POLICE BEAT The following incidents were reported to the University Officte of Public Safetv and the Eugene police department May 23-31. •Two University students were t ited for minor in possession of alcohol on the IHIH) block of Uni versity Street May 23. Police officers were break ing up a house party when the two students smirk in the hack door of the house. Police had cleared most of the party-goers out of the house when the students made their way into the kitchen. The stu dents were met by officers and Cited after they told the officers they had been drinking at the party earlier that evening, according to police reports. •A University student reported an assault on the 1300 block of Agate Street May 25. The student was walking out of a bathroom stall in her dorm when a man gratified her around the throat and threatened to kill her The man held her by the throat for about three minutes and said. "Don't move, or I'll kill you.” The suspect then ran to the bathroom window and jumped onto the roof of the next building. The neighlioring roof is about three feet below the victim's bathroom window. Police said they do not have a good description of the suspect because the victim was not wearing her glasses and did not got a good look at the suspect. •Two University students were cited for harass ment and obstructing governmental administra tion May 26. Police cited the pair after investigat ing a Eugene (larking control officer’s complaint. The officer said the two physically prevented her from putting a boot on a vehicle with outstanding parking tickets April 26. After lieing cited, one of the students said, "This is really going to f— with my probation." according to police reports. The other student told police she could not believe she was being cited and said the parking officer "was out of her mind.” • The kappa Sigma fraternity. t(>90 Aider St., was cited for aggravated noise May 27 Police observed 25 to 30 people drinking, yelling and lis tening to loud folk music by a open fire outside of the fraternity, according to police reports The ticket was for aggravated noise disturbance, with S750 ball, bet ause the house has had two other noise citations in the past sis mouths •The University College of Education. J5?t Aider St., reported the theft of $40 from a Kolex machine May 28 The suspect pried open a Kolex machine in an education building bathroom and emptied its cash box. • A 38-year-old man was cited for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest on the 700 block of East 13th Avenue May 28 An EPD officer observed the suspect and another male aggres sively panhandling money on the sidewalk The office said the pair yelled derogatory remarks about Asians as a group of Asian women walked past them When the officer contacted the two men, one of them told the officer to "f— off " As the officer was checking the suspects identi fication. one of the men walked away. The officer caught up with the man and grabbed him by the arm. The man struggled ami told the officer that he was going to kill the officer and said. "The next time I see you you will lie dead." The officer took the suspect to the ground, sprayed him with pep per mace and handcuffed him. Act circling to police reports, a crowd of 15 to 2t) students gathered around the offic er and were shouting that the offi cer was using exc essive force. •A Sigma Kappa sorority member reported a theft of some jewelry May 31. The student went to Portland for the weekend and returned to find $2,800 in jewelry missing from her closet Pick up your free copy of the bulletin at the Summer Session Office, 333 Oregon Hall, or call (503) 346-3475. All students pay in-state tuition in summer. Duck Call—registration for summer session classes, is going on now'. 1993 UO Summer Session Bulletins with j schedule of j classes are now • fiii available! ! Put the power of Oregon Daily Emerald advertising to work for you. Call 346-3712. Got a Deadline? FOTO FLASH can help you! We can process your E-6 slide film in just one hour! 18th & Willamette 484-6116 •tud«nt 4i*count* *v*iL»b(« SUMMER AIRLINE TRAVEL CHEAP , N«xi Toi Today! E.M.U. Main Desk campus v SUBSHOP 1225 Alder 345-2434 V.4 -* w-t* & «tud#nta> • Discover your *30) 730 >30 MMINAMEUCA ~*5F ( 130 3:20 3 40) 7 SO lOOS UUCON (206 4:30) 7:00 330 INDECENT FtOMSAL («g 4 SO) 720 950 hotsnots! nurrmx 1W (1:1$ 3.16 5:15)7:15 MS GCIUIASSIN <130 3 *5)600 6:15 1035 TMK SHOWTIMES IN EFFECT FRIDAY 6 4 THRU THURSDAY 6 10