EDITORIAL Evolution of debate slipping backward In the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial. Clarence Darrow unsuccessfully defended a high school teacher who pre sented the Darwinian theory of evolution to his students. Toaching evolution was against the law in Tennessee. The case is considered a landmark because it helped spark dobate on the values of scientific evidence over religious traditions in the public schools. Despite John T. Scopes’ initial setback, evolution is now recognized by most scholars as a valid explanation of human exis tence. In Vista. Calif., a similar debate is shaping up today. However, this time the tablos are turned. The Vista school board may vote in Juno to make creationism — the theory that the Earth and all its inhabitants were cre ated by a supremo being (God) — mandatory learning for all students, thereby destroying the boundaries between church and state devised by the U.S. Supreme Court. To honestly evaluate the dobate, one needs to under stand the purpose of a public education — to prepare students for the future by teaching them the skills they will need in the real world. Aside from basic subjects like moth, writing und science, it also involves dis cussing and evaluating such topics as life, sex, society and death. Those subjects are taught on the basis of researched information combined with theoretical mus ings. Evolution belongs in public schools. It is a scientific theory proved to a satisfactory extent through research. Science, which is knowledge derived from observation, accepts evolution as a legitimate theory, as well it should. Although people can interpret scientific discov eries differently, the goal of science is always the same — to further our understanding of the world around us Christianity, unlike science, is based on faith. And regardless of now hard you try. you cannot teach faith. Because accepting creationism as a valid theory means believing in God, that is like teaching an unteachable concept. Tho school board’s proposed policy would encourage teachers to show "weaknesses that substantially chal lenge theories in evolution.” But if the board were to tru ly implement such a policy, it would have to teach all alternative theories. In other words, every religion that makes a claim about the genesis of human life deserves equal time. That is one of the main purposes of separat ing church and state; no one religion is favored over another, whether it be Catholicism. Buddhism or athe ism. While different theories on the same subject have a place in schools, students' educations should bo based on the most plausible facts available. Creationism is based too much on religious interpretations of facts and belongs in the church or the home. If parents really want their children to learn religious theories, they should send them to private religious institutions, not public schools. Oregon Daily Emerald The Oepon Darfy Emerald t» pubfcahed deny Monday through Friday Axing the achooi 1/ and Tueaday and Thuraday during the aummef t>y the Oregon 0*>ly Emerald Co Inc ,'et the Urwerufy of Oegon. Eugene. Oegon The Emerald operates mdependenay of Ihe Unrversrty with ofhcee a Suae 300 of the Eit) Memonel Urson and « a m*ntw of me Associated Pres* The f m««k) is private property The unlawful removal or use of papers 'S prosecutable by lew Edllor: Pal Mai sen Now* Editor Editorial Editor Ckaphtc* Editor Entartalnmant Editor JaM B»g Martin f nfw JadPaalay Fray* Mom Fraaianc# Editor Editorial Editor Sports Editor Supplamanla Editor Night editor . MMoch Mindy Bajcum Hiwi Januan Oav* ChKtxxwaau CMay Anda»vxi Aaaoclata Editor*: Tammy Halay. SluOoot Gonammanl Ac(ivir-a» uaraiyn nappa Commonly Co*aan Ftohkg. Hgh«* EdkrcaSorVAdmndAaaon Maw* Start: Chati* Allan Man Bandar. Judin Biown. Sarah Clark. Mag Dadotph Amy Oavanxvl. Jan fcfcaon. Amanda Farma. Anthony fomay. Bran Haga. Taraaa FAmtamgar. nabacca M*ntt. Slav* »*m», Katv Moaaor Timr» Mu*a*r. Tnata Noai. E*an Shaw. Enck Studanxaa. M»wn Suitor. Randy TNaban. Mchaia Thompaon AguMr Amy Van Tuyt. Todd W«k*m». Clayton Yaa I Otncral Iiawgr. Judy production Monogor: Met*** Rom Advertising: Tom leech Said* Manager Shawn Barren. Offtc* Manager Jane troia. Tweaa ladseiia, •’nap Johnaon II. Orta Kanod, Jarsmy Maaon. Van V OUryan II. Qatar Oh. Rachael Trtd. An