Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1993, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
TUESDAY, MAY 25. 1993
Masat challenges IFC’s authority to remove him
□ OPS officer removes
Masat, supporters and
spectators from meeting
after heated discussion
By Chester Allen
Oregon Daily Emarak)
Ousted Incidental Fee Committee
Chairman Steve Masat and his supporters
disrupted Monday's meeting of the IFO.
forcing the committee to ask campus
security to clear the room of nil spectators
except news media and those waiting to
conduct official business.
After Masat and supporter Jason
Moore, associate editor of the Student
Insurgent, would not submit to the chair's
authority, acting Chairwoman Lydia
l-erma asked Office of Public Safety Offi
cer Otis Scarborough to clear the room
"I'm not going to lie quiet. " Moore said.
"This is a fucking fraud.”
Masat also refused to be orderly, and
repeated that he was still a committee
member and would spunk loudly to retain
Ins position.
"I am in office." Masat said I |ust read
five |>ages of rules that snv I am, and we
can take turns trying to shout each other
down if you want."
Lermn said she would not try to speak
louder than anyone in the room to con
duct committee business and sent an
ASUO representative to fetch OPS.
Jackie Gibson. ASUO mediation direc
tor, who attended the meeting to have the
Mediation Program's budget approved,
attempted to help the committee and
Masat work out their differences, but nei
ther party was willing to compromise.
Turn to IFC, Page 3
PTWIO 6y A/t«hon#y
University Office of Public Safety Officer Otta Scarborough (left) tells former Incidental Fee Committee Chairman Steve Masat (right) to
leave Monday's IFC meeting as current IFC member Anne Wagoner and Jlan Liu, who will be on the committee neat year, look on.
Courimy pf*o*o
0/ues musician Curtis Salgado, who struggled with drugs and alcohol,
will perform Wednesday lor Alcohol Awareness Week.
Bluesman plays it clean and sober
□ Curtis Salgado will perform as
part of Alcohol Awareness Week
By Sarah Clark
Or»gtX’ (Wy ImtuaKi
Blues artist Curtis Salgado will perform
"unplugged” with drummer Jeff Miniweather and
guitarist Terry Robb Wednesday afternoon on the
FMU Fast Lawn.
Salgado and company will play from 11:30 a m
to 12:30 p m and from 1 p in. to 2 p m as part of
Alcohol Awareness Week.
Student Health Center educator Annie Dochnahl
said Salgado was seine ted to perform (wrtly because
he has struggled with drugs and alcohol.
Five years ago this Octotier, Salgado checked him
self into a drug rehabilitation center He'd been
awake for four days doing cocaine, he said, when
he finally realized how out of control he was
"My life was on a treadmill," Salgado said "I
could see where I was headed 1 knew I wouldn't
lie alive if I kept doing it."
Salgado, now in his mid-30s, had been drink
ing and doing drugs since he was 13
"You name it. I look it." ho said. "I was basical
ly a toxic waste dump.”
Things got so bad that if Stilgado went o day or
two without drinking, alcohol withdrawals would
make him vomit.
His band members called him u drunk; Sulgado
denied it Finally, on Oct ‘I. he realized lie wus
killing himself and checked into the n'lmh center
"I had two kinds of hepatitis, my liver was five
times lugger than it was supposed to tie. and I had
bleeding ulcers," Salgadn said
After a 2H-day program. Sulgado emerged r lean
and sober He said he hasn't touched drugs or alco
hol since.
But it hasn't been easy.
"You look at spmeone having a Inter on a hot day.
und damn, you want it." Salgado said. "But I order
a Diet Coke instead
Salgado said he has a bard time lieiiig around (am
ple who drink, especially when they get drunk
"If I have to excuse myself from a party. I will."
he said.
But watching others get drunk sometimes pro
vides inspiration.
"I think, God. I used to lie like that,” Sulgado said.
Th? weather should by cooling
off today Fort* ast calls for
partly cloudy skies with a 40
percent chance of showers
Highs near 70 degrees
Today in History
One year ago lay Leno made
his debut as permanent host of
NBC's Tonight .S/me succeed
ing lohnny Carson
Univanity President Myles Brand withdrew his name Monday from consid
eration for chancellor of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, citing a iai»
of a "good match "
Brand, who confirmed last week that he was being considered for the posi
tion. interviewed and visited the campus Monday and said issued a statement
from the Waoonsin-Madison lampus.
"I met today with President lyall and others from the University of
Wisconsin system,*' Brand said During these discussions, it hesame clear
(fiat there was not a good match Thus. I withdrew from the swan h for the
Wisconsm-Madison chancellorship"
RICHFIELD. Ohio IAF! - If he’s ever going to be.il Mh hael
Iordan, Lenny Wlikens will have to do it wilh .1 new team
Wilkens, Ihe second-winnmgest coat Is in MBA history, quit
the Cleveland Cavaliers on Monday, esatllv one week after vet
another playoff failure against Iordan and the Chicago Bulls
The Cavaliers made the playoffs five times during Wilkens’
seven years as coach Four of those times, they were ousted by
Ihe Bulls
"It's been a great seven years here with the Cavalier*." the
IS vear old Wilkens said in a prepared statement
"Ifowever. 1 think it's time to move on "