mElP A SUMMER JOB fteMILCuatoma- Banrtaa. no atp . . . , - , M n|aiafc|m t ntOCtHnf, Mi wiW, •CmwV’ipf > mtamaMpa poUDK 1744-744* PUBLIC PELATKMS POSITIONS' PP Intarnthlpa to- tW)44 achooi M Uppar avwon crarkt K» Jo n Santo- Contact Bern Swank. Caree Ptann-nq t Placeman!, 3460009 WSBtNT AFTW HOUBS Of UVf AT Fu-m»had «todw apt. dut*i include at ta- hour dakvanaa to neat nojpnaii Hour* M f bom 8am. aMamata weak and* t noMday* cat p-ovxled tor dekv enaa only, par dam ol aeo-ci $l StVmo no imokog. no pats Lana Mamonal Wood Ban*. 484 8 m Stipend Fbeitions Available ASUO Executive tt filling the following positions for the 9.V94 sch»x>l year ar GrrH Afiun G»mJimafw •* \xmfiaihrnmal Stmkmn Ctmmk\moh* m Comptroller •* hmitu r Cnutihmihw m Aim taut A i mamtt ( iHwdtmtihw App4* ainwt\ due Wnlnokiav Me? ?«>. 4 t .VH 'flnpm W»*c rASUO TYPESETTER WANTED The Oregon Oaily EmerskJ Classified Advertising Department n no* rttnng for the position of typesetter Th*s pert time position (17 \h hrv*A) starts *n September The position involves crea hve data entry and lots 0< customer service Computer shiiis a must Must be abie to commit to 3 1/2 hours dairy sometime between 9 30AM and 2 30PM it you enjoy it last paced, ere ative setting, this is the job for you Pick up applications »n Room 300. EMU Applications are due Fr*da> May 28th, by 5 00PM Applicants must be University of Oregon students The Emerald is an AA/EOC 210 HELP WANTED Altor MMr* mortBh* ol paying *>0 '► ■urn* joino I tound * company moro concomod oWl POOP* Won popor Ro oom groano ha uo •oord'ing lev on muaaaac nlnluaii to M um » '’'onagMioUxMittOP* M7-0836 MNNUNH 4 (Mr MO 0 Mivu> Approi xvrwMh mmcouti ontata Mud bo (COO to ocoo nod '0 « 004 (0 (ummor 16 00-1* 2V*w Apply to poroor only at Nortf' Bom Roatouroni 22 Club no Eugono 12000 ..month Taa-Praa! Tooch EnqWvJoponTI—n Placarwani guaranlaadt No aapartanc* noeaa ■ary t M-P. 11-7 Em) am for program information LIVE M APT MANAOEP lor vary r»c* apartm*nts across Ifom UO campus Compansalon .nctudas tumishad apt. utaaws A salary f ip* none# not rsqurrad Sand r*Sumo to Managers Positron 2040 Harvard D», E upon*. OR 974QS Wan tad. pari ttma people to show rantal until and perform ctancal du Dos Raqmras vefucio and miwignass to wort Saturdays Must Oa outgoing A motivated Please sand Diet cover attar artth rasuma to Jenrwrg* A Co Proparty Management Inc. 486 E 11th Av*. Eugene 041 97401 No phpna ca»s ptaaaa_ 220 HOUSES FOB RENT You aatfcom# 10 Mop Cry Out 0* fic» tor a of our premant and Mur«* cAfOM Apartment* and Nxivn Ipaoai surane# rale* Thar drwa ay */>* location* m*! miarwi fou and cal our oAc a to# an appomimart io m» me made SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES MWtOlhAvanua MS-1130 210 HELP WANTED V University Housing Summer Cleaning Crewe for Residence Halle DUNM IftfcHhftng wrOovn wooOwOrti wofe »yf l»mopp» V romovtng h<.j»T\ moving ft fWT*'wrtryg tuntMt ft fur***** docming urttrotxm foorro cand ttorv^»#» making iwnte <**J doing r*fcx* rnnintonnrw'o >KMwwn>i • Murf bo o U»j(lont ft* ipflng ur*1 pfcjn to Cm a in**** r. n>» tai • M».*t bo gt)t» K» wan *-*»**o**H and workday? tx»g*v*rg Juno »?*n and po wfftrig to Im 0va0Ofc*» on O COft r> tXBft throughout • Mu«t KM at*# to perform pfu*ang»d Ming. t**v*r>o nk» rung and \hm eftmbing ir» a ftmtty tolhton • ^ppicaltor* tat itujm mciw •'« fT«j*r cm accompanied oyowrt pOfftHt • Mutt novo o photo O antlS* »**Socuffty • «j»d at **• erf ogn up Wage rate $4.75-5.05/hour fourion ovoaou* «HOCa>TBW( MO matonat port «n» (*»««» Many potfhnrtt **« t>« MtamocJ' * rogt** wot% t»«ouQhtx* tummi* r*wwovot n«xo * no guarani***J kmy*h a# omptoymont Apply CM toftowi IV k up appicofton puefcago* at urtfvonify t-toupng r'j*nc 0 at tf«a t omm erf \b9\ ft Agat« from 0 o m 6 p m CampAotod a*ipftc«fton» *i 0* occoptocJ at Oougm lauxM at l*>m ft Aguto St accoKJmg to **> foftowmg v '*«»*) U Of O MUdtna AJ other tfuLMp it* xr«* 9 a m *> j p x»w 3 9am to 3p A#w 4 9am lo 3 D a»5 9am «o3d I £ £ e Affpactmorrn mrnbmm*mwd cfmotogtca^r Looking for a change in your routine? It takes more than a paper airplane to spice up a term! Save room for u& in your fall schedule! ESCAPE offers you ihc academic experience of a lifetime (you might even find it fun!) by allowing you to learn while volunteering in the community. No matter what your major or interests are. we have the perfect position for you to experience. We will stan registration for Fall term on September 13th but you are more than welcome to come check out what we have to offer today so you know what placement you will want for fall! Stop by our office in EMU room M-111 (up the stairs next to the elevator by the fishbowl) or call us at 346 4351 for more information ESCAPE, it isn 't just a class. it's your life! MOUSES fC-« RENT Room at noma ava< to* «*•«•. 8 Mu to campus 1300 monPi CM 346.«i«i __ ■iimmar Rant 2 term nousa on IRMOnoad AvaaaMa Juna IS to Sat* M&C488041430 __ OM CLAUMIIM 14TOMNOMNO Campus Aparimants FumlaRad 141 Radrooma. Summar ratas, 43004440 404-1833 NEED A PLACE THIS SUMMER? «8a nm a 1 4 1 badroom apt that* parSact 4 U. ctaan. qutat. on straat parking. 2 Mocks to campus, km iusiw rasas, atao avail to* FaM Call 345-4155 Ntca brtgW spacious 2 badrm apt naar campus. dtaharaahar. g*t> dap 4 graat front loam, sunnw sut> Mass COM no* 34430M Cuss ona badroom apt vary class to campus, no pats. 4360 avatfacsa Juna 84 CM 34S636' ONE MONTH FREE :>•..(»« (O0« naar campus AvarUtHa Jur>a IS Aug 31st CM Pata or Adam *> 144 3641' Pra-Laaaa to* summer 3 won’ 4340 Pra taasa lor lalf 1 mo han' 3 OaOrm $694 Both *« tnan I Woe* Irom cam pus afeovarad par* mg 6869499 0* 461-0189 PROSPECT PARK 2 bedroom apartment ava»J npw qu*tt country «lmo9pf\«#0 *coo-*> tocabon, off** taatu*** inducts poo' cts **c room ard playground. ngM p»a*t 280> and tMwn 464-6563 Studtoa. t badootm apt» on campus av*ii£aDi* kv fati utetMHt. laundry of* streart parfctng, $350 $3^6 34? 6663 SuffiffMK Ratat \v Mn*^} urvts ru** muse bu'kjmg. Studto. 1220 Sflfcas t txxym $235 \ Oirdrm. $.>50 C44 4 760 SUMMER RATES TALL RESERVATIONS RESERVE NOW' Ona of tha largaal A ba»l campus IST7 E mar aid Mgr M3-B919 1S*0-1SB*I740 AidarSHE lain Mgr ■ BBS0743 IMS Farry Mgr - M7 S»W am E tarn 737 e I»tn SOOEIBtn *44 E 19th ISMOnya IM3 Qardan 10SS Patlaraon t«1 E tun VON KLEIN RRORCRTV MOMT IM1 FERRY STREET _4BS-7T7S_ PAY NO RENT ■nan you amaw tor 5omm« o> Faa oaan. modam 4 paacaM 2 M"n loanxouta* Pai>04 4 baKonna ovartooa tna MM Rat a 4 an partacl arg* Xudkw 1 A 2 Bedroom* from SMft «IJhlflliiaMKUMU< Ml WG I 1/1 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS SluOo o« ik«») facAfy ’■a* wmm A «o— MJ rpftl_ BSUBLETS Claar »umma> iutm waaay gomfl t* HKioUMt mjmI tttaVanl, StjCVmo I upatami aunatuna & »*a» $400. (>(« $ date* nag VMM*." ___ WanMd Ona Bdrm tumiaftad apt tummar onty Contact I ugr» I aattvat ot Muxcal Snaatar MS. OC.'W tammy « QUADS SUPER SAVINGS AIDER STREET QUADS * SpKM». $IW, to*n**/t#d uW pad qua* '.mr'arU a Oacount to# t m SiV^-239. *#*»■** ad unrt*. *tx*> Oy fV'JO 1J<0 At PER >T Trso Hli Y A wo SUMMER RATES Waa to campu* *»o#n '* quads* Prvyato I n t; area f icafta^t l ocatto#> Sfvara batfv**.:n«H> SiS6 • dap N«* f*uc« NorttaMMM Ml 2ND4 2« ROOMS 0*4ui« room k’tcrw ntnu UO 5 $*9ft.TH>. u«tvfm*n>#d M3 44M Fumittvid room $? 66 qwwsrt noo amofce*. ??ivJ A D»af’l<»,4 (V«mi ftwfft 344 jiy2___ Room for rtnJ in ip«cioui 4 txx* room houw. do*# to UO. A 15 Nigel M*44W SI 70/MONTH Ator Somme* iMrid Mcftort A CfcNto ttfl •I'XluO eO 3 Woe** to Campui CALL 34MIM 255 ROOMMATES WANTED F«mat« n—(tod lo '00r**y 3 D#drm hou*« 2 m#ruM\ *tud««Ui Jon© ky $260. Ju*y Aug to# SSKXymo Qom to oam^M®. acro«a trom Anuuon P*wy ruori*ng tratf 34M5643 n# m*g 265 GARAGE MOVING sales Moving Mto:$ony 13" 00tor TV $120 VCR $70 An»««rtng maefitfv*. $29 Slot (1 6m & i 8m) A t*x*i (41). $»50 Oom & clvaef $49 C-ta mt sag/ _ .. MOV INC SALE 82 C**vy CarwN>. conao*# star to vnood duftodii mm (4 clot). modular Mntvwv {9 PC). <>•*» #r»vmtfrof» (4) CaR 68R0SM 2% CAMPUS EVENTS IMun Gey B.S»«u* >o*H» Luncft W»<*wm .'45it 310 MASSAGE 4 BODY WORK ME 104 TIMM MAMAOC. L.MT Strong «nd 7 U> »*»« lMM*»ng «»M» njun**, nurtutwfl p»op*» MO-4JOW 303 SERVICES Fmm Pr«gn«ncy TMOny f ug»n« P»«gn*nc-» Suppon l.*r>tw •rAnMtcra In ii>-4 MSOtO) PngtuntT Wo»r4#d? Wo car Con V»«»1w cwng tuM»X f »>» Wrbor f'im 0»*9n**V !•*« tWff' y ag/ aesi Episcopal ' Campus Ministries < M WHr*. I \S* I. ivifc tofpvr p>^H« t '♦»»«•« ■»*>—« b^gSLuasr with ODE Advertising ?7i ELECTIONS FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. P1ZAMOS PIZZA Zesty Chicken Fajita Pizza Special Introductory Otter *3.00 OFF large *2.00 OFF medium 346-0776 Oflor good thru spring temt 7J ELECTiOHS Singapore Student Association ELECTIONS Sunt and \e[\eiltmonU pAOoided Friday. May 28 • 4:30 pm Ben Linder Room All oa* welcome! Read the ODE Classifieds everyday... It’s reading at it’s best. Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU SOT, V0& THAT expfu.*>.^ON vnaAu ! WHAT * l a r ai/ w if 1 HAiHNC' mfrft&n rarrHtHMHvf tuv*> iarvt Htn fAfftmt/juB/im/r rtCKim vPuHuq ur un iff 6W HO. I... V ft/7 in rue m-an TIM?, I've OiAN&V A 0/7. ANO NOW THAT XX) m!-Me, yw'PI VGM1VIN1W, PJ6M' _ UM HO' nor ATAU' ueu, UKHJQH AKVTMYWr&fT HCmJtONCiH/W iW HUN IC&HCr larnwRi Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson OPINIONS tfJURJL A BAX-FACED. BUG E1ED. BOOGER KQSED. BAlOHET BRACKED _ BEETLE BUTT' - I 1 i f m VOLvMVttS SOOM. WORK, just \sht foR wt