-Oregon Daily Emerald Sports PK»iob|f Manor timmx Jim O Fallon (right) praaantad tha Higdon Trophy to LaRaina Wood* at an award* tunchaon Wadnaaday. Tha trophy la awardad annually to a top Unlvaralty aophomora for ancahanca In attUatica, acadamica, and cltiranatUp. Harris, Woods, Klein win awards Erick Studcntckj Oago" Ofy tirmav Multi-sport athlete* Ronnie Harris. LaReina Woods and Eri ka Klein were the recipients of the athletic department's most prestigious awards at the annual Senior-Scholar Athlete Recogni tion Dessert, which took place Wednesday in the EMU Ball room Harris, a wide receiver on the football team and a sprinter on the track team, won the Emerald Athletic Award for outstanding achievement in athletics, schol arship. and citizenship "Coming from a small school. I was just happy to make the football team.” Harris said. "The award is just icing on the cake. I had a blast hero at Oregon; 1 was just really fortunate to be able to play two sports." Klein won the Jackson Award as the top senior woman athlete at the University. Klein, a polit ical scionce major from Lyn wood. Wash., was on the Pacif ic-10 Conference championship crosscountry team and took sec ond in the 1.500 meter run at the conference track champi onships. Woods won the Higdon Tro phy. given annually to a top University sophomore for excel lence in athletics, academics. ‘I had a blast hi* at Oregon.’ — Ronnie Harris Emerald Award Recipient and citizenship. Woods was an outside hitter^on the volleyball team and a sprinter on the track team. She tied the school record at 100 meters and led the 4x100 relay team to on upset victory over ASU at the conference championships last weekend. Former Oregon wide receiver Terry Obee was the guest speak er at the annual event. Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! A XU aouM to* to mtgrMuUM *• of ou< graduating oarvor* B**l at tut* gut*' W*1 mu you' * you* M>1 r*» Than** tor maOUng Tha toaacti party a Waal X*f TfVTON A nlgM on to* loan. attoout a tog irawt, tor Mama A tore*, atoto good luck, gray tola la to* otoan FOUND: Purpta dot* boo* art* tempo Mi <*•* mad* Cat Anar* to claim 3444091 Loatl MtoM in Oragon HaN Otoar. comptoOa aorta o* «ha*aapaara alto norvdaacrtpt. graan coaar. I naad H tor daa* |plu* aanlNaanial vatu*!) 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