Swumf Jopow— Simly Intensive S week progrnm in PortUnd. OR. luly 21-Aug 2V bm 12 qu.irliT hours Study Ungunge (nil level*) nnd culture with Inpnnoc student* Outdoor wilderness progrnm included Pnor Ungunge study not required VhrtUfsMpr j:v;Uttr Oregon/Jnpnn Summer Pnrgrnm, Lewi* It CUrk College. Bor 1S2. Portlnnd. OR *7219 (HU>76» 7»5 Players settle out of court in hazing death MONMOUTH, 111 (AP) — Six former Western Illinois lacrosse players settler! a civil lawsuit filed against them over their roles in the 1090 haring death of o team memlmr According to Warren County Court ria ords in Monmouth, the six players paid a combined $385,000 in out-of-court settle ments to Dale and Alice Hahen of Oswego. Ill . parents of Nicholas Hnlteu. Nicholas Hahen was an 18-year-old West ern Illinois freshman who was found dead in a dorm room Oct 19. 1990, after a lacrosse club initiation ceremony. Me died of acute alcohol poisoning after o night of drinking a mixture of liquor and beer and eating on excessive amount of food coupled w ith abu sive calisthenics. His parents filed a w rongful death lawsuit against players who orchestrated the ini tiation rites. The Ha bens accused the ath letes of pressuring their son into drinking, continuing to provide him alcohol after he bin ame intoxicated and failing to attend to his obvious medical needs Those w'ho settled were John Bilenko. David Carey. Raymond Drew. Chris McCracken. Mark Molzer and Rian Sanders The Habens* lawyer. Robert Strodel. said Wednesday that the lawsuit against the oth er six lacrosse club members will proceed. Those still facing the lawsuit are Steve Kiidlts . Mart: Anderson, fames Boyer. Antho ny Kolovitz. Scott Rokita and Brian Donchez. The 12 were either convicted or pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of unlawful delivery of alcohol to a minor. Related charges of hazing were dropped in 10 of the cases as part of plea agreements. We'll Pay You 60% OF THE NEW STUDENT PRICE For Book* Wo Rood For Summer It Fall Terms! EMU Location June 7* 10/ June 11 :30 h 8:30 - 5 8:30 - 3:00 i iitTOtiinl' 1 !’ ' ' !.:i:;’- _ ’’ All Scanning Computerized Sendee l.tfh & Kincaid • :t Mi-I.m • M-Sal BRIDGESTONE DAYS FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY June 11-13 MEET THE BRIDGESTONE REP— SATURDAY, 5TH ST. STORE SAVE $30-8150 ON A1993 BRIDGESTONE BICYCLE PAUL'S BICYCLE SHOP • 2480 Alder • 342-6155 BICYCLE WAY OF LIFE • 152 W. 5th • 344-4105 r 1 ATTENTION UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EMPLOYEES A NEW CHOICE FOR YOUR RETIREMENT PLAN! Fidelity Investments,* the nation’s largest mutual fund company, has just been added as an option for your contributions to the University of Oregon TSA program. Fidelity offers a wide range of mutual funds, along with retirement planning and educational tools to help you meet your personal retirement needs. Our non-commissioned retirement specialists are available to answer all your questions. They can help you understand and use proven investment concepts like diversification, dollar cost averaging and asset allocation to build your retirement investment portfolio. Let us help you make your money work just as hard as you do. Call Christine Thompson, Fidelity Retirement Investment Specialist at 1-800-328-6608 X366 for all the information you’ll need to add Fidelity Investments to your retirement plan. Fidelity Dittributor* Corpora non, 82 Dmxkii* St. Bomta. MA 02109. general distributor of otet 100 fund, for your rrtirnwnr plan ‘Some fond, normally carry uln Jiuja, which ora mmd for plant hiving 200 or mot* eligible employee*, or over S3 million in plan ataru invented in Fidelity mutual fondt l 403b OSad 393