344-2691 * 1M8 Franklin Bivd. »wxs to 7-H an |Ljl! This gentleman has just graduated, but the siren-like call of the House of Records could lead him astray to a degree of sound he never explored before. Get your sound degree at HOUSE OF RECORDS Career & Graduation Guide ^ Go (?e.te6rntit>yi 't'ituc i GRADS. Sunday, June 13, will mart* the Univer sity's 116th spring commencement This year, more than 4.000 students are eligible to We in behind University Mar shall Ralph Barnard (chemistry department). as he leads the procession of flags, banners and anmous candidates onto the field while romp ana uircumsiance echoes in the background. The mam ceremony begins at noon and will be hetd at Aut/en Stadium. In the untimely event ot rain, the celebration will briefly be cut short in order to move everyone to the muclvsmaller McArthur Court, where seating will be considerably limited Despite this one unpleas ant prospect, however, the day promises to be very special Graduating stu dents are also encouraged to attend their own school or departmental cere monies, which will be held throughout the weekend. These smaller gradua tion ceremonies, added to the program m recent years and designed for individual recognition, seem to have proved quite successful in helping to transform gradu ation from a sometimes austere event into a more intimate one for the gradu ates and their lamiltes. History and American culture expert Roger Wilkins will give the commencement address. The crowd, expected to reach 10,000 or more, will include members ol the class ol 1943. all ol whom have been invited to join m the initial procession as part of the celebration commemorating their 50-year reunion Wilkins, a prolessor at George Mason Uni versity in Virginia, and commentator lor National Public Radio, is a distinguished lawyer. |Ournalist. scholar and civil rights A O > .It# * .1 r D r I • a M»(*WIO June 13 will be a time lor cele bration tor this year's graduating seniors. leaoer « rumzer rrize winner lor the Washington Post's Watergate cover age, Professor Wilkins is a Steering Committee mem ber for the Free South Africa Movement and has been on the Board or Trustees for the African American Institute He has also penned two books, won numerous awards from such institutions as the American Civil Liberties Union and the NAACP, and was the national coor dinator for Nelson Man dela's visit to the United States in 1990. Preceding the com mencement address. Uni versity President Myles Brand will be on hand to confer the degrees and pre sent various honors and awards, (among them, the President's Medals and the Faculty Achievement Award for Distinguished Teaching), Throughout all this, the candidates' heads will no doubt be spinning as they attempt to absorb all that is going on around them. Graduation is, after all. an awesome event, the pinnacle of a life's career in school As each graduate stands in their solemn, black cap and gown. History and American culture expert Roger Wilkins will give the commencement address to an expected crowd ot 10,000 at the Universi ty commencement June 13. what will they be thinking about during that two-hour ceremony? Many will probably be looking tor family and Iriends in the raucous crowd of observers. Others will be trying to concentrate on Pro lessor Wilkins' speech. Still others' minds will be turned toward the luture and what they want to do with it. Thoughts will float toward the job-market, salaries, careers. No one knows what the luture holds. Vet, no matter what their moods or thoughts that afternoon, there is one question which will likely enter into all of their heads Are the answers real ly blowin' in the wind, or is it only the tassel on my hat? iMurel Hossi p5" OFF ANYTHING*) I with value of IN THE STORE I S2S or more AT Regular or sale Price DR MARTENS 57 W Broadway POSTERS VANS and 957 Willamette VISION CONVERSE Downtown Mall LA GEAR Except Skateboards. Snowboards and Tobacco Products | except bKateooara •cards and tobacco rroauci: j »evo 79 W Broadway NfKENZIE 465 5946 TTiinftc of them as for your ""--W w We hate to see you go, but before you move, give EWEB a call so we can stop your water and electric service in your name. We'll come and read your meter right away. That way you'll be sure to avoid being responsible for service after you move. 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