IFC Continued from Page 1 As the meeting began. Mas.it, who the commit tee voted out of office Friday, attempted to chair the meeting and conduct business. Citing an ASUO Constitution Court decision that he said states only tiie court may remove a student government officer from his post. Masai said the committee's decision to remove him was illegal and invalid. Masat also said the committee did not have the necessary seven members to consider removing a member. Committee members Efrem Mehretab. Ed Car bon. Anne Wagoner and Bobby Coe said thev had followed correct procedures under IFC rules, and told Masat he would have to take his case to the Constitution Court. The Constitution Court is tin? only body that has the right to determine if our dei ision is ille gal.1' Mehretab said "They should lie the ones to say whether this or that should happen.'* Lee also quoted the final paragraph of the Con stitution Court opinion that gave the committee the right to consider ejecting Masat The opinion said Masai's removal is effective unless the court decides otherwise, and the court reserves the right to decide whether Masat's removal from office was appropriate. Moore accused Lee of corruption because he had the authority to choose the court while lie was ASUO president. "Bobby, at least come out and lie honest." Moore said "Didn't you appoint the entire Constitution Court?" Lee replied that he appointed a < ommitteo of student government leaders, including Masat. to choose the court. Masat and Moore said the committee's decision was also invalid because Lertuu had moved the IFC reconsider its ouster of Masat after Friday's vote. Lerma said she could not recall whether she had officially motioned that the committee reconsider Masai's ejection from the committee or if any other committee member had seconded the motion, but Moore said he hod recorded her motion on audio tape However, a review of the committee's meeting minutes showed no record of Lerma proposing a motion, and Moore could not produce the tape "The tape ran out." Moore said After Scarborough cleared the room, the com mittee conducted regular budget matters until Moore returned with a statement from the Univer sity Registrar s office stating that two Constitution Court members who ruled on the committee's abil ity to remove Masai were not enrolled in classes at the University Moore said the court's decision was invalid because Chief Justice Paul Los ing and Justice Will Portello were not attending the University when they made their decision 1FC members Hobby Lee and Ld (arson said Loving and Portello will not officially graduate from tne University until June 1. so their decision is valid. The question of whether Loving and Portello were attending the University at the time of their decision looms large in this case because a court ruling enabled the committee to consider Masai's removal from the IFC. The court met Friday and ruled the committee could change two IFC rules in order to c onsider expelling Masat Citing a new ASUO Constitution Amendment. Justice Michael 0'l.enrv had signed an injunction preventing the committee from considering whether to replace Masat Thursday Because the new Incidental Fee Committee takes office today, the final resolution of Masai's status with the committee will probably end up in the Constitution Court, Lee said However, at tins time, Steve Masat is not a mem her of the IFC. Lerma said. Suwwnf Japan— Sh«4y Intensive- S-Wrt'k program in Portland. 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Rm B-38 Used equipment/clothing/shoes, etc NO EARLY SALES' CASH ONLY All Items will Iw olleml lor sale to Stair/Ux .il AUriw Irs ami qualifier! non profit organizations prior to I hr piiblH sale ET ALS Mf FT INC S Krlurnmg Student* Aumm ration will rh»K .uni luivt? a umrtl today 4J0S H Salvador Siklrr I nivmity Protect will turn*! today at 5 30 p m. in EMU Century Kimiiii A Student Senate will meet tonight at f» tit KMU (asnlury Kuom A Fur more inform* lion. ( all 140 IMiJO MlhCKCLANKOt IS Pi C«mma Mu tutor nation*! honor m urty m iw. ial Miente, will have a reception for new memtier* tonight at 7 to the KMU Cum wood Room For more information, t ali 34ft 106$ Malayuan Student Organ nation will lum a < lutrily < lothmg drive for live hurt tele** j**j ole end will accept clothing donation# today from 10 a m to 3 pm in I lie KMU laibhy For more information, tall 346 WI67 OSPIRC will have a new» t onferem © on a new planttt recycling train a* (>arl of its Han the Hum” campaign today at t p m at the OSPIRC Campaign Office. 1410 (bchard St . Suite 201 For more information, call 2J1-410! Career Planning and Placement Service will have an office orientation today from 1,30 to 4 30 p.m in Hoorn 221 HandricU For more information, call 146 3235 •**<»«*»»**«»»*» WUN0ERWN0----£1 ■-TA-. 50, STREET 4$ < PU8UC MARKET T «vR*I **V*» taiM - 683-8464 . VIDEO ADVENTURE ] **.<*#■,•*•*., m»«m» mey* vaw e. J ect$VV¥VVV¥V¥¥¥¥e a The Oregon Daily Emerald ■ production department is ^ accepting applications for 1 paginators and ad designers. 2 Applications available in ■ Room 300, EMU. Deadline ■ Is Thursday, May 27. ■ ...Emerald | Room 300, EMU I If* 0**Qcn Dady Emarwa * tr «jua« _ c-oporturvtv emfmyer Not so highball »..- ■ - .. -.- ■ —III ^oloDlr Trw«fc*n Eriks Gaorga, a past haalth advlaar for tha Studant Haalth Cantor, pours a “mocktail" Monday for Tina Jonaaon In front of tha EMU Fishbowl aa pari of Alcohol A waranaaa Waak Study Abroad in FRANCE at the University du Maine Le Mans Winter 1994 January 6 * March 25 Program features: • intensive french language study lor 1st ami 2mi yc.ir students • study tours to Paris, Chartres, the Loire Valley and Normandy. • exposure to student life on a French university campus. • UO resident credit. • use of UO financial aid Applications ,itc currently being accepted For more mlotm.ition. contact tlir Office of International Education and F (change. 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