:i: HELP WANTED 12000 . month Tsifree' Teach EngHehJepetvTstwar Placement gumtMd1 Mo HpirtMCi sery I MMSH-MN M-F 11-7 East ern lor progrsm mlormetlon_ LIVE M APT MANAGER Kx »«ry race apartments aoou from UO campus Compensation inetudes hrmished ac* uhMes A salary E spe none* nol 'aqw'ed Sand ’Mu™ to KAanapers Poster- 7050 Harvard 0* Eugene OH 97*05_ OMHWAAHEB 4 shilla par moat a* evenings Appro JOihrvwk IMMEOUTE OPCMNO Mual Da able to work nan 'at. at we* at tummar S5 GO-$5 2S/hr Apply at parson only at Norm Bant Reelaurant 72 Quo Rd. Eugene Qa« involvad Work w>m you' fears ESCAPE F**d SturSes * accepting ap phcal'On? lor IDS PuDAC ScDOOH Ov «on Head Applications n EMU room M tn Due May ?6th tnlo 34#~43Jt EOEJAA ATHLETIC ATTTTUOE Nationwide company hae new odteas m Portt»>d/Eugene l ooting tor molival ad paopia to Mr positions m marketing A management ascePent pay plan 343-6738 Applications are note being ac cepted lot three pod positions m the 33/94 school year Editor >n Chad tor to months. Multicultural Affairs Editor lot 9 months and Production Editor tor 9 months Submit applications to THE STUOENT INSURGENT oltce m Suite I, EMU Application deadline is JUNE I, 1993_ Wanted, pert time people lo shoe rental umts and perform clerical du ties Requires vehicle and willingness to work Saturdays Must De outgoing A motivated Please send hnel cover letter with resume to Jennings A Co Property Management Inc, 488 f t tin Ave. Eugene OH 97401 No phone cans pease_ 215 WORK STUDY Big Brotto'-Big Sitter % Nrw*g tot campus elector portion tot !t>« 93-94 academe school yeftf mus? txs wrorv study student CaH 34^4431 __ W 210 HELP WANTED :x HOUSES FOR SENT Room to houae avail lev aummer. 8 Wk.» to camou*. $200 monto Ca» J48-8l«t Summer Nani 2 (V»m house on lOto/KncalO Avakatv* Jin i J to Sac* It CaiMfr |«36 /la»M> lii yaw Mint «W*\ Of goo Dally ImaraM | \ClaaalWad Maadlalwy 225 iPTS DUPLEXES Available Juna iSIh For Skimmer I b»m apt. $275 Cfearv quwI, tumrtnad l/J block hom campuk Reaerwig to* Fad $350 1 br»m iaaaa tenured 735 E 17m. 343-2114 Cam put Apartments Furnished 182 Bedrooms Suairw rataa. 13003400 4*3-2823 EUOENf MANOR Hgr-nse iving wan pianiy cl charm Sparkling dean. large. bright Uutaaa 1 A 2 Bedroom* Horn 5385 A* J.te put CAMS nwlld 484 7441 LOW SUMMER RATES! 2 8 3 norm Apt* Available 2 brocks from campus, cMr A gun* 0*1 straw* parting Avatfa&a Juno f Call MS-4155 Cut* on* badroom apt v«y ciosa to campus no p«rts $360. Jun* 8th 345 626* _ __ Pra-Laaaa for summ** 3 tXKVm. $350 Pf» i.«8fts« for faM 1 mo fra#' 3 btdrm $695 Bom oss mar i Woefc from cam pus wrcovwvd parking 666 94C0 or 461-0199 Summer RaMi for Hjmaftad units aaar muSrc buidwtQ, Skxko $220 Smatf i -badrm. $236 1 bedrm. $250 Can an** 2pm Ridgewood Aprs 686 5769 GREAT SUMMER RATES! Reserving Now Fix Summer 8 Fall A large clean, guiel i tx»m ap« ' b» from U ol O B-g walk m closet Fu»y iuin csmpui 484 9922 I block from cam put I bedroom Apt Qreai location lor turn mar school' Summer rata S27S Call 343-8000 _ 2 Bedroom Apart 3330 mo. ISIh 8 Mil 484-8822 RESERVING FOR FALL tOW SUMMER RATES large Httiuthed i & 2 badrmt 1 btocfc from campus f 442 l i«*b Mgr r20 py cat* CbuO or Bonnie m 3444/60 ■n 210 HELP WANTED ! oaking for a change in you'* rouw»v:< It tikes more than a paper airplane to spice up a term' i i c- wc room for ^ m your tail ‘lieModulo' ESCAPE offers you die academic experience of a lifetime (you might even find it tun1) by allowing you to Icani while volunteering ui the community. No matter what your major or interests arc. we have die perfect position for you to experience We will start registration for ball tenn on September 13ih but you are more than welcome to Come cheek out what we have to offer today so you know what placement you will want lor lall' Slop by our office in EMI f room M-111 (up die stairs nexi to the elevator by the fishbowl) or call us at 346 4351 lor more information. ESCAPE, it isn't /i»sr a ckins. it syonr life! PTS DUPLEXES PROSPECT PARK 2 bedroom apartment aver no*. qumt ooumry afmo,*ofiere anoonven-ent ofy location, OtPe teahjr** nCKide poor lenmirtjaeaertxt* Ct» 'OC room and oMygrounc). now P«w< 2Sm end Oem Oar* 4640553 Studkw. 1 bedoorm eat on car-tv.i aviviaCM k» ia«. uMMea. laundry on •M parttAg. »» UBS 142 860SI PAY NO RENT «n#n you rp##r»# mow tor Summer or Fan Cur. modem A peeceM ? t» « Orwy ? t*oc*» **ey m# AA* Ret# *♦ CafflfM* YveiQA tie* kept tecret Fund cut «4*y CMI 344 MA5 Co 1 1 2 BLOCKS TROM CAMPUS Siudo or> aria laundry (ac*ly *r» eater & veer* 34} 7iJ93 SUMMER NATES mu reservations RESERVE MOW" One of (fie largeel S beat tempo* (election* tSTT Emerald ■ Mgr M>M1« UWO-tase-ITM Alder MB E t»m Mor ■ M6-0743 1345 EerryMgr - M TJM* MO E i«m 737 E !»m SOOEtWh MEtWi tUOOnyi 19*3 Garden toss Patter eon *11 E t tm VON KLEIN PROPERTY MGMT 1301 TERRY STREET • 4*vm« 957 * 971 Mi Iyer d St i bedroom ayfa kjr maned > unUm tabed 12 montft iee*o S275 S«m mnr. 113,5 7a* laundry perkng See maamger at 973 MMyard No taws Spygiaa* A eeocietea 1110 ?35 SUBLETS CS*tn »uwm«r *dtM* w POJy ge«ng mp apon**)** meto student 5» XVmo tnci and -.duTxjry ava*> Jun# »6tn Oct 1st Jo# 1479710 ______ Jon# until Sept Ml# tMMUtiM p«#C#Kai 4 from C#mpu9 600 SQ * apt tor I 0< 2. upAUto* sunsTwu# A *#t». $*00. p#«c#* A (Sataa rx«g :U6 9623_____ Summer sublet n qutoPl I bedroom none# near Mr.vs« R*rx:h Separate A»udK> oohonel SAVymo Call 4tU-Oi:» 2 b#drm \#rn*#n«d. poo* **une. weight room i#un<)ry buWto. $460 ptos etor tnc $1/5 (top car# tor cal, avaftCto m 31 ?( mo QUADS SUPER SAVINGS ALOCH tTWCT OUAM a Summar SMCW. J'SS, Kirnranad. uW pod t-'** Nmanl* • Oacpur* tor f ae (?.-> .’39, W ad una». tf*»t by 630 13*0 Al OCR ST MViW ir'soNH.vAm>' SUMMfR RATCS Alt* to cantOuA *om WWW nawly r* hit&ranad quota Pnvala (Entrance t oBtart location Snare battv*4r.n«r! (196 • dap n« ! ««• **£<9* y«» awo« Over 10,000 served daily! Mi ROOMS Furnished room (lift. quel wimotit. »nd A Chambers am* Rum JMJ/J2 I room m epee too, e-6drm house acraM bom Umvaratty Par* Ull Mnao ptua (300 dap Inn LOW SUMMER RATES! (1(0 and up’ Room, in nouaa. shared kitchen A bath All uHPat included w rani Call 34V4UJ Room lor rani in epaciout 4 bad room nouaa deck, cloaa to 130 avail Ml Nigel IIM4N 255 ROOMMATES WANTED f mm atm nmmdmd to 'oomy 3 txxitfr rtc*j%m 2 jk5 tftftcfc wom«*i studwota A*>m to* 1250 Jury A*^y to* fSO&mo Oo*o to campus, aoou trewm Am*>oo t*t«wy *wnwtQ !»■»< 3454643, 2«5 GARAGE MOVING SALES MOVING SALE *2 Chovy C*vi*r COnto*« wood <*«*«* i4 Ch*»). iTMcxJuVir turrutu** (9 pc). tVcsM •rvrr«rcM9 i4i Ca# OOfr-OftM VISIONS OF LIGHT BIJOU L Alt NIU E_°° w «>AJKA«Y or DAMUNKtW^ E*« »BLADE RUNNTKRJ TNK FAR SIDC By GARY l ARSON POINT B IT-n U ^ J "Wan. lemma ttwnfc Vou *a dumped me. eon Moat totka only wanna know how to go the other way " Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson LOOt W06&.S THiS WORLD IS KINO OF UWL TV. A CASUAL Q8SES.1ER iveh confuse the t»*o 8UT If NOTICE. HERE THE COLORS ARE LESS , '.NTEHSE A*P THE ft-OEVE S ' . \ ARE U&UER K&j. I 'SEE TWS SEMtKH. MINUTE'S CAN GO 8^ 'N'.rMCW'! A SINGLE CAR CHASE , ExPVCfVCN. MUROtR OR rat personal Exchange 4 > [ 310MASSAGES BODY WOflK Hf Id TMM MAUAOC. LUT Strong «nd gena* / V2 V*4>1 treating apod* ryunot. nurturing inopte 66340*6 320 SERVICES Becaua* people car* > >** crooner o teeing lar'v detect**' Ca* IVtn njht_ w? a»M _ ___ Irtt Pregnancy Tetttng Eugena Pregnancy Support l/*nlet A at ateeeaiyne ’uea (n 104 MSOaOP Planned Parenthood Pap tmaart reaction chert » Oath control pregnan cy Mart ami unbiased counseling 344-Mll M yew ha»* eewlhaeg la a*H-. Tw her# teereiateg 1* advert la*. OOE CLASSIFIEDS 346-4343 MiiiiiMMRiaiMiiMiMNRl FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Zesty Chicken Fajita Pizza Special Introductory Otter s3.00oFF large s2.00 OFF medium 346-0776 Otter good thru spring term Doonesbury by carry trudeau mcM/y.m ' i *mxu rniwcv TOUAVT J J. BUT (\fffi TUHt I THm jrucxat i kffPfMm VliNO ABOUT U/hA! MMIT HAVF um \ HOUAKt iVU, flKANOfR • 1 •! HUjV ItXXJNG BHtWWHtnt HJH J ! I ~NtCHOtf f&AUy (iOl VMt l A r nT R&JNON Wt HJ&90 AJtolMkJ ANPSCXYANP \ , \ HUXUU CHl> **• i Jirjr WAR fo°. A Burnt r CROSSWORD By Eugene Shejfer ACROSS 1 *Th« Md ! *k»n' iwuy of 'Ktng Kong* • Cod* 12 Ojwm (Sp) 13 M*rmc 14 Akjtman pod 15 Cttcaft? If Pu//fe If B#«f 20 Adv*n Ug*t 21 Siam m»ftog wwndi 22 Summon »tgn 23 0»s»#po t«6ki 20 SfKtng barfc 30 l uau gunh 31 b4 32 Tuf* 33 Batrchad 36*lha Wo t*)0* 30 Ganafi 0*1* abb* J9 Spanish rx>b* 40 M<*«i 43 C*:«4y movii ol 1972 47 Ulty 1*> ing pooth 49 'I uwW — hontf 50 Kan*4* (Af 91 N«VI gjtoi s tundr«nc« 97 B«»d * 93 F#di 94 M4v« b<«* 99 1 mnri«' t>*rv4#i DOWN 1 f rt>«w4y ACC#%» 2 To«t! topi**' 3 * - t»#n 4 lUMTAm* lunil 5 Confront* • t ootimaa t imahjf* 7 l QOQMyq 9 H «d luck 9 * bug 10 W«4*« »Ot* 11 Com** k* a h*4 17 Stmpl# m»net#d on*. lor thorl 19 P*#ch*«1 22 Ai/lhcv DvtQMon 23 Fll farm 24 - anki Solution tlm« 24 mint -•]' .ul* ■1 i' i'fJBil..* 1 • i ‘ Y»»t#fd*y * »n*w#f 5 25 25 r ooHi-ift f»i•# 26 AngWi a n«»«*»] 27 at «ns twthptac* 28 Po*Ui CfM