Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 01, 1993, Page 10, Image 10

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For Textbooks
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Aspin’s Venice stay
becomes cost issue
ROME (AP) — In Europe on official business. Defense Secretary
l.es Aspin spent several days vacationing at an expensive Venice
hotel. He paid his own wav. but taxpayers picked up the tab for sev
eral aides and a doctor who accompanied him. officials confirmed
A longtime female friend who vacationed with Aspin at the
Danieli hotel, a converted royal palace where room rates run upward
of $400 a night, returned with him Monday aboard a government jet.
Officials said she would reimburse the government.
Aspin, appearing tan and rested, defended the five-night stay at the
hotel. “I paid for the vacation myself." he said
As for the decision to keep his entourage at the hotel, one of
Europe's most expensive, he said: "That's not my idea. ... Where they
stay is their business. They can stay wherever they want. ... I'd be just
as nappy to be by myself."
Pentagon spokesman Vernon Guidry said Aspin was accompanied
on the vacation by a top mihtnry aide, a military physician, his com
munications team and a security detail. He said final costs figures
were not immediately available.
Guidry declined to give the exact number of the entourage, but a
Pentagon source, speaking only on condition he not be named, said
nine aides accompanied the secretary
Guidry said Aspin hasn't taken much personal time since moving
into the Pentagon's top job, even though he has been ordered by his
physicians to get rest after recent heart troubles that led to his getting
a pacemaker.
He said Aspin spent about two hours a day talking on the phone
with officials in Washington.
As for the staff that accompanied Aspin. Guidry said it was
unavoidable because defense secretaries require a special communi
cations link to the president and a security detail at all times.
Aspin s Republican predecessor, Dick Cheney, spent some two
day weekend vacations in Rome during his tenure and also took a
similar number of communications personnel with him whenever he
flew to Wyoming once or twice a year for fishing trips.
Aspin left on an eight-day trip to Europe last weekend, stopping in
Brussels for a two-dav conference of NATO ministers before mak
ing a quick visit at Aviano air base in northern Italy, where U.S.
pilots are participating in NATO operations enforcing the "no-fly"
zone over Bosnia.
But from Wednesday night through Monday morning he vaca
tioned at a Venice hotel.
A clerk at the Danioli, a converted royal palace, said double rooms
run for $417 to $45*.) a night and suites run upwards of $700.
Aspin was accompanied by his longtime friend. Sharon Sarton, a
steel executive from lake Geneva, Wis.
Sarton flew commercially to meet Aspin in Venice hut was accom
panying the defense secretary track home on the military jet. Guidry
said Sarton would reimburse taxpayers $1,100 for the flight home
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