Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 03, 1993, Page 6A, Image 6

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Continued from Page 1
"People worn branded with hot iron*,
mother* wore raped and brutalized right
before the eye* of their children and men
were hung upside down by their feet
until they starved to death." he said.
Cinde Hosanhalrn, also on Insurgent
editor. accused the media that wore pre
sent of "again choosing to portray rare in
a black and white way." Reporters and
(amern operator* from two television sta
tions left after the first four speakers,
three of whom were African-American
Hosanhalrn is Korean-American.
The multicultural requirement revision
would be u step in the right direction,
said Greg Galof. 1993-94 Student Senate
"This is what we want." he said "This
should Ih» done and over with. Today is
the day to get it through."
Hut the University Assembly Wednes
day voted to send the proposed revision
to a new committee.
Speakers at the press conference wore
green armbands to show solidarity and
support for the revision.
<*WIO Of ManOy Baucum
Tonlja Edward* (right) and Edan Afrian-Omarl apeak In aupport ol the multicultural ravi
aion at a praaa contaranca Wadnaaday
Minorities are frustrated all over the
country, said Diana Collins Puente.
ASUO vice president. Students at the
University of California at Los Angeles
are presently working to get a Chicano
Studies department at their college
"Why do we have to continue fighting
— begging — to have our voices hoard?"
Collins Puente asked
Continued from Page 1
said afterwords the motion is just a
way for faculty to sweep the revision
under the rug.
"We’ve been working on this thing
for two years, and it keeps getting
referred to committees." said ASUQ
Vice President Diana Collins Puente.
"Basically, we re no further than
where we've been
Collins Puente said she believes
the committee will merely dilute the
revision until it's worthless. The
assembly should have killed it out
right instead of killing it quietly
through a committee, she said.
Hut others are not so pessimistic.
"Obviously we wanted the Univer
sity to get behind a multicultural
requirement." said Ethnic Studies
Director Quintard Taylor after the
meeting. "But it was equally obvious
that it wasn't going to happen this
year. This gives everyone some time
to work out a compromise."
The U of O Student Health Center is seeking already
to teach CPR and First Aid workshops.
• Applicants should be
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