OregonDaiiyEmera\d Sports The Emerald Trophy: It really means a lot to ME!! Excerpted from the Oregon Track Media Guide “Thu Kmerold Athletic: Trophy sward is sponsored jointly by the athletic department and thu Oregon Daily Tnwrald. and is awarded annually to a University of Oregon student on the basis of outstanding a< hieve numi hi the fields of athlete s. scholarship, and citizen ship." The Kmernld Athlete Award is a misnomer No one idelines from t fio Emerald ever had any say in who was to be award ed the trophy Next year may tie different, though. as associate athletic director Gary (irnv said the Emer ald may tiave some input into the award Some tilings are going to change next year it lfti« rmrmut finally gets n vote In order to get an idea of the athletes we ant looking for. let mo present th« list of finalists I would have given the athletit department (ii l would have had a vote): Sc ott Nicolas, track — Nicolas probably would have tx-on ii finalist for the award just because of the look of surprise he pul on Washington Stole runner Samuel Killin'* fat e when he passed him in the homestretch during the Pepsi Invitational. Bui Nicolas definitely made the finalist list when he vomited on a certain Bmemld reporter's shows mid-sen tence during an interview moments after an ini redible attempt at the NCAA qualifying mark last week Joe Farwell. football — Farwell rebounded from some personal tragedies to lead the Oregon defense to one of its best seasons in history Farwell also had the best quote of the year when he told the Hmrrnld sports editor. Dave Charbonneau. "I don't care what you write afiout me; I don't read my press " Second-best quote lurry Green after the Ducks l>ent Stanford to get out of the Pat -H) cellar "I'm not going to stay up all night and party iust because we took ninth in the conference " Brad Nelson, basketball — Nelson, the Oregon student manager, was asked by i oach Jerry Green to suit up for a game against Arizona when the Ducks were running low on players Do you think you could have swallowed your luru h knowing you might have to play some twill against Chris Mills and Damon Stoudamire? Although he never did get into the game, Nelson did have the distinction of being the only Oregon "basket ball" player to make it on KSPN Pal Craig, wrestling — Craig wrestled for two seasons with a chronic shoulder injury. yet still managed to qual ify for the NCAA tournament froth years Craig probably has the highest pain tolerance level of any University student — several times in his career he continued to wrestle after having a coach place his shoulder back into the socket Antoine Stoudamire, basketball — After the Ducks started out 0-9 m the conference, Stoudamire could have phoned in the rest of his season Hut Stoudamire didn't quit and was simply the best guard in the conference in the final weeks of the conference season. LaReina Woods, volleyball and track — Although she didn't quite run 'til she puked, Woods ran four races at the Pac-10 track meet, her "worst'' effort being a fourth place in the 200 meters. Woods is another athlete who had reason to grumble, hut she kept a positive attitude throughout the volleyball team's disastrous 2-lfi Pac-10 season. Ronnie Harris, football and track — Although the tnyrahi never got to vote, i wholeheartedly agreed with the athletic department's decision to give Harris the Emerald trophy this year. Erick Studenicka is a sports reporter for the Emerald. Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 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