-owgon Pai/yEmerald Sports Football team racks up ‘Mimsies’ s another mediocre year of Oregon athletics nears the end. it is time for the first annual Mimsies. the awards celebrating the best and worst of the past months of Duck sports. The envelopes please • Most Disturbing Trend of the Year — A tie between the intru sive gender equity programs being forced on the University and the even more intrusive Inci dental Fee Committee claiming to not in the best interest of stu dents. Although the University's ath letic department is in debt and no women's spons at the school generate revenue, proponents of gender equity are trying to per suade the University to add another women's sport. Those in favor of this idea say another women's team must tie added so the scholarship distribution between men and women will be equal. All decisions made by the Ore gon athletic department should be made in the interest of reduc ing the budget, something an additional women's team would not do. The !FC re< ♦>nllv reduced the athletic department''* budget even further, which resulted in a $2 surcharge for all home foot ball and basketball games. This is an important dec ision that will affect the thousands of stu dents who attend these games each year, and these students should have had a say in what happened. • Best New Sports Trend of the Year — The pro-active attitude Oregon head football coac h and athletic director Rich Brooks has taken toward moving the program forward. Two examples exhibit this change First, when the Ducks lost the Independence Bowl against Wake Forest in December. Brooks was visibly disappointed even though the team finished 6-6. The Ore gon football teams were so bad during the 1970s and early 1980s that when it began to move for ward in the late 1980s. I expec t ed the coaches to be satisfied with just going to a bowl game. Instead, Brooks' disappoint ment in the Ducks' folding-chair act in the second half has shown he is not satisfied by just tread ing water. Brooks and his coach es know Oregon football can reach an even higher plateau in the future and have shown the Ducks are willing to work toward this. Secondly, the firing of women’s basketball coach FI win Homy showed Brooks and the rest of the athlete department an* taking a strong inten*st in siting em h sport succeed Reaction has been mixed as to whether the hr’ ing was justifn*d. hut then* < an tie no doubt it sends a message to all Oregon coaches that winning is not the only thing, hut it is impor tant. • The Charles Barkley "I’m not-a-role-model" Award — To j the members of the Oregon foot ball team who have found it tough to stay out of trouble in the past t2 months. At least nine members of the team have lieen i ited by polU e or disi i pi tiled by the team since last spring I know it is unfair to put these 1H to 2 I vear olds on a pedestal, but lining a kid who grew up idol izing the Ducks of the mid- 1080s, 1 know kids look up to the play ers today |usl the fact these young men are wearing the Ore gon green and yellow makes them larger than life to these kids, and that makes it tough to swal low some of the idiotic acts these players have committed in the past year • The Exception to the Rule Award — To Eric Castle, Ronnie Harris. Jeff Cummins and Antho ny Jones, four Oregon players who avoided the headlines dur ing their careers and now have opportunities to play in the NF1. S/eve Mints is a sports ct'portrr for the Emerald An East Lawn jam w feohMi«9 1 > r r y 1- I t Qfld Jeff Miniuvother mu/ic * IlflocMoil/ 1 • mnDD 1 Creek/ Agoin/t Rope • one! much more ALSO: I ri , Ma\ 2Sth. 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