And don’t you forget it In the May 28 issue, the Emerald sunk to one of its lowest points ever, all led by its esteemed editor. Pot Malach. The record review on Page 5 was a disgrace. I thought the editor of a newspaper would know better than to waste valuable news space on the kind of worthless dri vel that mode it into this review. I admit, sometimes I use reviews to help educate myself as to whether I should buy a product, but Malach's review of the Mind funk album contributed nothing to my knowledge what soever. Oh. except for the fact that now I know the editor of the Emerald is closed-minded, generalizes and. for the most port, knows nothing about music. If you are going to write a record review, write a record review. Don't berate people or forms of music you know nothing alioiit. Maybe if Malach has opinions he wants to express, he should write a letter to the editor like the rest of us. Oops, I forgot. Malach is the editor. Paul VanSIckle Pre-Journalism The moral of the story In response to Brett Yager s science TA slashing (ODE. May 26): Brett needs to calm down. Easy tiger I know he's feeling a little tense right now what with all those pent-up hatred feelings toward his science TA He should take u few deep breaths and relax. Let his Uncle Billy — the biology TA — tell him a little story. One day there was a boy who met a mean man. This mean man lived in a nice house. So then this little boy thought everyone living in nice houses was mean, and this boy harbored negative feelings about all these mean, horrible people The boy worried, felt angry and cried out against mean people in nice houses. He got an ulcer, never married, got a job on the newspaper and died an early death. So Brett shouldn't be like that little boy. He should ease off on the over-generalizations. It's a good thing everyone doesn't take one bad expe rience and generalize that negative trait to an entire pop ulation. That's what wo call stereotyping Brett shouldn't stereotype us. I mean. hey. if everyone stereo typed. no one would take his little letter seriously — seeing as though he's in pre-journalism. And we all know what kind of invalid trash journalists write about in the Enquirer once he's easily won that free-lance job due to his shiny. University journalism diploma So Brett should lay off the sciences for awhile He should try an arl history course, get a hobby ... something. Billy Pefftoy Biology TA GTFs are dismayed Steve Masat is being screwed. The Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation is dismayed One of the strongest advocates for student empowerment is lieing attacked for not representing the interests of students. The claim, made by Bobby Lee, Ed Carson, Efrem Mehretab and Anne VVagoner. that he "endangered student control of student fees" should tie considered for what it is - a thin ly-veiled personal attack on Steve and his politics Last spring, the GTFF spoke informally with Masat and other IFC members about a situation that seemed likely to affect the employment status of GTFs in the EMU. The union witnessed firsthand Masat's grasp of the issues and his tireless effort to assure we (students) have control over what is legally ours to control. The University administration has been seeking to expand its control over the EMU and gain access to stu dent fees Masat has defended our right to retain student control. The administration is upset that Masat would not acquiesce to the expropriation of student funds, and it threatened to usurp the fees for its own purposes To blame Masat for the autocratic actions of the administration is ludicrous. Unapologetic student advo cacy is Musat's only crime. In contrast, has served Congress offers Bill an inexpensive haircut. oAxvfauM. Kftr two. f Qmj TX |u**u>aj£w A40T TDOMuCM Off JUE TOP. — the interests of the administration for his entire student career. Lee cannot understand why anyone would not appease the "powers-that-l>«" at every turn The students deserve hotter. Put Masat hack on the IFC. Allan Lummus President QTFF Your entire life? Ever? I am writing in response to I). 1j*b Williams' ODE arti cle on the Silver Dollar club (May 21). I am in complete agreement with Enna Dole that this was an absolutely appalling article. 1 have never been so offended in my entire life. Williams' attempt at making nude bars acceptable made me sick. He used complete distaste in writing this arti cle. One of the worst aspects of his article was that it sounded as if he was actually proud to have the entire University know what he does for entertainment. 1 feel sorry for Williams and every male who has ever hud so little self esteem that he would attend such an estab lishment Obviously. Williams feels he must "show off to his male buddies — like a second grader who looks up girls skirts on the playground — by claiming he goes to and likes nude bars. What Williams has failed to see in his "innocent" attempt to make nude bars seem acceptable is that for the majority of women, he has just shown to us the rea son that we are treated as objects, sexually harassed and raped. His outright and blatant disrespect for women was proved by his writing this repulsive article Even if he tried to disclaim such a notion by making it sound like a wonderful place, it didn't work. 1 hope in the future I will never see such an article printed in the Emerald It's not funny, nor is it a joke It hurts to see that in our supposedly-advanced society, women are still repressed and dehumanized by such "entertainment.” I hove one Iasi comment for VVillmins Grow up Robyn K. Hagg Pro-Journalism Evolution faith, not facts In the May Emerald, the editorial holds u common misconception about science and faith ("Evolution of debate slipping backward"). Because science has gained respect and credibility, people are tempted to exploit science by speaking as if their particular religious or ide ological perspective was derivable solely from the estab lished results of scientific investigation Although science can fruitfully investigate thu various structures within the physical world and the behavior of the physical universe, it is incapable of dealing with the ultimate origin or governnni e of it When s< ience is held hostage to any ideology or lielief system to support pre conceived answers, it can no longer serve in the effec tive. open-minded search for knowledge Creationism and evolution are both improvable philo sophical theories, and they lie outside the boundaries of science. However, both sides misuse science for gain From this view, neither theory should tie taught in our public schools' science classes Rather, we should teach sc ience and the sc ientific: process. My Christian faith is not a blind faith It is proved dai ly in my life and in the lives of many others Everyone hux faith and his or her own world view. For example, it requires a lot of faith to believe we have evolved. The theory of evolution is not a fact, and is t (instantly chang ing to accommodate new dutu and new ideas Please tell me which theory of evolution you believe in. and cite the hard scienc e to buck it up Or have you (in faith) accepted the words of others? Robert Suto Graduate Biochemistry Swmmf 3«p«n«M Sturfy Intenuw 5-week program in Portland,OR. July 21 Aug 2* Earn 12 quarter hours Study language (all levels) and culture with Japanese students Outdoor wilderness program included Pnor language study not requited Mhoiurshipi a:«u£aWe Oregon/) a pan Summer Program, Lewis & Clark College, Box 102, Portland. OR *721*. 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