Career & Graduation Guide" Graduation is upon u* and you know what that means. Presents. Ix>ts of present*. And not just those wimpy presents like the sweater you got for cnristma* last year. (Graduation means big presents. After all. you can't really honor such an achievement, such a milestone in one's life with now socks and underwear. So open up your wallets because these graduates aro about to go out and face the real world They need something that will help them get a start on life - like a job. But if you lack connections you can always give them a good start on their first million instead And if money is tight I think you owe it to your favorite graduate to take out a loan. l.«t's lie honest, what do they have to look forward to after graduation other than presents? Hec tic, dead end job searches and annoying little things like loan repay ments? So give your graduate something that will make their transition into the real world a smooth one. some thing that will help them learn a few of life's tough lessons early An initial suggestion is a gift cer tificate to Century 21. Both thoughtful and practical, this gift will enable your graduate to choose their own place of residency, while at the same time learn ing how to deal with nasty mortgage payments via your credit card. Or if your graduate is already a home owner why not buy them a void plated spatula ^ engraved with I heir initials. This is sure to Impress their new boss at the total fine food establishment spe cializing in quickly prepored foods and will make lovely compliment to their polyester uniforms A trip (preferably to Kuropn or some place warn) where they drink inargaritns) is a grout way to show you care and will give them a chance to relax Indore moving back home. Hut don't r shy away from small (gifts altogether— remember its the thought that counts. So adorn your gradu ate with jewels. Anything that makes it difficult for them to lift their hand and easier for you to lift your wallet is acceptable. Some people say that gifts of money are impersonal, but a blank check or the number to your credit card are sure to bring tears of joy to any graduates eyes If creativity fails, you can always fall hack on the usual graduation gifts: pens, appointment hooks, briefcases, or scrap books. but they should he neatly placed in the glove compartment of a brand new shiny red sports car. To keep your graduate in shape a membership to your local country club will help them unwind after a stressful day at the office (or restaurant). We don't want any early heart attacks from all those burgers eaten on the employee discount. If your graduate is one of the lucky few who will not be provided with free food at their place of work perhaps they would enjoy gift certificates to the local restaurants around town. This way they can see all the friends they graduated with and still avoid cooking their own food for another year or two. Besides, their stomachs may go into shock if they suddenly revert back to normal home cooked meals after 4 or 5 years of col lege Story by Jenny Carey Photos by Brian Hendrickson And don't forget that your graduate will probably want to wear something other than those raggedy jeans and sweat shirts displaying their alma mater. So why not go to your local Polo or Anne Cline boutique and purchase a new wardrobe which they can wear while lounging around their new house, driving their new car, and putting golf balls at their new club. Don't worry about buying them any fine polyester, their work establishment will provide these uniforms free of charge. And parents, a word of caution, lug gage is not acceptable. Graduates who are presented with luggage at the advent of their special day have been known to seek revenge by doing things like mov ing back home, or going to graduate school for another three years and 30,000 dollars. In the long run a good graduation present is like a good invest ment. Clip ‘2 Off YOUR LOOK. Save on haircuis. (reg $9 95) Save on stylecuts. (reg $13 95) i, Includes shampoo, cui and slyle ■ Your stylist will make sure you get the look you want — guaranteed So AppoisiHfNi Salons Santa ( lara Fred Meyer Cir 688-8123 3313 W. 11th Fred Meyer Cir 345-2592 t)jfer i-ntlj 6/1J/S3—Must prc\rnt i.aupon (fatyutfuUUtoa to the Class of 93 from the Gazebo tye* fatt ditmtx