Orcein Path EtntraWs Weekly Mum, Theater, Dance. Vulev ami Nightlife (htule Unshakable Raca (reggae) at Good Times 9 30 p m {4 Dosa/ Marshal PlaW Spr ingtooth (rock) al John Henry s 10 pm $3 John Workman Trio (iau) at Jo Fedengo s 9 30 p m Small Flail (rock) at Taylor s 9 30 p m $4 Hitting Blrtiv Oninfc at AM'*/ Adlckdid (rock) at me WOW Hail 9 30 p m $6 advance $7 door Body and Soul (rhythm and soul) at Good Times 9 30p m $5 Two Minutes Hate/ Nison FlaV Dutch Boy Finger nock) at John Henry s 10 pm $4 John Workman Trio (fa//) at Jo Fedengo s 9 30 pm The Dashboard Saviors (rootsrock revival) at Taylor s 9 30 p m S4 Caltente (Latin salsa) at the WOW Hall 9 30 p m S5 advance $6 door Terry Evens i Blues (or thought) at Good Times 9 30 p m $5 Sarahdolv The Timmy's (rock) at John Henry s 9 30 p m $2 Mark Alan oau) ai Jo federigo s 9 p m Dub Squad (reggae) at Taylor s 9 30 p m S3 DREH0SE7 Dot/ X Ray Cala Travottnq Wartoly Show Convoy and Road Rovlout (rocWarietyi at the WOW Hall 8 30 p m $7 door Rootlet i Bleat Jamlopen mike) it Good Times 9 30pm $t Agent W Horace Pinker/ Read) (rock) at John Henry s 10 p m J2 Open MIc at Jo fedengo s 9pm High Street i acoustic rock) at Good Times 9 30pm $2 Three Day Blow/ Happy Meal troch) at John Henry s 10 p m $2 Michaal Lehman tiau) at Jo FePeriQOS 9pm Pockets ol Resilience (rock) at Good Times 9 30pm (3 Souiliilv Tin Beethoakiet irock) ai Joftn Henry s 10 p m $2 John Workman at the door Showtime is h :t(). ftf f Moi n Tracking the latest Mindfunk Dropped & \993 Mmgaforcm ■ - * —* —«-* fcnfPiTOwif»rPnr Rating: ** • FrwDM inaMn* • * na«wtg hmc«i • **««*)• MMn **** twk • MU*< youn»»*»o REC RDS On the first listening of Mind funk's latest release. Dropped. you'll be thinking Pearl Jam dropped-in on the hand's recording session and made the album for them. The album isn't really that good, but turned up loud enough, it did drown out the baaaaad folk music that was being played in the EMU Court yard Thursday. This isn't to say that all folk music is bad. just the folkies whose careers are waning enough to show up and play for people walking by the EMU. I mean really, who but some drug-addled freak of nature could sit through hours on end of that marimba bond playing the song over and ovur. The marimba sound is actually kind of pleasant, but variety is the spice of life. Taking a 30-second break does not a new song make. And what's with this Mark Allen guy (also known as "that lame-o dude”) doing (oik. ver sions of Led Zeppelin. Van Morrison and other rock grants? I’m all for freedom of expres sion. hut isn’t there a line in the Constitution about cruel and unusual punishment? Mark, if you want to move on to venues bigger than the courtyard, try writing a song. You may argue that some people like this music because you can see 'em dancing to it. However, these are the same people who would do the freak dance to the marimbas or the Grateful Dead tuning their instruments. Lawrence Welk Turn to REVIEW, Page 6