Career & Graduation Guide 1 Susan Garflald (loft), a senior graduating In June, and Will Morton, who graduated attar toll term 1992. are hoeing a difficult time finding lobs In a tight market Two students looking toward the future □ Most graduates surveyed felt they were not adequately prepared for employment The end is near lor Susan Garfield, Alter live lengthy yet fruitful years at the University, she will receive her long awaited degree in English at the end ol this term. Garfield is currently taking 21 credits — including an internship and an independent studies protect — while working two part-time |Obs m her spare time The light at the end of the tunnel is bright, and she's not about to delay her graduation any longer Will Morton graduated with his degree in English after tall term of 1992. He decided that he wanted to be a reporter after a summer internship in Oregon with the LaGrande Observer in 1990. He interned as a reporter again the next summer with the East Ore gonian m Pendleton. Since his graduation, he has been diligently pur suing a career in journalism He estimates that he has sent out well over 100 resumes to newspapers across the country and has received about 50 rejec tion notices. A lew ol the letters were personal replies, but most were (orm letters saying that they were currently cutting back and were not in a posi tion to hire anybody. "It's been an emotional roller coaster." Morton said "Learning how to cope with reiection is one thing you don't learn in school .“ Garfield and Morton have been dating tor the past si* years After Garfield graduates, the couple plans to find a place to live where they can each find sat isfying careers and enjoy a good quality of life They are both hard-working arid ambitious people who have participated in internships and kept up good grades throughout their college careers They deserve everything they want, and ideally they should get it. Realistically, however, they still have a long way to go The most recent University aiumm job market sta tistics published by the Career Planning and Place ment Service surveyed students who graduated in 1990 Ol the English majors who responded, about Turn u. JOBS Page I2B GOT AN INTERVIEW? Now's the time to sharpen up your appearance as you head out into the professional world. Create a classy look for your interviews with a hair cut and receive a Haircuts ONLY $10 BODY DRENCH System Biolage l/l/l Ar*C CALIFORNIA l/lflAuC TAN* Precision C//rs 609 E. 13th 484-3143 r Congratulations to the Class of 1993 from China Blue Pinner Specials *6.95 - Mandarin Chicken *7.55 - Mongolian Beef *6.50 - Buddha’s Feast CHINA BLUE BESTAUANT tty our Omen too! We serve Indonesian food as well! Come see us! 179 I. 1Stfl * iciun to uo Mattferr • S4S-2U2 ^ Gradsl Here’s how to get to that new job — A new pair of wheels that is kind to you and the planet! -Some Examples Mongoose Switchback — only $275 Mongoose Hilttopper — only $365 -& For the Offroad Experience... Mongoose ROCklillt — only $499 Mongoose RocklRUe SX — only $629 *