Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 02, 1993, Page 5, Image 5

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    U.S. companies bid for RU-486
group seeking to develop the
French abortion pill RU--4H6
for domestic use has received
dozens of offers bv 1‘ S. com
panies to manufacture the
drug, officials said Tuesday.
The drug's French manufacturer, Roussel-Udnf.
has tentatively agreed to license the Population
Council, a New York-based biomedical research
group, to find a domestii maker for the drug and
conduct clinical trials
Between i!0 and 30 U S. drug manufacturers have
contacted the council, even though a formal agree
ment has not yet been struck with Roussel, said
C. Wayne Bardin, vice president of the Population
"That happens any time you develop a product.
You get offers from people who don't even know
what the product is.” said Bardin, whose non-prof
it organization also developed the Norplant con
traceptive implant.
Rep Run Wydon. D-Ore announced in Apnl that
Oregon would tie one of several slates where RU
4rtti will In- tested as an abortion pill No other test
sites have been announced
Abortion foes, meanwhile, vow to demonstrate
against use of the drug in the United .States
Paul defame, editor of fj/e Advtxatf' magazine
in Portland, said he and other anti-abortion activists
plan a letter-writing campaign asking test sites to
"cease testing a human pesticide "
"What I keep hearing from the pro-abortion side
is that this w ill end the debate and end the protests
because RU 486 is a private thing." he said
Operation Rescue spokeswoman Wondv Wright
said the anti-abortion group plans to step up its
opposition to the drug with a protest in front of the
French Embassy in Washington, D.G.. later this
RU-486 works by neutralizing progesterone, a
hormone that is essential to pregnancy Without
progesterone, a fertilized egg will not adhere to the
walls of the uterus.
Outhouse searchers
dig deep for treasure
PORT TOWNSEND. Wash. (API — Armed with an »HOI map.
a two-prong pitchfork and some shovels, Russell West and
Harold De long scout yards for treasure in the remains of cen
tury-old outhouses.
Their finds include antique bottles and glassware, china and
porcelain doll heads, and other odds and ends.
"Most people say. ‘Aghhhhh. you want to do that? " said De
long, a concert pianist and former Port Townsend real estate
agent who took up outhouse digging about six months ago as a
De Jong said history loads him to plumb depths many would
find disgusting.
"You can read the ages as you go down." Du Jong said.
Some of the more unusual finds include weapons, a mon
key's skull and a 110-year-old
bottle of Madeira wine.
"I enjoyed the wine a lot."
Du Jong said.
Glass wound up in outhous
es because there was no gartxige
pii kup or landfill in the early
days, he said. The soft landing
kept many from breaking.
Some of the bottles he's
found date bar k to the mid
1800s. when Washington was still a territory, and De Jong has
a large colter tion of drug store bottles.
The worth of the bottles varies The average ranges from $3
to $10. but some can fetch hundreds of dollars, ho said
finding the pits cun prove tru ky Du long and West poke long
metal probes into the ground, listening for the grinding noise
that indicates there is glass beneath the surface.
Outhouses usually were located directly behind a home or
parallel to it so they weren't visible from the road. Sometimes
indentations in the lawn can indicate a pit.
So fur, Du long and West have dug out 200 outhouses in Port
Townsend and retrieved about 3.0(H) bottles f bey locate sites
with old city maps, obtained from a library in Tacoma, which
show where Victorian-style homes were built on the 110* by
110-foot city lots
IX- Jong said he got hooked after West dug Up several bottles
and other items in his own backyard.
As he looked at the relics. De Jong said he started thinking
about the people who lived in his house at the turn of the i on
"They hud no electricity, no running water and no garbage
collection." he said. "Imagine going to the outhouse at night
with 40 mph winds."
‘Most people say,
•Aghhhhh, you
want to do
Harold De Jong,
outhouse digger
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New clinic
will offer
SAlivM (AP) — A Planned Par
enthood clinic opening June 15
will begin offering abortions in
the fall, the group announced
It will be the first of Planned
Parenthood's Oregon clinics to
provide abortions The group
offers abortion counseling ser
vices at clinics in Portland,
Eugene, Grants Pass and Med
Tlie Salem clinic, located about
15 blocks north of the Capitol,
will offer abortions for women
who choose to end their preg
nancies ill the first trimester
Allie Stickney, executive dins •
tor of Planned Parenthood’s
Columbia-Willamette chapter,
said it would take several months
for the clinic to let ready to per
form abortions
However, she said the Salem
clinic would immediately begin
offering such serv ices as gynet o
logical exams, cancer s< reening.
pregnancy testing and birth con
trol counseling.
Stu knoy said Planned Parent
hood chose Salem for its first
abortion clinic in Oregon because
many low-income women and
teen-agers have a difficult time
finding abortion services in the
mid-Willamette Valley
Planned Parenthood expects
the Salem clinic to Ixi the target
of protests by anti-abortion
activists and is working with
polo e to make sure any protests
are peaceful, she said.
The Oregon l>?gisl iture recent
ly completed action on a bill to
impose felony penahiM for block
ing access to abortion clinic s
Gov Harisirti KoUtrts has said she
will sign the legislation.
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