Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! OraaA Mato Tutor svatlaMa lo any on* In CkraaA Syatani1 Stop by 137 OWmtI Tuaaday and Thursday 105 PERSONALS KM* 8 Vow »**<• at fh# l«U« as r+m* m fN» Ov^j & Ft*< Ofooc sa ’ ■or or> Sat. May ?2rd W# gpmrceKJ « * acft at ho* 0*0*1 but I i«h Gray art* Wac* ainpas 1100 Howard tor har ratum Kaya found at Bata Buoy V22 Car in; 2296 to idsnlity tii TYPING SERVICES *• 3*4074* MCHMN a OMAO aCMOOC Apaaovto 20 yaar Hraiitu bat* ground Tarm papara* u« r«a«t tar .y f iH-yg La*ar_(» Ot*C AMPUSI^ JO TWt Typtoto MK> Word Procaaawnyt damgrTypmg ThaaawOtaaartaaona on Laaar Ca* 663.6066 anyam* 344-4510 QUAUTY WOiU I mact-SSINO (<•414411 sal* 6 4 UVIliAlltnnU KocriEoJkitJJ tesiMdua 1358 Oak St. Suita 1 20% OFF alt typing service* now until end of the term • Ratwaai * Mare Pratatiiaj * Tara Plfan COMPUTER PROCESSING UNLIMITED 689-7565 t03 GREEK HAPPENINGS m TYPING SERVICES * PIRFECT PAPER NnmiwngJ'omK rmuil mi ;rraa VMin. *" TYPING UNLIMITED Bartm Land — 469-3343 Sarong 1)0 ««• «mca '98' 125 INSTRUCTION PROFESSIONAL EDITING * Fmi mrvc# * «*»*< <*»**: ■ Cft*fH (Ira* ft*.*-*# A da****} WtWaq AMNttnc* • f <****« • P*«o**8 Xh*ww*—C Error f tm tapes** M •rang ftjytg* «*vj wfapc t» «ac(n» : CaA *0«r -Own w*i U ** ’.*# ftWKM* Pro/Edlt 343-2747 uo FOR SALE MlSC 8ms. 8mv*y taa 6np. »*« vVduai cMaaflaCO CSC m 080 2 Mar XI iO 80S 1 ™e» WSO 080 i Md $500 080 T3 Oodga Var 38T 82.000 ' 8.000 on now* arxyna CMC OBO l nlrva maa» •>'*'««#« *or •«■ 880 '030__ 1 pc TV/VC*. 8280 Own. tag. 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MOO otoo HMM 73 VW Suparbaad# Mschamcady sound, itregM bods, me*' Must eall - going to Europe 11600 otoo J4*-O071 76 Alla Romeo *!*<*•* gear shape last sporty. deac- $2600 or trade lor motorcycle or trues -t*3 $76* 76 Audi 9000 Runs t*ut needs engne trees ssoo ot>o Ceii ,3*3 awa 7* Toyota Cet>ca r-rgn »«< - St t*A good n: r*Ai» ee-; 5 npd ac. artvlm ass WSO ot» 464 23/7 76 Toyota Cor oils trgn* h*s «ss than 40 000 m.. great oond. $1394 CM 344*6754 _ ^ _ m a sac Sp*m 6cyt iMcamMtst* $475 $44-0002 65 Toyota Cutrcs QT Runs Ureal' CO, PS 1 asserts $5500 GOO Ce* 660 9911 150 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS Honda Aero SO 949 mnes ute nee $495 Cm 464 0435 tier 4 00PM_ 90 Yamaha 90 Scooter Hard Oms Sop py coror monSOr $440 344 699? 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH!!! 6r« buy sa* and sarvKa VHS «C»t and stereos Thompson Elec nones. 1122 Oat 3*3 9273 175 instruments QtttON acoustic gutter. 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Our matching service finds them. Aon't Att4y/ Write: St holarshifn Now! P.O Box 240490 Honolulu, HI 96824-0490 ?0i OPPORTUNITIES ?C5 OPPORTUNITIES Crutaa Shipa Nov Miring Cam SS’UCG'mo pma • wona i*ava< iMaw. Maucc top CarPbaan MC) Monday. Summa* 1 earn* amptoymam avid jesra No aapananca nacaMary Fo> •mpor'a'1 pr oa am ca* 1 X* 634-0468 «•! 0*069 tNTE RNA TK)N* l EMPLOYMENT Ma*« mono* taacbmg base convaraa •*ynm EnghV' .yCroar) rapar 6 Tavan Midi! $2000 S-rllX. par •wilt' Many prpvida room 6 board r* omar PanaMsJ No praviOu* IMPrWig v taaebu-g CArllt caia raouirael for fmemaoon* Em tueymam program can tbe irCK? H K>. ©dung tor 6-10 Wudants to arory -n too South Waatam Summar Pro gram May* $6300 4 gam a co*ag# era** Brody 484 2067 24 tu m»g LAW ENFORCEMENT JOBS $17,542 S86682/yr Pokca Shardl, Slata Pa 1n> Cortaettona) Olficar* Cad i 800 962 8000 E«l K-9642 POSTAL JOBS $16,392 S«7,12Vyi no« Nrmg Cat 1-805 962 8000 «<1 P 9642 ~ POSTAL JOBS"" Stan $11 41Tu ♦ OaneMs lor appAca ions A mto cat 1 (216) 324 2102. 7am to tQpm 7 days_ $ Summar 4 Saatonal Employ mam $ Wa pay monay nrrian you Tara your gaal Summar or Temporary ct ai penance rath u* Ca* and find ou! toe gatarir Fraa poona cad 1800807 3030_ M5 OPPORTUNITIES Do you have the skills to get the job that you really want? Take this class to find out! SUCCESS SKILLS Bridoc To Vour Future FALL 1993 CPSY 408/508 CRN: 15454/15455 1 Credit For course Information, contact Career Planning & Placement, 346-3235 0 Of 0 Stodenb-enssaMMaMci 50 study *ub|eo1x ag<- 18 or older wanted to answer an anonymous questionnaire Subjects must be: 1. at least 18 years old 2. currently a student at the UofO 3. able to read English You will be asked to complete an anonymous personal background questionnaire about your health practices, sexual behavior, your current and past use of tobacco, alcohol and other illicit drugs Takes approximately 20 minutes and you will be paid 35 interested? Come to Room Cedar F in the Erb Memorial Union between 9 a.m. and noon, Thursday May 27th. Ihn II poHaft Sot1ol Srtworkt Pro)rt1tl Otrgtm term'di t*ylilutr 210 HELP WANTED AO DESIGNERS 4 PAGINATORS The Oapon DarTy fmerakf oroducton department » accepting application* lor me (oatWBog p»d pout-on* that start in August aryj September AO DESIGNER - ,<*es Mum Aa Creator on the Mac so design ads Requires e. cattant design ana computer skills Aon 2-3 days • wee* 2-* hoots iwh shift PAQINATOR • use* QuartOiPress on the Mac to croduce iws Dagos Worn 1 •? nights a wee* .7pm to midnight Application. A |O0 Ooscrtpnons available in Room 300. EMU Eligible applicants must t*» enrolled at the u ot O tor th# 1993-9* school yaat Oeod -me Thursday May 27 PUBLIC RELATIONS POSITIONS! PR In tarn ship# 'ey 1993 9* school yew llppe* division ctadit lot Ju notsTSanprs to do orientations and protect development Advertising PR Coordinator lot Pan Caraer Tan Sipand possible Junot or Senqr Contact Bath Swans Careai Planning A Placement, 3*6 6009 SPORTS MMOED7 Attar several months ot playing tha re Same gama. I touna a company mote concerned with people than paper Re cant growth has us searching lot an thusaashc mrfcnduais to Ml sales 3 managerial positions 687 -6836 STUDENT DATA COLLECTOR Student wanted lor research protect concerning providing comprehen sive support to I am Hies at children with severe disabilities and sever# problem behaviors Responsibilities include Videotaping family member interactions In horns snd community settings; coding data using s com putsr observation system, comput ing reliability measures, and main taining data tiles Data collectors would need to be available to con duct observations In horns or com munity saltings lor selected limes between 7:00am end 9.30pm Posi tion requires an Oregon Driver't Li cense end access to a car Position would Involve 5-13 hours wfc. begin ning immediately through Novem ber, 1993. Pay rata 55 75 hr Contact Joe lucyahyn at 3*6-2«9«_ WANTED: Uleguard at Camp WAsn. m Veneta. -tuna ?IJuly 3! Call Bar bam at 3*2-6338 to apply CLASSIFIED PASTE-UP Tha Oregon Dally Emerald Classified Dspertmant Is now hiring lor tha po sition of ad paste-up lor tha 1903-9* school year This pert-time position (7 1/2 hrs wk) starts In Septsmber Job requires laying out and pasting up classified ads Applicant must be abas to comma to 1 1/2 hour blocks of time between 2:00pm 5 4:00PM. This fob offers practical, hands-on asparisnee with classified advertis ing Applications may be pfekatfup m room 300, EMU Applications are due May 20. by 5 00PM Applicants must be University Of Oregon Stu dents Tha Emerald is an AA/tOC. Cruise line. Entry level on boardAano not Positions avail summer/yew round 7IA-M9-1M0 Stipend Fbaitiona Available ASUO Executive a filling the following pttuhoro for the 93-94 school year • Gear* Ajfmty CunnlaRinr ae iWtdftdwJ StmUnn t'wnkmtt* •• f mm* t Cuuhkm** m AtuumM Fmmmt OurbuMr a*** due WtoJMCNft*. 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