Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 28, 1993, Page 12, Image 11

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Teacher suspended over extra credit
LONGVIEW. Wash. (AP) — A high school
teacher who gave his students extra credit for buy
ing condoms has been suspended, but also
"I honor tins teacher." hearing examiner Fred
erick Rasmussen said Tuesday in upholding the
Longview School District’s two-week unpaid sus
pension of Larry Wagle. Rut he added. "You're
guiltv of insubordination and it was your choice "
Wagle proposed the extra credit after bis ninth
grade world history class discussed a newspaper
article about condom shoplifting by teens too shy
to buy them.
After getting permission from parents, interest
ed students had to buy a condom from a store c lerk
of the opposite sex. take a witness and get a
rei eipt. Three students took part. Several angry
parents called to complain.
Wagle argued that many American teens are in
danger of getting AIDS because they're too embar
rassed to buy condoms
“We are something like accessories to
manslaughter when wo do not educate about con
dom use," ho said during the hearing "Condoms
are essential in the modern world.”
District lawyer John limns said the suspension
was "an extraordinarily mild" response for insub
ordination. Wagle also violated state guidelines on
AIDS instruction Condoms are not distributed in
the district's schools.
Wagle, frequently at odds with school adminis
trators. represented himself at the hearing, [redding
across the room in his socks and stroking his flow
ing white heard. Ho said the issues were academ
ii freedom and AIDS prevention.
"II parents had a chance to say no to the assign
ment, what’s the beef?" he said.
Clark Goer, AIDS coordinator for the Cowlitz
County Health District, was called as a witness by
Wagle and said the county has one of the state’s
highest rates of sexually transmitted diseases
"I think it is commendable for a teacher to put
himself on the line for condoms I think it's amaz
ing and rtiav save lives." he said
( hronu Nli^ur Syndrome Support Group
will mod Sunday at 3 p m a! trio Hoopla *
Utility Distric t Building. 33733 Snavtty loop
Bond For morn informal ton. call bfWiQJIO
Singapore Student Aim* tat inn will have
oU'tllon* hulay at 4 JS pm tit Room 180
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across from Room 202 Friendly For more
information, call 34b 40^9
htnlogv Golloquium will feature Dong
Scheme***'* presentation Fvolution of a
Flower Color Polymorph it in in I ho Depart
Annual l.tnanthu* Parrv ae Wa« Wright
High!7 today at 1 30 p m in Hoorn 112
Amnntv International will prtwiii Hmld
mg Human Right* Conimuinlin* I »n u* on
Guatemala' Saturday at 1 p.m atdwrKoinon
tatamter For more information. call W» 4 t"*t»
Amne*ly International will have a
Guatemalan pohticai ami cultural prenanta
(tort and dinner Saturday at 7 p m at 22 74
Om * St For mow information. call 346 4 tSf»
Depart menu c»f l att Aaian language* and
literature* will sponsor Huang Meirhait'f
presentation Contemporary Development*
in Research In Shanghai today from 3 10 to
4 to p m in Koom BIO PLCL For more tnfor
mat tun. call 146 1521
Muslim Muiiml i ir^ant/alion will »poi-><>t
an ifltortiMlion tabU* about i»!«m with books
ami ptuuphirt* today Irwn 11 M)« m. to 2 |*f»
in ih«’ KMt! lobby Fm more inform*turn. <*11
340 i 7*m
IMnd/trm for uihuuttmg ft Ah to the
•Id {null tir^k Suite ton f.Xtl n m*w-i the cfciv
before fnihhvotixin The nr** * mitt Of tine* not
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No4k r% of exeat* h tlh tl clotutlkm Of ti if nun
ttion f/wfw Hill not br accepted Cam pm
went* ami thine *< dwdahtii nrare*! the {mb
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