LETTERS You want fries with that? I thought it was odd that the ASl'O president resigns, and then gets appointed to the ln< identnl Fee Committee with only three meetings left for this year's committee Even more disturbing is the fact that at the first meet ing in which he is a member, one of the items on the agenda is to remove another member of the committee who holds a two-year seat, thus vacating a sent for next year Due to my insatiable curiosity. I decided I would attend this first meeting with our former president on the committee, and not listen to the biased opinions of the Student Insurgent, the Oregon Commentator or the Emerald. At this meeting, an injunction was delivered barring a change in rules that would have allowed the commit tee to remove a member. I breathed a sigh of relief because I believed the committee could now fix us on the budgets for the remaining days. Friday came, injunctions were lifted, and Steve Masat was removed. I attended the meeting on Monday to ask the commit tee if it was going to justify its actions because I didn't understand how any of this was legal. We can't just abol ish rules to remove someone because he or she says something we dislike; this is not Nicaragua. Monday’s meeting was heated and confrontational and there was no way any of the members could speak hon estly and openly in that atmosphere. I believe the polit ical stacking and maneuvering was dishonest even if Masat deserves the lynching. James Hamburger Biology Six feet underground To wear a helmet or to push up daisies. That is your question [ODE, Muy -4). Well, I will tie the first to agree with a person's right to lie free of "limitations,'' howev er I cannot support the logic leading up to the Emerald s conclusion. In comparing helmets to seat lielts, you cited their i osl and access. Please lie aware that seat lielts are not includ ed free with your car. they ore part of the price, as should a helmet be w hen purchasing a hike. Second, if you suggest that wearing a helmet is only valuable in the city, then you should know that most accidents occur in those quiet, peaceful places i lose to home. It is the lack of awareness and caution at those times that lead to accidents. My suggestion is that if you want to go helmetless on a sunny day, gel off your bike and rest on the grass I for one would rather lie on it than under it Ben Kadas Graduate Student Urban and Regional Planning Stop the genocide Before the violence and genocide was imposed by the fascist Serbian forces on the Bosnian people. Muslim, lews, Catholic s and Orthodox all lived together in peat e All people were free to prac lice their religious beliefs and national custom without fear of oppression and destruction. In the 1 I months that have passed, the world has wit nessed the gang rape and deaths of innocent kids, young 000005? BUT NO > *poftk." k. J *tttr rufAjc<~j «PuS*jc LOftOo* , eiiis *> women and elderly women by the Serbian forces It is clear who is the aggressor 1 would like to pose the following questions Where are those nations who talk about human rights (the West)' What would it take to wake up the world's t on sciousness to stop the fascist and vi< ions Serbian forces' Would the West still he indifferent if Muslims were the aggressors and committing the same t rimes' Would the West lie willing to fight for Bosnians if they had oil' Obviously it is quite clear the West will choose tier side act ording to her need The Bosnian Muslims don 1 need Western help All they're asking is to have the right of self-defense (lift the arms embargo). Rape, especially gang rape, is a war crime Innocent Bosnian children and women could be my or your fam ily. We are all human liettigs of one race — the human race As humankind, we have a moral obligation to stop uncivilized behavior. The Serbians should be kicked out of the United Nations unless they stop their barbarian acts And the leader of Serbian fort es must lie brought to justice for the war crime acts. All Keyhanfard Graduate Student Urban and Regional Planning Ignorance in media coverage I resent all forms of the media on this i umpus that have slandered people who are trying to make a positive ( liange for everyone I’hese issues need In lie debated, not "baled It is interesting to wuti li people's perceptions of tiles issues, rai ism and prejudit e findings i an lie openly seen on both sides The Emerald. the Oregon Commenlntor and llwStudenl Insurgent have E. May t>). Although it is true that we should have equal representation in the media, we also need equal unbiased education for all It is this ntis-edot ntion that is revealed in the ill representation, mis information and portrayal of students and people of i olor in the media. It is not (list the i olor of one’s skin, hut what is in one’s head that can represent us equally Sadly, some of you may lie the next generation to portray, instigate and ere ate unneeded vxars and fat lions hot ween people, even those w ho choose to lie uninvolved To top it all off. someone si raped a swastika in our student union’s billboard II anyone knows who this j>er son is, please invite him or her down to the basement I’d like to ask that person why fie or she dnl such a thing. Kevin KJ Chang NSE ■ SATURDAY SYS Body-Soul ■ MOMMY &3I 01 Blues Jam ■ TUtSOAV S/I S2 High Street ■ WfOMSOAV 8/3 Pockets of Resistance 375 I. 7th • 484-7181 * Interested in Health Care Issues? • Want to Learn More About Health Insurance? * Willing to Get Involved? VBC*.' The Student Health Center needs students to serve on its health care committees. If you are interested contact: Bob Petit Student Health Center 346-4450 What's wrong with this picture? If you rvrf vlu|» uiwl look iwwl ran lran»i».Mrt only one prr%on gi rally conirttiutr* lo the pollution in our air mm! rwmiinn mao to»»il furl than •» nrrrtuiy On *r no* haw rrtough rr*Mit tn our rail ka at kn( «nr olhef A* the current rale, iltr IIS » 140 million car* have enough i|N)ir to have all of Wrilcm Europe III in jihI rale I living at le**t nd» of t »!»-»*• tiHiiuuiilr «/m! uMilhifraMr IraJfk con|r*Uon rm* h day S*» gli ahead MaJur y»**r woffcl a buk cleaner C'arpo• .( T«k# Otc Ih»» Hide a take have mu au by ratttervmf ritrr^y rot man mfcOTMnn 1 *it »MMiMr OtVgbfl « Mk?* »«i 1-Mi I5^J — T—1