UNIVERSITY Biology journal to make debut By Jen Ellison Oregon Q&fy fmevakj Publishing in a scientific jour nal was nearly impossible for undergraduates — until now Next week, the University Department of Biology will pub lish its first issue of Biospheres, an undergraduate biology jour nal. The first of its kind at the Uni versity. the journal is designed to give undergraduates experi ence in writing about their research and the process of get ting published, said Janice Weeks, the faculty adviser of the publication. During the 1991-92 school year, the Howard Hughes Med ical Institute donated $1 million to the biology department for the enhancement of undergraduate learning, said biology depart ment head Dan Udovic. A portion of this grant was used in the development and production of Biospheres, Udovic said. The purpose of Biospheres is to recognize people for what they've done in their undergrad uate years. Weeks said. The jour nal is designed to include undergraduate research those*, lah profiles, project progress reports, editorials and stories about undergraduate teaching experiences. Weeks that the journal is a non-competitive way for undergraduates to learn about research writing "It gets students published and gives them recognition for their undergraduate work,” Weeks said. "Many undergradu ates don’t gut the opportunity to write about what they do in lab. This is the perfect opportunity for them." Six undergraduate students worked as the editorial board for the journal Each published an article in the first issue, and an additional article was con tributed to make a total of seven. Editorial board member Joanne Van Sickle, a biology stu dent researching the characteris tics of a mutant plant named umbers hoot, benefited from the production perspective. "Learning the editing process, how to use PageMaker, and the process of getting a paper into a journal was helpful." Van Sick le said. “It was good experience to be able to write about my it gats students published mnd gives them recognition for their undergraduate work/ Janice Weeks. faculty adviser for Biospheres research. which is something I've never done before " Turry Shroyer. a biology stu dent and on editorial board member who will work on the journal next year, said his expe rience with Biospheres will help him in the future. "Its best benefit is for anyone wanting to go to graduate or medical school who will have to do a lot of writing about their research," Shroyer said. Weeks plans to publish Bios pherrs twice next year Informa tion for those interested in being involved with the journal will be available in the fall in the biology peer advising office. “30 years of Quality Service" Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota -GERMAN - AUTO SERVICE, INC. 342*2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon, 97402 Full game room with pool (able!! 13th & Alder* On Campus • 343 0681 ******** DO YOU WANT TO BE IN MOVIES? No experience necessary! ******** * Talent Search ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ it Acton, Actresses Ml "Extns” far oujor films, ★ if TVaniisIcinuitisIsfilMliiArtiM. ★ if Ooo tim fn for nenkerslip wild wiH incite mieotape * it We will preseot to Aircctm, pnlocen. > castiii ipeits. if ir Special Stidut late INLY S2S! mu«i «*■•«! mmi ★ I/UOI/I/I Why Pay More Somewhere Else? Izzy's LATE NIGHT J DELIVERY SPECIAL