Slaney undergoes surgery; will miss championships (AP) — Mary Slanoy has undergone surgery on her left heel, ending her irm k season before It started. Slanoy, who hopes to be able to run some road rat.t»* by the end of the summer, will miss the USA Mohil Outdoor "frock and Field Championships, which will bo Juno 15-10 at Hayward Field Slanoy. 34. holds records at 800. 1,500. 2.000and 3.* *y Cong r * t u UI to ns on (»r«(iu«iion^ From Your loving Family i Ca* For Workshops 1st Evor much needed Conference of Community Goup Hack 5taMmg Ho* to Do * t doaoity ft w«h Prate - Workshop leaders wanted to Wad workshops on hour to "Alienate Woman from the Dyfte (on, iicuh mo. laabtan com munity) "I Know Sonar Than Mar, "Mow to Oat the Most SMaaQi out of a Juicy Sion." t "Assumptions: Mow to tasks Thant Work For You I Your Friends." Panel Dwcuswons on “That Oftend# Ms' A “Who • Sieepmg wrth Who artO What (Jo Thay 0o»" You heard a hare 1st' Kay note master •rented Tate o> mooch "My Moea Your Busmes* Those woman inter ested should apply at the bakery 115 TYPING SERVICES at Maoris noom o onto acxoot. APOnOVSD 20 year thesrk/dws back ground Term papers’! ua rosume ser •tea Edmnp t asar pi OH CAMPOS! JO THE TYPSM PWO Word P-oceserngt dtrkj'T ypmg ThosaarOtssortoSons on Laasr Cad ftftd-ftOftft anytima t« PERSONALS 115 TYPING SERVICES orqrm TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land *" *86 33*3 Semng UO area »mce '981 ON CLAMIF1KDS 1 -STOP SHOPPING OtALATTOST Re*om*» ' Term Papa** ' iNntt l aun Pnntng ' Cop*n 8 Mow » rt*R» eiPtwcwct-aaoioio i:6 INSTRUCTION For Mo! White Wether A Dryer OOy K00 Sor the Ml New*y ovw hauled (Vow ocntMttn Om Shawn at 7*7 9/3' Ham lo find w« 1* ftoaatrtteoet new $?0C. Ahrarai 1? ethng gudai wrcaae. I960 obo Can Pau :i*< .«** Largo doofc $85. boo $86, rwwrtan Me $935. Sony line- $340 Can *85*951 Largo auOcoee 3i'«2*rr9 good con (Men , $10 Can 3*6 *170 Mu*> tall. 13' TV/VCR combo. $900 Jarr Vo*ao* tea $100. we oihce chae $60 oat am cli ISO 883-8831 Mute Ml Nteon Prat Am Package Comoro *000 loot, in pod And more, mini. $1148 oaoassa 18' con tote TV $76 large couch $100 net large dan* $75 Ca* 3*5 6811 $ largo wooden dettt $80 each or $00 lor both 800-9431 105 PERSONALS u; BUY OR TRADE WANTID TO BUT. Outv -tm Mon 'ram*. only (coucti *r»ui; unda< $>00 34*9/80 14$ CARS TRUCKS Canopy-Ma up In good BO 741 7570 & ISO 1871 VW But Many new pant $>000 080 Cm f: 889 MM 197] Marcury Monllpo >un» g>aa! mull i« 1>9S OOP *65 '6»7 71 VW BOP 08 Ooaan I run. MOO obo HMM 7J VWSupwtMMM Macnaracaty touad MntgM body ~ca‘ Hum aa« - going 10 Europa 81800 ago 3*4-0071 78 Audi 9000 Run* bid na«J» ongna ww* $400 obo Can 3*3 9623 78 Supar baatla 81380 obo. raoabla 7488W 80 Toyota Tareal MMc 'rwc* S-apaaO. cauana. >27.000 m*a» Run* *-«*>■$700 080 306*31 S3 AMC Spun 6 cy> (Mpanaaofa S*7S 344 899? 82 AMC Spun Beyl dapanoaw* $475 3*4609? 83 Nrtaan Pulsar. «£> Stpaod nakroatt 73,000 m*aa (■r«aam condpon $1900 606-3138 88 Toyota CaMca OT Run* Great' CD, PS cattana $5500 080 Cm 8869911 i55 BICYCLES ■oacti Cruiaar Bicycta gnu* k» around loan, 5 GIANT ftlncon mounuan 6*e Sramano 200 componom*. look* gnu* rpn great only. $>80 3*6 9*35 1882 Total* 14 1/r nan* liama. good tond $300 ot» Cal Soar on at 683-4638 105 personals Say your FITl&l in the last ftsue of the f ■ //<’"' >11 ill Oregon DairyjEmerald Classifieds! m si 0.00 1 x 2 Ik)x ad includes photo and message! Itn. Friday, June 4 $3.00 for 20 words How many p#c T » mi Quencer pkj» >ot» O* otoer KjflwBre S/96 CM 34S-B044 i?o SOUND SYSTEMS CASM111 We buy «« and service VMS VCR's «paa Mans portabon* Room A Bond* Over 8.000 openings Man or Fan'** For emproy mam program can 1 206 546-4IS* ail A6069__ LAW ENFORCEMENT JOBS St7 642 S86.682-V Po*ce. Stmk.ii Slain l>* Moi. Cor factional On cars Can I 800 902 8000 Eli K 9642 POSTAL JOBS 318.392 S67.i2Vy. now tweig Cat I -805-962 8000 sit P 9642 Auto-CAD oparator wrengmaEriag & drafting •'•penance Praia-'ml Sand 'a tome with Ova- wnar by Juna ' l Ann Personnel Manager 1680 Vaaey Rnrar 1> Su-ia 160, Eugana 97402 A SUMMER JOB $10.28 Natali Customer Service no eip necessary wtM Vain, scholarships 8 intarnsTiips poasibla 1-248-7438 Business Minded? On me joe training available wth Internal tinai brokerage Mm Encelienl pay lor part 8 lull time position! 342 2923 _ Camp start naadad lor Gel Scout Camp Can 6812461 lor mlormabon and appomimaot GREAT SUMMER JOBS' looking lor motnralad people wiAng to be tramed A -nprOTy promoted to manage eipkxkng sales lorce Work your Own hours 3448633 jto HELP WANTED Childcare tor spec.* needs checker. with disabilities, lots of flexible. P*f1-txne how's 464-6207 o' 342-4769 lysMOtsmnda heal eflieoeni non smoker. apply ai Kmete Cale. Wit lamella a Broadway_ _ GREAT STUDENT JOBS! Camvease's, tel you' own schedule IS 20h' guaianieed plus comma sens Paid weekly Can Oagon Job less Foundation 746 ’435 Looking (Mass Youth Trainees must be 17 21. posAion win provide support 10 youth with a isnge o! mental A phys cal disabilities 30-40 h'U'w*. 55 25th', June 28 1993 thru Aug 31 >993. ap pkcanls must meal ehanMy guidelines Contact Kns m 683 1890 Funded through the Southern waiamatte Pn «ate Industry Council HEALTH A WEALTH Health oriented company experiencing rapid expansion Seek ing people interested In e ground floor opportunity MS-4471 MICROCOMPUTER SUPPORT Student posit Ion Involves mainten ance ot Library microcomputers end peripherals Musi have experi ence m metalling computer hard ware and knoededge ot MS-DOS Please contact Lies Siereckl at 34B-1B34 tor more Intormation How rwing WORK STUOY QUALIFIED (must be my* study quaMiea for next year) student as computer hard weiWsodweie specialist Deere com putar mwntenence sens m 'tardware and sohwaie $6 75 pe< hour (Tram now kx next year) Ca* Janes at 686 54'4 POSTAL JOBS start S’ < 41/hr . ban eht*. kx appkeahon A xiio ca* 1-216-324-2102. 7am to 10pm 7 days 8ES1OCNT AFTER HOURS OCUVERT F unushed Mudto apt dut*a include at ler hour deiivanes to local hospitats Hours M F 5pm 8am per*a wees ends A hokdays. car prowjed kx do*v enes only, par dwm ol approx SiSOmo. no smekmg. no pets lane Memorial Blood Ban* 484 9111 SUMMER OPPORTUNITY Environmental f«na»a company now interviewing kx sates and manageiauiovtiont^Cal^6B7j663« Footnotes la accepting applica tions tor an office aaetatani Wore study only need apply Prater a student with office skills who can work tS-20 hrewe Pays *3 50 - 87 00 hr Apply In Rm 34. EMU EOt_ 220 HOUSES FOR RENT 2 BLOCKS TO CAMPUS 4 bedrm hse. fireplace, avail toon, 1272 Patterson Celt 663-3481. You an welcome to stop by Our oF lea kx a ties **t ot om present and tuhxe vacanoaa Apartments spne •no houses w4h tpacial mmmtr iMss Than Owe by any xxaSona tip ran* ycu •no cal Oit slca kx an jpportmart to saa tie nude SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W 10th Atenue OBS-ttSO 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Quiet. Summer Home with decs 4 yard 3 Rdf ms $700/mo Available June 15 al 2724 Kincaid 683 8336 _ SUMMER RATE BARGAINS' ROOMS 2140 Mams (non smoKer please! $150 1862 Kincaid $225 STUOtO APARTMENTS: 361 1/2 E 14th $240 1360 » 1372 Patterson $240 1844 Kfocasl (FURNISHED) $275 2040 Emerald (townhouse) $385* 1 BEDROOM: 361/361 1/2 E 1416 $295 534/534 i/2 E 14th $300 786 E I9th (rtorvsmoAer) $310* 914 E 18th (FURNISHED) hom $300 945 E 19th $295 979 Ferry lane $295*425 1359 Pearl Si $295*300 1370 High Si $250 1668 Ferry St $280 1881 FhghSt 1295 1825 1/2 Faamonl (cottage) $450 2 BEDROOM: 315 E I9TM $360 534 E 14th $375 914 E 18th (FURNISHED) $450 1340 E 19th $550 1844 Kincaid 43 W 10th Ave 48611)0 225 APTS DUPLEXES Available June 1$m For Summer 1 bdrm apt $275 Clean. gmet. turmsheo 1/2 bloc* horn campus 1 Bdrm Apts lor Fan 735 E 17th 343 2114 Campus Aparlmanta Furnished 142 Bedrooms Summer rales, $300*400 4662823 CLOSE TO CAMPUS 3 and 4 bedroom houses evarl lor Sum met md Fa* 34$ 7093 EUGENE MANOR tSghnse string with plenty of charm Sparkling clean large, bright stuOoa 1 4 2 Bedrooms bom $385 A< vSMes put calm inrsnstd 48< /44t Great house tor Summer F stt 2 Story. 4 bedim 2 bam great oca bon, 2 blcKS Irom campus $223 75 person available now* Can tor a tom 663-6012 _ HA YARD APARTMENTS St«*o 6 I Bdrms soma furnished, lease no pets $275 $335 M/v-aget 973 Apt i 342 2303 Nice bright specious 2 bedrm apt near campus, dtaharaaher. grt> dtsp A great tront lawn, summer sub ease Call now 3463056 PROSPECT PARK SUNSHINE SPECIAL' 2 Bdrm Apt $400 (June 4 July) Quiet country atmosphere with con venient city location, other lectures Include: pool, tennlaheebetball erta Ree room and playground, right paal 25th and Chamtwra 484 <953 Roomy t Bdrm Apt near 17tryHitywd $295rmo $295 dap with $225 i«4und able No pets Available June t5th Can 3461660 2 Bdrm Apt dose to campus (464 E. 18th) Carpeted, balcony $445mo Available June ISOt 886 8246