Emerald Sports “ Oregon Daily Blair, Selman to go after titles at NCAAs The Oregon women’s tra< k and field team will begin the first da\ of the NCAA championships today with Kelly Hlair going after the heptathlon title in New Orleans. La. Hlair, who has already set the Pacific-10 Conference ret ort! and two school records this season in the heptathlon, is one of the favorites. Ashley Selman is the other Oregon woman who is expet ted to fin ish near the top in her event, as she will go after her second NCAA championship in the javelin. Selman won the event in 1990 while competing for USC. This season, she has the second-longest throw in the nation. The Ducks also hope to get points from Camara (ones in the 400 Cist season. Jones finished fifth in the event at the NCAAs and onl\ two of her competitors are back for the NCAAs this season Jones will also run a leg in the SxlOO-moler relay with LaKeina Woods. Lisa Bed we 11 and Jamila Godfrey In the distance races, Nicole Woodward and Lrika Klein will he looked upon to carry the Weight Wood ward will make her third straight trip to the NCAAs to com pete in the 3.000-meter event. Klein will lie making her first appear ance at the meet in the 1,500. Julie Beck will give the Ducks a competitor in both the discus and the shot put. The men failed to earn a single invitation to the NCAAs for the first lime since 1953. Heath Howington (discus), Derek Snellmg (pole vault) and Scott Nicholas (1.500) all had provisional marks in their events but didn't quite make the t ut. The meet starts today with four events in the heptathlon, and pre liminary* races in other events. Most of the finals will be run Friday and Saturday. The meet concludes Saturday. Duck women golfers end year at NCAAs By Stev« Mims C*ipee 0*>y f ev'.erf The Oregon women's golf loam struggled during its first N( A.V championship appear ant e ever. finishing last out of 17 teams Saturdni in Athens, (ai The Dm ks opened the four dav tournament with constit utive 322 team totals during the first two rounds, followed In a "!t7 Friday and a .1 2 in tlie final round Sophomore hurls Mills shot Oregon's lent two indi vidual rounrls during the tournament and led the Ducks with a 315 total Mills shot a three over-par 7ti dur ing the second round Indore finishing the tournament with a 75. Junior Cappy Mack was the only other Duck who broke HU in two rounds ns sin* shot 77 in the opening round and 7U in the final round Mat k finished the tournament .it 127. third on tile team behind Mills mid l.eigh t aisey. who finished at 121 Sophomore Shannon Hare hod a four round total of til followed bv senior Shannon Mater at 3.14 Mai k was named to the True lumper All-American College Scholar Coif Team and Smith-Corona AU-S< hoi iti Team Tuesday. one of only five players in the nation named on both teams Mai k. who had a 7‘t 1 stroke aver age tins season, has a 1 ‘tt> c;i*a The good news for the Ducks is that four of the fise players who competed in nationals will return next Turn to GOLF. Page 12 June 2 $2 SoaMIsh The Baathonklos Vffi*01 June 3 $3 Elgin Haynrakor Tha Slip June 4 $3 Dackhom Sapomova Iter Hambar 13 Musi be 21 or over i» Lilli 342 33bl ksomi tlpVklpiH Enjoy Spring Cleaning w»h .ur SUPER WASHERS! (Between High & Pearl) The Snsurgence oT Jslam and rhe Jmplicahons Tor The WesT a lecture by Profevsor Sami Al-Arian F rida>, June 4,11:30 am • 12:30 pm 240 E. 17th Ken Under Kuont K.rb Memorial Union, University of Oregon refreshment! will b* provided! Prolevsuf Sami Al Arun teaches il the Unisersit) ol South jij Honda and is currently the peesulent ol the Islamic Committee of t Palestine He is also the editor ol the maya/ine Inquiry" FOR MORE INFORMATION: C all Mudkn Sludr* tome. M-Xm • F»m*>t fat wtkmm [ DO THE HAPPY SUMMER DANCE BILLABONG • RUSTY • G&S • WAVE RAVE QUIKSItVER • MCD • NO BILLY NO GET HAPPY WITH COOL CLOTHES! BOARDSPORTS 1601 “D" W 7th Ave 484 ?588 $400 Foot long Sub bmtm 50* Half Sub J SUBSHOP1 1225 <5 ALDER 345-2434 Only Twice a Year! UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Begins Friday thru June 5th! 'Many items are not eligible for this discount Lists of eligible & ineligible items are posted through the store V • - , • :s8> 'f-J ' -;r j so C'S ■ ' , ' ' . ) ‘ lb ./'’S • J - s’ j"U