In Defense of a Little Virginity a message from Focus on the Family The federal government has spent almost $3 billion of our taxes since 1970 to promote < ontrac eptives and "safe sex" among our teenagers. Isn'/ it time we asked, What have we gotten for our money? These are the facts: • Ihr ( cnttr* U* Ihvc-** < imu«4 niutuftr ihuf (hr*r #r mm I mtllkvi HIV r%MHm*uk • J m lit) *n*km\ ir* (hr I rnvfivt) v4 1c health icn*ei mm ijw» ihr ikmth *»ru\ • I hr utc *4 Ndrniviuil HIV irjfwnuvunn hjw itKtea*t*J 44*1 wi»r Vt*c»nhe» • Sr tikJK tnAMnucd dura*** (STUk)mf«x1 • M'4 itl all SH) *.•*«•% <*vwr arm**# ivivim lev' (tun 2' yearn «4 jff « I nullum nr* «4 peKt infUmout(*> dmar »*.vuf annual U * • l ' mtilMm nr* cm€* *4 funmitw* tUlir anmulh vujtn* <4 gtwtnrttora ha'C tk vvk^’*] thj Jff rru«um k* pmktilifl • Syphtliv •' at 4 <«)• x4 ix intexled muling «m«r ihun 2$ rmOarn Aitk'fk ji*' .mik mg i ertom gn iwpx the mhv turn rale tx high ax t4¥i • 4 itulfam eoxex >«9 thlurmxlu iUH .wuHuiih M> hr* «4 I' midyear i*Ki« urv inf ev ted • there are mm 34 miilitl tose* <4 twttunvtruxlltPV i aithu higher prexakmc am* mg teem «»xvt 3t> ikff event and jjriycinux xetuullx uafwwncil ore rampant otmmg the young S*k! *»» llui the ftriMctm ^"*x u*c\! <* ith pnatHx taaix Wax hit mlcmhix .rfxfiHH* and ‘niev texJ mm N «n» I hr viiu x«4 thix cptdrmix ix »m|Ttwjj. h»*h hi human xuflertng and in npnw: h» *•* tety ye* epi*Jem*4»*nxix irtl ux *ov »m!x Mtm the hcftnmng farniMi, Ar i^-ki |ami am/ nMAm pmamatn »fc» gut mi m*> Ah mm ore ill drttrmmm g mar pokey rnonhv «A Atrmf mjmA» ffor mk%t* ktnr fminl ami 11* am* * nrlhtiU tkr* hamknapt pokem. Him king ha* it hero xtnte ym»' we heart! arm me kH taWfen *hx u ix U» rhrir atlxaiHagx t»* tmuin xttgmx until married ’ The lartx art he mg vxithhrkl fnwti them, with tragk ttmojumrx l nlox *e come t*« term* *»th thr xklnrxx that xtulkx a genet at no »4 Amrrxattx tern pmmmuity will omttnue and mill*»wxi4 kkh thinking thr> arv pninKtl »»B Miller I*'* the not »4 their l»xex Manx Mill die i4 AID& IVtv ix i«ilx mu' xalc max U> remain health) m the nmKt i4 a m-xuu! rex«4uta<» It ix k* ahxtam Iwm mirnxkrxe until marriage and then »cd am) Ik* faithful k» *\ unmfevicd partner It ix a ttekept that xx a% midclx ctklnrxd in Mk*ix until Ok: I4*** Sake then a tvflcr idea hax xxwne ok mg ime that mm ihrvatem the entire human tamilx Imrx Kjhkr *jueM*wix are raised Mhenoer ahxtinerke ix pn^wmxl It x tune »e gaxe mw vk*ar art*wen Wh>. apart fwm many comfcfcnrtiom. do >tmi think UiMpny>py>dhrtM#l>B No *4htt jopnwih to Ihr Cfmk-m* .4 tfanumnrtJ docmr% art# Ihr \*tr **%'' wihaam k a ilvNrtvirf «> ihr malm* ( nwfcrm can fail ji Ir^vj IS ? pm rot of the trmr annual U m pmenttn? prrfnat* > ' Thr> fail Vf» t pm cm of thr time annual K m pnrvnUJflf pnj»furk\ among >tmng unowned mutant) womtA ‘ In » Ourf> of hnnuMr «ua) mm thr JfrtmA Kah of trpavtl thr failure rair Jut to vhppafr jr*S break-aft to he 2t> pmr« < *i vm thr*** fimbnf % »i *\ rh\uM* *h% *e ha^r a «nid f«w pr»5'*r *♦«* wly «*> a* a mean* of hrflh u«nJ We tall them fwrwK Kcmrmhmnf iH*< m mtnun <*r> »urxrtvc irt) »*r i» I«hi d*v* pc* m»*nh twr van jrurv* him hifh the l*»iutr rm* tontrawt a nc*u*1I> trammstted dn«ttrf Thr wWnajir n tfctnr »n a ungk rt«nnrr4 *hro rainwal thi«u|fhi o uvrmddMn bv («■»«•* fhiwc *ho Mtvk)«k-|vnd «*» w» urn unr a method tnuu uv 4 pnfird) iwt rwn ar*J cvm thro 4 hufft failure »j*r •' hroufhl about In factor* heyond then urtn«l The »twn| vntim »ho t* mid by Nn ckkrv that ifn* link Luri d*\%t o vrfc may nr* km** hr t% nvkmp Jtfckvtf pam and even dratb (tv ** brief a mmim of ptrauire What 4 bufdro Vo pkar «*i jo immature mind and h»l\1 Thro we mud irvoynt/r that then art <*hrr diflctrmc* hetvmrw prrpnarxy (vrx'ttkm Mi thewr prevention MIV o I '7 Vh iht %k iddl«4 »fvTm and ^an puv» cjmIv ihrw^h even lh trtvWN m iundon*. IcxJfthcn 'iwhtnjf \u»^k jJ pk»*c* mode out td (dirt, the vjmr material in iimdivtvt found „ hamvU td ' m* rum that penetrated the entire fhiifro «4 «hr ph**e MIV measure* I m*nvo ‘ Coven dtere onOm** *tvuf.***ul ntli voted per urn would imu hi* 1* her very life w* ***)» flinm jut * ? Thw umrly ctpiaim why rM oned ’hi wru4npta« at 4 nonk-fm.* a lr» vrjn 4po fianed j hand »!rn a*krd if thc> would tnm 4 thm rubber vhrath to prvvcvl thrm tkirmp uacn uurv with 4 known HIV milled prtvtn * Who wtvikl Nvnr them ’ They rr m* vra/y j/trt ail And set thc> rr prrlcetty wtlhny to tell out ink that \afc et%'t* within reach jud that thrv wan drop around with impunity There m only one wav m promt .»urvlto from the deadly dimnr* (hat Ik in Matt It t\ ahdirmee hrftve nuiTuyr. thro numafr and mutual (kklilv Itv life «a> an umnlcwvrd fWtnrt Amthtnp kw 1% pwvrotulh mik kUJ IImI poaMkm k u NOT rflhrtr lodat. It » an wnmtaUi wtutkm: Kids «HM NOT bnptcmmt k. Some «ttli Stunr *1*11 It w util (hr twh jnotft But kri % talk about an ‘unwoeiahk utluimn of the fuu onki Amwir 1970. the federal finttwnrni ha* vprnt nrarh S' bdlvvi m promtae vivHraweptMVtand vdeu-% U«' wear akwe 4V) nullMVt of \our Ut JoILvn a til pnkmn that dram' itomparnl wwith k%N than ^ mtllttvi Uw abumrowc propramv »hKh Sro fedds Kronewh aid ion^vmv Have vouphl rrpratcdh «»* chmiruie ahoprthrr > l%l»1 it time ae ad wkhat t*c ve pottro ftv out money ' After 22 >eorx and nearly S * bdlvw. M«te VK proem of teena|te pirf' under II *ul thd m« uk wontrj&'rptNVt dunnp their l"»fd mtcnourv hiithrmvvc. teroapro trod to Worp ha^ mp unpnacvtrd iflimiay h* a full ycaa on average. brUnx $ my kind umrAr(iK and pmprrtv Hw nature of human hrmf' and thr pan**** of thr 4C9 umph do not ImJ thnmrlve* to a do* tplinrd frxpnnv tn own* nxmntK* But if you hnr* ■ fwmff r <•» going to Im«v Mrmmrw, wouldn't you tenc h Mm or hrr •hmat proper condom uanfr? Ni». N\««< itvk *» h fun an unmtmdnd uwn|«ntt The pnew »if mtaitorndmn uauken uuagr to \ctT%a$erv tnc% tt*N> 0dWf)i five ML dartfman kJtj' t I»thal *udc nacharvdde (Jfihn everybody t\ hrtnimg ^ pfummuity Thine <*r very drtfruciivc mrvMf!*-' lo give Vi our UK 11 tuflhrrmiifr r |\ 11 \ hftmhoo ^ * thjri dir nuinhrt onr tr«*m trmajfcrt *n tMmtwv r* pert TTwrfonr, .tfnthutg *r H> imply **** cvtfy hudy it ck*ng it" itvbJii in murr lew** proper *tn» give thr game • tr> Cnmkmi jitinKmnm pn«fpr»m% A' m« mk*r the numhr* of knit eifftard *o divr**r they mitratc it' W*« pn«414 that f*t ’ S*mt thr federal fuvrntmrni lw$m it* major i«4itnKVftM«t fftfratn m IV7U. urmrd (vr^nmin have niraied 17 poww «n«if IV n> Www <*k ' Ijkmr, ebauam «nn$ term torn 67 pmot * unwed Nnht went a* 61 pmrtu ' And vmrrril dnrtnr hm Mind * genetMfc*t 14 >twny prop* Nice **». pn a " t * n**r 1 muh y A Hut if you *trr a pannl and knr» that •an lattm an. »< Him mu h mi. n unfUNt *t»fi wu nr uimt <*»« nut trma*ct •Wc 1 < Inr uudt >4 numnl nuipici in »huh ior fwtnrf «« minted with IBV hmnl ft* 17*1 of ftr funner. nung inndiam l<» pnantum mil. jujtla ftr 'iw ualan • year and a MI * Irflmf M term to "mhn then mk“ uiw m u* (I?** 1i» ma null heart dun nlvtuunf Human undent Huft mr taut r.rtnualh The Jitfemvc n that »*h * fun draft » i|u» irt Huppmr yua u*«« daufhtci »vfr inuufl| an dtilnaf dub id ui meridiem II vm knot (hat unr u< ftrw (unuhutri »i«dd drfutarl) fail madd nm Riummmd that ftr> wmjdi lunik ftr t limn tif tart' < rrvunK r»« Yiui would tuy IVanc ikal l jump Y laa life n a uaii-' Himnadda knag parent du km' Hida won't Halrfl lo lh* •hatinmrr mnup Vou'rr yuM waating iwr hrrath to try to «*M llartn a notion Hfce that _ ti i% a pupuljf in>th llui irrruijrct' arc inu^uMr d ufuJrruandmg that h t\ in thru hm inerrctf to ihcrmcUo until manage Mm^i 65 pment ui all high '■ehrtil fcmaio unJrr IK*r virgcm * •Mt ViU— 1 (V Data Souiw: i .» — ■ * ■>» ■ w» —-•»»«f. ’ * .- ^kk—T-T v*.i#** 1 «*• »« 4 > \ i»f« «»%«a> » h»wm«» ps—> »»««b w*-*« t *« t*»~ < bm ^ /* *** .-* irr**m #s*'«b^« * ‘' * •« . » %rtvMrt i f» r «• * *m • «.«b* i *•» r...,#*. «. »~b*-» «••*. *f ,'1 • II WfKIrt f«».. i «]■ j «-. • *i ■ - — * r* .H »***•* t*m*4»m* ***** _ *• ^ •** ^ _ , _ . . ... ^ . . _ . . _. j n -,f . |-|... — | » .,—| t , . ^ .1^K, ..«•« •«« W **,T- ili. ». — . »w— »' -*>*>.••» v—' ill r U« W»« 1^ r.| N < «<« t »t-»■* UK *>,; M w*. '-*'•»*• - -- _ ^ _ r _ ... r~trz.rc\r.:rir-. :rr..rrr.. gr* /^•bmk,, «■» i. I » ' »r V-.. ,k TV, „-n|. -w ^rm ' ^• 252Lir»^-j3!sr.**m*»'*!* >•«» JStT^T3I7*«mI Xm Cm CT*n, ^ - bm v.^ ««*-’•< M^Mi^tllC ► HI’ w-, A ft** yon ago m UuflfWn, Ky . a youth m« »»» hrW that featured no it'«nru ran nek gnvj» ju-j an ft «*tvM 1 named Han4d Mnrm talking ihnut ahdrncntr among <*hrt vuhpxtN TV cnlorum ^anl IM/IIl pnfk V* 2ti CIJ) tcmagm showed up’ [ ventuall> more than 2/300 o»*t3 nuttMlr the patted MdMonum and Itvimrd over a ha«J»f> prrpaml nuht* *VVm \vurm Who \a\\ ktdi mw i ham to thi' itmr honored mcwnfr' I vert term *ho ha*r j hern sciuaiK active tin I chtunr to Oc*> Tho t\ «ftw 1 called axtmdarv virfmtfvI ^iiii that convey* thr *fca that knh can viart (tvci One jfifl recently «n* Aim l arnirtN to ia> \hc *tvhrd vhc had kept ^ hr! vir|tnii) vigrung ihc ^ letter. Sonry I daint and wnh I c t*jld ukt rt hack * A' nrvpnnMfHf ailufn *r ntw u> «rii v hrt that even ihtaigh vhe can t go 1 tati, «hr tan go forward She can ^ regain het teWrrtpeei and pnttxi her health hname if* nrvtr loo lMe lo Oart *a>ing W to premarital *e* Ewa though thewfc t*\ advocate* predominate toi educational rirrfcm. are dim no hand pragma for kfcte? ThtokfuUv. uxnc cuelirtk program* have tarn drvekgvd Spokane bawd fern AW ami Otttagot S*mtk">fU A’urrnd Cmaiiwr are good example* So aft -Wii (ienrratu*i m Maryland. Ok*c cm* ( ahfomia and Ret pet i Im m Wim*« Other curricula such a* f ortng Hruim Set Retpet i Wf W> korW. V\ # atf«/r RettueutNe Reaueu *> Mtef. Vi. Une A Chtm et. FA.C 7 S etc . are all abstinence ihrmcd programs u> help k»d* make goad tccual demttm A good lurtK uluni ft* inner city )*«j(h i% hiaynr HmnefTt Rett A nmrft f'mgrum Pho successful mentoring' projeci help* adnireemn in WatagMi, I > C graduate fn*« htgh ami fTtnain abstinent In five vearv m* one frtnalr hat become pregnant ofkle in the Rea A netui* Pm# rum* I >uNi\#unj; ojfcl nurturing jfwinri*. r *k*» * »th k*k. however cm hr like tfNttmf ini** thr w» tmi hrvmivr iho ttttd'i h\*m hcv^ii'tf IftM will Bui pn> jfoitnrmr nrw^r' me tinnbnrd <***»« 4 «r« («( MUk Icm vi n »rto tlaMr u%c # condom fMMTI Ymm ptarr nnjnr I) an Ihnc »ta haw laid adutmiwU that muni r»pryhna h thrir ri«h» m tonf m Iho do it "proprTtl " Who rtar ha. caanflMai to thr rpMmic? TV amrfutmtq^ mduvtr* nm* tcrumiv vharr the Name lefcv tvMm pnKkk/en li >' •mmrvimg *n tfuN vunirxt thm dl tom aawewtv and tht w jMc ickv i«c»i cntiuo me wringing thru hand* «K *>t th»% irmbtc rpadctn*: of AIDS They pnrfrv* to he very inrturmcd ahum (N*r *ho jet urdcvtrd with trvuaily trammmed dncavcv and prrtufv. thrv me sincere However TV rwuMivtY arid movie muguh have iimmhmrtl mightily to ihe euvarme **l itu% plague He detadev they have deputed teem and young adult* i ImiKng to and out of c»h other« bed* tike M> many vevuai Only (he nmh were *ht*wn to he vtuvtc and ihrs were too %iup*d »* ugly to fnrf partner* Of cnun*. the beautiful younf «Wfs m thrnr vtcorm tW.trru' new 1 acttl «n* idnvftfiffKO for thnr wruial iO»iut^r^c VM«fOflijmnk"*n ttttf) hrrpcv i* \>ph»ltv or chlamycha. t» prfv* dncwt <* infrrtiht) or AIDS or fctwul wartv«r otrvttaJ i oncer No (^n»cn«' were cm told hv j ph>Moan that there *#> m» iw fur then «*» thin thc\ wouki have to ilraJ with the pain lor UK rot of men uvo rw> inr OCT heard tfui genital I cancers aw* tated with ihe human popdkima vmn (KPV * kilt n**r women than AIDS. * tw that strains »rf } gonorrhea are now rewuni to penicillin No. their was no downside It ail looked tike so muc h fun But what • pner we are pav ing now for the lies we have been told dowi B theli The government has also contnhuted to this crisis and continues to csaccrtvuic the probten. hr c sample. a current brochure frxen the federal Centers for Disease Control and the Crty of Ness York is entitled. Teem Have the Right. and is apparently intended u> free adolescents from adult authority lm*k are thr ms declarations that make up a Teenager s Bill of Rights as follows • I have the nght » dunk for myself • I have the right to dendt whether to have scs and whn|m| to have it with • I have thr nght to use protection when I have scs • I have the nght to buy and use condoms • I have the nght to esprrsv myself • I have die nght to ask for help if I need rt Under this final item (die nght to ask for help) is a list of organizations and ptuaie numbers that readers are crxtauagsd u> call Thr philosophy that governs several of thr ««gani/*tions reflects the hnmmesuaJ agrnda. which intludrs feenmmew <*f the \t«ung and vtgonvs pnetneHNi«*t a teen s nght to wsuai esprrsuon Your las dollars at work* Surely there arc other Ammc an* who rcs'ogm/e thr danger now threatening a genrralior.»d our hr-a and hnghtesi It o time to sfr ak up It * an old fashw****! value c attest virginity Vi/w u*#r ’httn r\rr t triur is a If ytai agree with hew i« the family that it o tunc tie a new approach fci ad^tevent vcsuolity teal out thrs ad and vase rt lake a U« vtsu nesi whrsil hoard n vet mg Vend it to your netgrrssman or vruto Ihstnhutr copies to the Kt A And hv ail means, share it w uh your teenagers Begin to pnttkftr dhutnrtiLe heforr marriage as the imfi healthy way to survive this wt ektwidr cpwtem* ftrutr mu- thr > hrkm to i4*tut> u »*fmit*tr hi*sbrt ■ ** af-'tinem r Thrtr i* im i kun* b* •* Wusrtrr. viw utftporl n rrtfururd for un uf* f\ prtrfrum for hrrmifrn tm iht\ inyf*»rumi hfm four«4«nmrnii art *lu> aofk ttrti I Vttl I ml* to fcwort * HOPna W'lUncin broncn on acmuntrct m) hMp Focu* on *w Famty fwcn OU to Amanoi » md> I PiMMimomi cop** c>Mh» but*!* TaacNng Vour KOI. to Sty 'No to S*» * iUp» '0 ***f Wtom **r <0 JK ««r*> Ptoaaaaandma oocMnofiTHSM fuib’o ^NMoatwwifyn i «m •nauung a ttu daoxncx# 9ft of I I I I .tHuf B Your IAddttii _ Oty Sum* _ l%> I I _i