GET A JOB The Oregon Daily Emerald production department is accepting applications for ad designers and pagmators Positions start in August and September Come to Room 300, EMU and fill out an application Deadline is Thursday. May 27 Eligible applicants must be enrolled at the U of 0 for the 1993 94 school year IM HWt It*mm « «w aa*»w>r 1 SUBSHOP • H 1225 ^ i ALDER 3 345-2434 Early Bird Specials 500 WASH K MR. CLEAN JEAN S COIN-OP LAUNDRY • oose to campus • aean • Handcap accesstte mamnes • Serving the area for 17 years 240 E. 17th WUNDERLAND - TU-- - 5 VDCO 9th STHKCT PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 1 ( ! ir~ VIDEO ADVENTURj 1 V»U*» RtYtR RAIH XSt&Sk Ml 'M i «|M4| 1 ™ " ’ ft*- »<»! “fir Hi m MB 1 »WU tM •** ♦¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥# 1 MO u MOVIE RENTALS • OPEN 24 HOURS f 13H» A Paltanon 342-1727 I 20 TARS... 40DOUARS! OrI-V.ON W I ST ‘ * \ l * ’ 485-1624 • 1475 FTanWIn MCA Concerts Presents 4AD/Elektra Recording Artist Thur/dcty* fHoy Q7th ot UJOUI Holl with special quests HiMtBim*r ; ft * i • ** ’ « ft U' I ' Ticket/ 11 5.50 oclvonce POLICE BEAT The following incidents were reported to the University Office of Public Safely and the Eugene police department May 18-23. • The Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. 821 E. 15th Ave.. reported a burglary May 18. The house mother called the police and said a pic ture was stolen from the house as part of a fraternity prank. The pic ture was returned, but the thieves did $80 in damage to a window during the break-in. •A 42-year-old man was cited for trespass and menacing at 7 Kleven. 500 E Broadway. May 18 An employee called the police after the suspect began harassing customers outside of the store, according to police reports The employee told police the suspect was intoxicated and attempting to buy beer The suspect led the area before police arrived. The employee called police again when the man returned to the store later the same day. On his second visit to the store, the sus pect menaced the employee when the emptovee told him to leave the store. The man raised a Iwtlle above his heat} and told the employee. "I am going to smash this through your face." and left the store. Polit e caught the man leaving the area and cited him. • The University music department reported a burglary at Beall Concert Hall. 9fil E. 1 Hth Ave.. May 19. The suspect pried open a metal box in the building's ticket office and took $150 in cash. There were no signs of forced entry on the building's external doors, and police have no sus|>et:ts. •Two University students were cited for noise disturbance on the 1300 block of Alder Street May 20. Police responded to the two stu dents' apartment after receiving complaints of loud music and yelling The police warned the pair and left the apartment. After the police left, the two men began yelling obscenities and challenged other area residents to a fight, according to police reports. Police returned a half-hour later and cited the pair. • A University student was cited for furnishing alcohol to minors on the 700 block of East 18th Avenue May 20 Police officers olrserved a large party at the address and said many of the people at the party appeared to be underage. The officers stopped a 19-year-old partygoer and asked him if he had boon served alcohol in the house. The partygoer said ho was served and that anyone could get beer in the house The student who lived at the address told police he kicked all of the minors out of the party and was not responsible for the peo ple in his yard. Police cited the student and broke up the party. • A University student was arrested for having an open container on the 1500 block of Alder Street May 21 An OPS officer observed the student walk out of a house drinking out of a cup. The officer contacted the student and said the cup was empty but smelled strongly of alcohol After briefly talking to the officer, the student tried to run away and was t aught by an KP1) officer on the 1400 block of East 14th Avenue. • The Asian-/ Student Union, Room 21 EMU. reported a < ase of criminal mist hief May 22. Sometime between May 14 and May 17, someone umwl a swastika into a cork bulletin board outside of the union's office. •The Beta Theta Phi fraternity. 1009 Patterson St was cited for aggravated noise disturbance May 22 According to police reports, the fraternity was hosting a "six-way'' party with five other sororities and fraternities at its house. Neighbors < umplained of loud inusn and yelling, and police cited the fraternity The ticket was for aggra vated noise disturbance, with $750 bail, because the house has had two other noise < nations in the past six months • A University student was cited for minor in possession of alco hol and trespassing on the 1800 bloc k of Hast 18th Avenue May 2.1 OPS offic ers noticed a door to an apartment complex was open and decided to go inside and investigate Onc e inside, the officers found a student sleeping on the floor of the building The student told the offic ers that he lived at the address, which he stated was 14H0 Pearl St The student ap{reared to 1h* drunk and repeatedly told officers he was on the 1400 block of Pearl St reset The student said he I relieved he was at the right address even after officers took him outside and showed him street signs that said he was on the 1800 block of East 18th ^frenue. according to police reports Clip $2 Off YOUR LOOK. Save on haircuts, (reg $9.95) Save on stylecuts. (reg $13 95) Includes shampoo, cut and style Your stylist will make sure you get the look you want — guaranteed So Appoin t mf nr Salons Santa Clara Fred Meyer Ctr 688-8123 1333 W. 11 th Fred Meyer Ctr 345-2592 Offer rruli (VJIAtJ—Mu it pirwnl coupon Uftmersity Thratrr Preterit* KING LEAR by Willum Mukrvfv.irt' Robinson Thestrr University of Oregon l-vrnmg prrtomuncn-RiJO p m Msy 21. 22. 27. 2K, jnd June 4, 5 Manners IOJO a m May 26 and |urw ^ Bo» office (503) M6-4l«*l 1