they don't
have it.
J can only reiterate what the
Marathons sing; "All my
friends tell me they dig it the
most/burly in the morning
when they spread it on toast/J
like peanut butter, creamy
peanut butter, chunky peanut
butter, too."
But for now. people will huve
to endure the musical stylings
of bands like Rocket from the
Crypt. At It;. ' >•' an appreci
ate the t.iy >-/ iu V , ., . ,
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