Duck women still in hunt for national track title Erick Studenicka £>•000 Q&fy [motaia Even though Oregon is sending 10 athletes (o the NCAA track championships, its largest contingent since the Ducks probably don't have the depth to over take pre-meet favorite Louisiana State, the winners of the NCAA title the past six years. If the Ducks perform as expected, they should score between 20 and 30 team points this weekend. Even if the Ducks don't contend for the national title this weekend, they are nearly assured of their first top-10 performance since the team's third placo finish in 10SH Result* front Wednesday Nicole Woodward took fourth in her 3.000 meter semifinal heat to qualify for Friday night's final The 4x100 relay team, consisting of Camara |ones. l.aReina Woods. Lisa Bedwell. and (amila Godfrey, failed to qualify for the final by placing third in its qual ifying heat heat with a time of 45:IB After two events in the heptathlon (100 meter hurdles and the high jump), Kelly Blair is in fourth place with 193H points. Today's Action Blair competes in the final day of the heptathlon. Events scheduled for today are the long jump, javelin, and 800 meter run. Camara (ones will look to qualify for the 400 meter final as she runs in the semifinal heat at 5:10 pm Jones is expected to hove no trouble qualifying for the final as she entered the competition with the third fastest time in tho nation. Senior Erika Klein will look to conclude her out standing career with an all-American certificate in the 1.500 meter run. To get to Saturday's final. Klein must first get out of the qualifying heats which begin ot 6:15 pm. Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! ( LASSN II I) POLK II S Copy Acceptance • The DDL reserve* the right to revise. reclassify. reject «w cancel an> ad at any lime • N«> advertising f<* term {taper sale* «* editorial writing ami or research writing will he accepted • The ODL w ill not accept ad* obtaining a l 911) phone number 105 PERSONALS MIDLAM r i ( unguis (•uUiuir' Y.ui rr ihf IVM1 lusr Muhjfl i tfl LOST 4 FOUND LOST: ftAnapourttac) umb»©*a. 6/1 r>*4t tvaknget va>u« B«cfcy M6S1Q3 us TYPING SERVICES JO TMf TYPING PRO Word t»ng TK**«*. OtftMKtftttont on Lot* Ctf OMOMan^ A! V44-07M, noeifi .« OAAO SCHOOL APPffOVCO 20 ye* b«Ji ground T##m paper*? uB resume %*» vc« EdMmg l.«M« pr ON CAMPUS* ” OUt-A-TYPtST Rooum«s * Term Papers * The*** laser Printing * Cope* A More 13 YEARS CXPtmCNCt-4«6-1010 105 PERSONALS r ni TYPING SERVICES fcm«NC UilMIVID rwrKuii i*n*i ws m» v^«^f 1*1 n *mk **%» /'fti i?5 INSTRUCTION PROFESSIONAL EDITING • Fa*I 4 <>•***> I Wrmng AMMianea • tdmng • ProoOng <*oAr*r't««1 Emjr f f*# Pva»*ct» AJ wrong and »ut*«et* woKcn* C«« now donl »«* « Tn« Ltt*i rrwn*Aw* Pro/Edit 343-2747 oc FOR SALE MiSC Ooubla bed w*n bo* W'V/s ana tfWW >50 taro* couch >50 oho Aloe *63 3625 For laW White Waaher ft Dryer CWy $ 1 T5 tor the eel Mewey ouar hauled Oaei comShon Cal Shawn a) 1*7 9731 Fridge, waaher dryer (ad white! >300 060 All In good working order Loot good MiWM Hard lo find are U Ho«artHaaa». new too A>vara> 12 sir mg guitar w/caee. $250 obo Cat Paul >14 24*4 _ Large auttceee J'"«24r9 good con »t»n.SI0 Ca» 346 9070 Muai aaM large TOtnrtW, >35 4*4 1363 Mu el eeli 13" Tv/VCH combo >200 Mi: VoUage b*e HOC, oaa ani c*. $60 Imagewrrlw H $250 663 8631 Trek MO louring b*e avannet low maae $350 obo fhrw Alpine ca are WO Mew I Mama Ma&ener damp one $60 MCS 3552 tape deck $65 345-4264 20 TV. (100. Window Valance IS. phone IS ehad >20. mlnlbUnda >10 ft more 4*4-0*12 25 conaola TV $f5 large couch $'00. rtce large deek Vi Cat 3455811 105 PERSONALS nc FOR SALE MiS 2 couchot $30 $100 Cota TV, $70 M v* $100 666-637B ooo* dayt srTtor 6pm. a* Ottaa 1 largo ooodon doaAa 150 aach or 1M tor Koto MO toil 2 LoftofNtfooti Ucktti Portland 690 thoo 130 Men Ml0036 ns BUY OR TRADE WANTED TO BOV: Quaan tua Mon homo, only (couch «yto). undar $100 34*9/60 ubCARS TRUCKS Whita Canopy-flu tmau, tongbad pickup In good condoon $'50 OBO 741 7570 1171 Morcury Montaoo 'uni grow muWaai $195 465 i«6/ 71 VW POP IN’ OooonT run. 1300 oOo NM24I 7] VW SupartwaOa Marmmctly tound. Mrwghl M|. MCO1 Mud Ml - going to Imp! $1500 ooo 1*4-0071 rg Am* MOO Runt Out rumen angina work $400 060 Col 3439523 ■2 AMC Iprrll ft cy mponcwciw 1475 3*4 8991 U Toyota Tarcol 55 ft «■ me com. mm port! Moron 1 wot $2700 Muti w* 3*6 8121 'll Muon Pul tor. 4 Or 5 tpood hotcnooct 73,000 **8 freeUnl cnnrMcm $1900 666 3136 13 Toyota CaUca OT Hunt Grow1 CO. PS cotton* $5500 OBO CM 666-0911 iw MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS EtcoMoni common 1967 Honda (torn 60 Scooiae »V>* moot $ B»n* Har mw. $650 3*26997 Rad Sprm 50cc Scootor. *«c cad now dutch A banary. loo moot Ca* Todd 663 3877 13 Honda *60 Mghlhawt $650 OBO Runt account InctudOt two haimatt 344-9474 105 PERSONALS 1 Say your in the last issue of the ooJ!l« ()regorr DaiIy £mera Id Class 'june 4 5 U).00 1 x 2 lx>x ad inc ludes photo and message! $3.00 tor 20 words KM'*** Now m*r*y paop» m#d» 4 from Hrfxtorgarton io ctog*f*r^ Ww*** ruvcm\t * frw Mur* «* % kOM touct' lew* BJ. %a Li la itomi, AlmmJ Wc knc* you'd nuke »i‘ i55 BICYCLES Baach Cruiser Bicycle. greai * guancat. ptua lot* o> other software 1795 Call 346 8044 r- SOUND SYSTEMS CASHItt Wa buy. *#* and aanne* VMS VCR** and alarao* Thompaon E tec ironic*. 11M Oak 3*3-9273 ft nstruments Crate am patter g*0C*t aCantw tnarao awe art wftkatotron {goo otto 3*2 2*97 Mat* tar Hi* Summer 1 Guitar, key board. bat* laaaona Summer apa clai terra 175 00 tor twatva one hour laaaona *a*t thia ad Must atari m June. John IDarhay 342 *545 am styles. ak age* Paarray I IS cab . Mara m. t30w head. $260 each or $*50 tor both Matt *6**860 Ptana Voucher On* stay. Eugene to Kauai via tan Fran fife obo 6*3-2510 K5 OPPORTUNITIES ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT ttahane* Earn SOOOma n carman** or $4000mo on kahmg boat* f re* han» porukon1 Room S Board" Ouar 8.300 opanmg* Male or F *maw For employ m*nt program cad l 2065*6*166 art A6069__ Buainaa* MlndadT On the job Miming atraAabta with *«par»ng maraekng tarn E *c*nrmt pay tor part S tuk time poaitrona 342 2923 _____ POSTAL JOSS $16 392 $67 i26yr now hamg Ca« 1*05 962 8000 *>! P 9642 S tuna* t taarnria Employment 5 At# pay money whan you ahar* your great Summer or Temporary roc ar panance with us Can and fcnd out the detail*' Free phone can 1600-607 3030_ 210 HELP WANTED HEALTH A WEALTH Health oriented company eapartanclng rapid aapanaion Seek ing people In lares led in a ground Boor opportunity. *66-4471 OREAT SUMMER JOBS' Looking lor mot.voled people wtlkng lo b* Mamed $ raprpy pr omoied to manage eiphxkng w« *orce Work your own hour* 344-6633 2'0 HELP WANTED ADVERTISING REPS, nahonal counge program tuft training. [>1 A In avail, car narptui Ca« 346 3213 AutoCAD operator w/ A draAmg enperienc* pratened Sand re sume with cower latter by June 11 Attn Personnel Manager 1580 Vaftey Riwer Dr Soria 160 togene 9/402 Camp ataft needed tor Ge! Scout Camp Cat 581 2451 lor mlormabon and appotntmant Childcare tor special needs ctmckan •nth learning drtuHnMies. lots ol flenOie. pan ins hours *84-6207 or 342-4769 Espraaao Bartender neat eftiecient non emaAer. apply al Kinetic Cate Wii lametta at Broadway GREAT STUDENT JOSS! Canvasser*, set your oen schedule S62Qfhr guarenieed plus comnus srons Pad aeefciy Celt Oegon Job less toundalion 746 MVi Looking Gleaa Youth Trainers must be 17-21. position mu* provide Support to youth «nth a range ol mental A phys cat AsatvKbe*. X>-*0 hrsnse. $6 2Srtv. Juna 28, t#93 thru Ag 31 1983. ap pacant* must meet eagrtnMy guOsanes Contact Km at 683 1800 f unded through lha Southarn WaameOe Pn vat* Induelry Council_ MICROCOMPUTER SUPPORT Student poaMton Involves mein terr ene* ol Lferary microcomputers and perlpherata. Muet nave experi ence In IneUHmg computer hard tear* and knosdsdg* ol MS-DOS Pis see contact Llaa Staracki at 348-1834 lor more information Now hiring WORM tTUOY OUALlftED (must be wort study Quafrfted lor r*va] y«w>) #wS«rM *a computer hard warweolhware apwoafcsl Dearre com puter mwnfenarxe 9fc#t m hardware and §otNmrt $6 75 per hour (Tram rvow for nest year ) Cal Janca af 346 2514 POSTAL XXIS stan $11 4l*ir * ban efns for appfeatton A mfo cal 1-216-324 21 Cg, 7am to iQpm 7 days SUMMER OPPORTUNITY Enw on mental fitness company noe interviewing lor sales end managerial poeikon* Cei 68/8836 Footnote* It accepting applica tion* tot an otllc* aaatttani Work study only need apply Pieter a student aifth othce skills who can work IS-20 hrttrwk Pays AS SO • •T OO hr Apply In Rm 34. EMU EOE. _ 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Big houaa, 9 bedroom ] bath Unfurnished app*anc*s A vacate* Sapi S210a-mo 427 E 13th 345 7987 Larga houaa. S Bdrtn-2 bath Tan blocks to campus laundry, parking, near Salewa, Avail Aug t S No pets St l0Vmo 2067 WMtamene 345 7987 You are welcome to Mop by Our ol ftce tor a lie* i<« ol ou> present end tukee vacenoet apartments dupeut tnd home* e*r> tpaciM tunmer rues Then owe by any bcakons tea merest you and cal ox oRc* lor an apportmert to Mr me nude SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 346 W 10th Avenue MS-1130 70 HOUSES FOR RENT Tiny on* Bdrm House w garage 10 block* away Irom campus laundry, naar Salaway No pals $39S/mo 2055 Wmamelle 345 7987 2 BLOCKS TO CAMPUS 4 badrm ha*, fireplace. avail toon. 1*72 Paha non Call 4B354B1 3 badroom 2 bath garage close lo campuj. gardener included. 420 E I4!h SI. SaOG'mo 937-3124 4 rooms In 3 badrm houa* avail Summer woptton to renew laaaa. 2 bath. SIMVmo par room. 343-7313 On* Bdrm-Unfurnished, Ian block* away Irom campu* Parking, laundry, near Salaway No pet* 2045 Willamette 345 7967 $325-4375 225 APTS DUPLEXES Available June 15th For Summer 1 bdrm apt. $275 Clean, quiet, turnrshad 1/2 block Irom campus i Bdrm Apis lor fail 735 E 17th. 343-2114 Campus Apartments Furnished. 142 Bedrooms. Summer rates. >300*400 445-2823 Summer Rate Bargains! Rooms: 2140 Mams mon **cew pease, 11 50 1862 Kincaid *225 Studio Apart moots: 3617, E 14th *240 1360 4 1372 Patlerson *240 1644 Kincaid *275 2040 Emerald nomnouM ‘385 361/361 /, E 14th *296 534/5347. E 14th *300 766 E. 19ttl 1 non «MM,i *310" 914 E 18th nuravea Irom *300 945 E 19m *296 979 Ferry Lane *295/*425 1359 Pearl SI *295/*300 1370 Hrgh SI *250 1668 Ferry St *280 1881 High St *295 18257. Fairmont *450 2 Rsdroomst 315 E 19m *360 534 E urn *375 914 E 1801IW«r ‘450 1340 E 19th *550 1S44 Kincaid uww *320 1911 Kmcod *320 1948 Mams Si *320 2640 Hams Si »*«~ *420 3 or mors Badrooms: 365 E 19mm , *465 2775 Htlyard jiniuw *600 1862 Kincaid *900 hxi ars welcome to drive by ihe abouv tocaeon* rt you ere marveled n *eemg •• n*eje ; lease can our oMice tor en •Cpovwmem e* moel une* ere *M No Pets Allowed 'PYCTT.A.1 345 W 10th Ave 686-1130 close to campus 3 end 4 bedroom house* avail lor Sum mer and Fall 343-7093 Oreet house lor Summer*all 2 story. 4 bedim. 2 bath greai loc» bon. 2 brek* Irom cwnpu*. $223 75 person, svasstke now* Can lor a lour 6836012 Mh-YARD APARTMENTS StuOo 4 1 Bdrm* . some furnished ■ease, no per* S275 S335 Manager 973 Apl i 342 2303