Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before I p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! i03 GREEK HAPPENINGS M«rt kx mx rm4> a* What a or** day Sunetune. band* ad baeaeagaet Than** to* a great party! a AXU congpatuiatwns Jarwca * R<* on xx" i*'n»‘9 Me are W NK3PV lw lfme [a me Katya_ You Surpruad AH Shannon? CoeoraMabona oa yoa aaByaart* a KAPPA'S 105 PERSONALS B.T.O ftal tnp Onhaakaftod lip Otnotoaflad ' ns. (whodraltod rip (>chato»«ad lip 1 ." ■■o Invest In ysur tutim wMh Ortgon Daily Kmarald Classiflad Advsrtla 2) xry Congrau on bang ■ ■lodid to tha TOP VM! Wa‘*• boon through s to* togttfw in lOyra (Craarnth, Mi Monroa, Icfcy, Mr Good tuck ol Como* Loo Sao ya mt« Friday, I ova ya, Q • Tip Trnon, va utoian Gray 1 ass away Oh. m'v> nviMO turn many a day •*» ngondng ntum a tonaaong to ram * out IMI10 do mora San pit, Pu**Marnac«« 110 LOST a FOUND tool Famato Tabby CM VII naar 3rd 4 n on Gray with, track «npa» $100 Wsvrd to* hoc ratum I Friendships are rruuir in (hr i Q[)H CUuufinh! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS no LOST 4 FOUND Km found M Ml May V?2 Co* tool* vm) m Orogon Hoff Odor, com pi on mti of ShaAoapoora •» non-dMC'lpt. groan covor I noad H lor ctoat (ptua Mn'lmonuf nM) Cod A all tor Mk*a«a or loovo maaaaga ms TYPING SERVICES At 3*4-0790. Roam » 0**0 tCMOOL A4PWOVIO ]0-y««r maHA-UHO oac* ■yoond I •«" poporfcf „-e Ofciw *•« .waJfMw} UWP» OOI CAI^US* X> TMC TYPtHQ P«0 Wond Pnxaraatn^l: J«4>9rT yp*tQ I>Mn1>ii«tie»ii on UMO> Cot MMMI ”* Typing unlimited Bnt»i Land «■»*) Swwxj 1X3 »«* 19#l 20% OFF all typiiif tarvieai now until anil of tha tarn • Rmmmi * M ^oMiiiof * Tkm Nfon COMPUTER PROCESSING i UNLIMITED \ 689-7565 A PERFECT PAPER P'anwiana im>«9 p iwm »n. ft ■Myron aw> jim >*»<*';_ t?5 INSTRUCTION PROFESSIONAL EDITING • Fast mvv*c.« «n mot) cmm) • Crtoap J' Mp»* P*9» • Companion! • f*o# pcfcup A 3***ory) Wrfng AMtitmc* • Cdiong • Proofing XknOOOiOdd Emjr-Froo P«t*«C** AJ oncng ttym and ujtycn wortim# Cai rxpr—ooni «** UMmi **nu**' Pro/Edit 343-2747 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS Greeks — earn S5 in just 20 minutes Vl study »uby*cts from the Ciwk System to answer .in anonymous questionnaire Subjects must be: 1. at least IS years old 2. a member of a fraternity or sorority 3. able to read English You will be asked to complete an anonymous personal bac kground questionnaire about your health practices, sexual behavior, your current and past use of tobacco, alcohol and other illicit drugs Takes approximately 20 minutes and you will be paid Ss Interested? Come to Room Cedar F in the Erb Memorial Union between 9 a.m. and noon, Thursday May 27th. m» o tvri a* i So Pre/rcr ji Orrgixt RemrrS l«-inutf 130 FOB SALE M!$C ■bib, Paavay Sm *mp. Marao «- 060 2 Mk XL <0 60* i naa »60 060 ' Md *600 060 n Oooo* v*r 360' to.00018 000 cm radurt ay"* S'500 060 IDM'WI *>f*ta» Hv * »• M» '036 1 pc TV VC6. UN Dorm trip. too OB* ant cno %ti J«y VO**9* 6** *160 JVC If arm' rcvt * art J'OC 66.V683' Couch Mttftan tabta a* chBtra ra eHoar Qubbo Hra bad. lamp*. HHMt .iwt1 NagowaOM. CBM Mm chaal 464-I467 Hammock* Mom Camra *m*r> cb MghOy •-“I at a* «*»*. *36 Ca* John 465 4965 larpa Oaa* * o»<» than *'50 QOo Dorm l»v *40 ofco l aava maaaaga lor Mam It 3*5 5694 .. Whirlpool Laundry *a' *'50 CMI Mho.1 at J42-512S Whna antxjua non bad t»i tcmgi maflraa* to* *sh* *'50 Wrvta man Brraryar JtXX) CQnO *' 00 666 608-3 I coochaa *30 *'00 Color Tv (TO MMtrau mb. i'OO 66663/6 am** day* a*o> 6pm. aat 0*Mre> i40 PETS Young CfetncMIta good com** «*fc»y cag* * *ood ^un #M>bc amm* moving & mu** *•* $?5 W n/4 145 CAPS TRUCKS fUcom*t>or>»0 VW angina DM bug w but. UM aacKanga MM1M 71 VW Van. m* mjanlainaa 1700 «* M»4B0 _ Housing a bit tight? Check out sections 220-255 73 VW SuparOoaO* M*c**nit*ay mM atralgM bo*f. me*1 Mud »*U ■ going to lurop* $1600 080 3*4-0071 7* Audi 6000 ftuna but n*ad» wort $600 otxi CM3*.V9S?3 71 ToyoU Caltca fran imi •»« Pul good ml run* Mr 5 «pd. aC PH.*"’ CP4* $330 060 46*2377.. 83 AMC spun 6 cyl dapendaDte $476 3*4 8903 S3 Toyota Ode* QT Run* Or oar CD PS c»h« $6300 080 CM 686 9911 ISO MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS Honda Aaro 30 960 mh *• n#» 1496 CM *84-0636 altar 3 00PM M Honda cm* 130 Scooter f u* •rmoanwad trunk, dgrtai control*, 60 MPh 60 MPG Highway $700 Cal 687 9366 90 Yam ana 30 Scooter ow m.te», ruhaunal looa* & run* graal Haw odar 34? 3669-«w 155 BICYCLES 32cm CuMom Road B*a Many ap* cut teatur** CM Dm lor date** at 683-9146 $496 080 <« COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS AmMMd Won] Proems' » pnntv. H» II go roa a day** sac 601MCT9 M*v Mk *al. >40. u* COW' •1WW ad aaytwanJ, *on»ar* $’67$ 060 7r«0* in DMitn 663 4»*$ MMX TOMTU «0mt> Murfl Dnsa. »Op p*. COOT mondcr. $860 3**6WI 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CAW'. *• buy. mu ana »w» ^WS vCfl i are mma» Thompoen fwc iron*.*. 1122 0* 3*3«2?3 175 INSTRUMENTS OI6SOM acoustic guitar. B » «* SC* mow OaauMU ton* mb *wdmi cast 1400 060 Ca* U* im 'mTIc’i tr\i cae . uUrt m. i30w '50 sat* o< S*S0 kx bom Man *8*6060 Yam aria Staai string guitar and caaa fITSobo Can Sara 3*5-07*4 18!) BOOKS CASH FOB BOOKS Two Convenient Loc«Ooci» THE IMh 525 WltKMdi 0-4717 BUYMO HOURS HIM HHIU >1. M Smith Family goohstorg 1« TRAVEL Traveling Soon? Apply to* ■ credit cent A fly RT maim m in* USA lor >t» at lee*. C*4 today 4SMHS ::i OPPORTUNITIES ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT ■ hthmna*. eem up lo S*O0-‘«k m can '«« or SeOOOmo 0" iiMwig BoMi free tiantponntiort' Room A Boer a Over eooo opereng Mai* or l«nm For employment program call 1 206-848 4'Mad A6069 Cruiaa snipe Now Hiring Earn tMOQimo pin* • aono »««> ttawa* Marco. V* C«**oar OKI MoLOay Summer 8 career employment evi* Mile No upenenca naceeaary For employment program tan t 206-634-0486 art 06060 LAIN ENFORCEMENT JOSS $17,842 1S6662V Pole*. She"**. State P* trd Correcoon* Outer* Car i 600-062 6000 Em K-0642 « > Need Money fok College? We Can Help You! Incredible numbers of scholarships unclaimed each year. Our matching service finds them. Ao n't Act ay! Write: Scholarships Now! PC). Bo* 241)490 Honolulu. HI 96824-0490 w---- -.M 205 OPPORTUNITIES OOCS YOUR JOS SUCK? « to. locking kx 5-10 WoeMntj to won. mortn Man> (nmM room S bow'd m otnai MnatW No pravwui nammg o> laacftmg cart* cal* lagonad Fn» avm> toonO 7U549-t5e9 205 OPPORTUNITIES 210 HELP WANTED AD DESIGNERS A PAGINATORS The Oepon Orao Emtrmd production dapartmenl * accepting application* to> !ti« ’oAoerog paid positions mat •tart 0 mcjmght Appllcatlona * )ob deecrtpWon* itv».iat><« n Room 300, EMU Eligible appKant* mutt be enrolled at the U O' O lor the ’993-04 *cltooi year Dead line Thursday May 27 CLASSIFIED PASTE-UP The Oragon Dally Emerald CiaaaHlad Department la now hiring tor the po albon ol ad paala-up for lha l»M4 aehool year Thia part-time poaltion (7 VI hrsfwS) start* in September Job require* laying out and pasting up classified ada Applicant must ba able to commit to 1 t 2 hour Nocks of tlma barwaan 2 00pm i 4:00Ptd. Thla |ob oftara practical, hands-on aiparianca with claaaiflad advertis ing Application* may ba pic had up In room 100. EMU. Application* ara dua May 28. by 5 00PM. Applicant* must ba University Of Oregon Stu dents The Emerald la an AA/EOC 205 OPPORTUNITIES Do you have the skills to get the job that you really want? Take this class to find out! SUCCESS SKILLS Ulll.MAi'.l'M-lilnn* FALL 1993 CPSY 408/508 CRN: 15454/15455 1 Credit For course Information, contact Career Planning & Placement, 346-3235 D Ol 0 SlUdenlS-taiiun Mamma 50 study suble ts age 18 or older wanted to answer an anonymous questionnaire Subjects must be: t. at least 18 years old 2. currently a student at the U of O 3. able to read English You will be asked to complete an anonymous personal background questionnaire about your health practices, sexual behavior, your current and past use of tobacco, alcohol and other illicit drugs Takes approximately 20 minutes and you will be paid $5 lnleresfei? Come to Room Cedar F in the Erb Memorial Union between 9 a.m. and noon, Thursday May 27th. I hr* i* fvrt ^ a soct+l .N’rfuwl* Propel a/ Oregon Ktseurch In+liluif UNKVEGA ON SALE! NOW $28995 Mountain-Rover Sport Faalvaaa Sftmano 300 OrvMr«n fJ» Chromoty Frama. Exp«1 AaaamMy Fra* 30 Day ChacJi-up Rag 359 96 Hybrid-Via Activa 300 Footurm Sfrmano 300 Onvocom, FuH Chromotv Framo Export Auomtty Froo 30 Day ChocK-up Rog 1379 95 NOW $29095 (Mlesporf (Formerly Second Nature Bicycles) HOUR* MSlM Sun t2-5 446 East 13th (Next to Bijou) * Eugene » 343-5362 | BOSCH Wc ship your staff home! 1 to 1000 pounds Packing • Shipping Boxes 2705 Willamette Street 344-3106