Man freed after killing Japanese student NATIONAL BATON ROUGE. La lA!’) — A man who mistook a Japanese exchange student tor a burglar and latally shot him ns hit approached his house looking for a Halloween party was acquitted of manslaughter Sunday The jury del demited for more than three hours before acquit ting Rodney Peairs. 31, in a case that drew widespread interest in Japan, where guns are rare and most shootings are gang-related. In closing arguments Sunday, the defense said that the way the student. Yoslti Hnttori, was act ing made it reasonable for F’eairs to think his life was in danger, Peairs acknowledged he fired the gun hut said he had no choice because he feared for his fami ly Under Louisiana law. homi cide can fie justified under u vari ety of reasons, including what's known as the "shoot the burglar" law that allows a resident to pro tt» t him self from an intruder Spectators applauded when the forewoman announced the unanimous verdit t, but bailiffs quickly quieted them Peairs. who had fat ed a maxi mum sentence of 40 years, stood up for the verdict, his attorney holding him by the arm He bounced into his chair and wiped away tears. The student's father, Masai chi Hatton, was not in the court room. Outside the i ourtroom. Peairs said he would no longer use guns and. in remarks intended for the teen’s father, said. I'm very sorrv that anv of this ever happened." District Attorney Doug More au said of tin* verdict. If they wanted to say that 'we approve of what occurred.' that's a had message. It they are sus mg they weren't sure ." He then shrugged and dropped the thought. fury deliberations began shortly before 2 p til and ended soon after 5 pm The events of Oct J? were hardly disputed during three days of testimony Hatton, of Nagoya, and his Ameru an host were invited to a party, but got lost and went to i'oair*' door Ins ause the address was similar and the house was already decorated for Hal loween. which was two weeks away. They rang the front bell twit e. but Bonnie f’eairs answered the garage door Hatton tame around from the front quickly, she said and frightened tier, so she slammed the tloor and veiled for tier husband to get his gun There was no thinking involved.” \1t> Peairs testified 1 v.iirs i ante to me tioor won his -H caliber Magnum revolver Whim hi1 saw tin1 teen. I Vain yelled “Freeze'" ami pos sihlv "Stop1'1 but Hattori kept (liming Hattori was not wearing his contact lenses and with his limited English nutv have mis understood the word as ■‘Please." a« cording to testimo ny. When Hattori was between four and eight feet aw as Peairs fired, hitting hint in the i host 1 lotion was wearing .1 ruffled shirt and white tuxedo jut ket like the joint I nnolt.i 1 ter in “Saturday Night Fever " Defense lawyer l ew is I ngles h\ said it reasonable lor f’e.urs to think he was in danger Hattori was running at the door. a< cording to I’eairs' testimony. wav log something above his head, which turned out to he a hi liter a Know anyone named Bob? Send him to Avon AVON, Colo (AP) — The snow is melting and the skiers ore gone and everyone's atten tion is turning once again to Hob. Kach spring in Avon, there's a Bobfest in Hob's honor. This year, there's hope that another Boh will show up Boh isn't a person. It’s a bridge Support ers say the name — picked front IHfi entries in a contest to name the new bridge in 1901 — reflects the town 's ethos of "ultimate Ok ness." The four-lane span crossing the Kagle Kiv er and connecting Interstate 70 with U S Highway t> doesn't have a nameplate Offi ( tally, it is known as FIOAG. the designation assigned l>v the state highway department Bobfest is tieing held the weekend of May ;>o-;in in Avon, a ski i.mmtry town 70 miles west of Denver Last year's fast attrni ted 1,000 Bobs. Wannabobs. Married to a Bobs. Know .1 Bobs and 1 Wish I Was a Hobs, said Carol Frangos. spokeswoman for the Vail Valley Marketing Board. The town is hoping entertainer Bob llo|>e wilt stop by this year's event to wish bis namesake a happy sworn) birthday, while ho ii( i opts lies! wishes fur liis ‘10th hirthdav Among i ho ot i r it Quo. .1 western street riant e. Hot). Hob Hohhing Along, a white-water railing evtrnv agan/a that is free In 'Hobs'' if at < ont|Minieti hv u (laving t uslumer. ami (Jondola rules tin Vail Mountain. It all k11 ks nil the Vail Valiev summer season and. while it s not the l>est any thing. Its the I lest ‘just Oh' (dal e to he that week end.'' said Hobfesl trealor loin "(.all Me Hob" Brit/. « marketing manager whose offii e is one him k away from the Bridge *********** fWUNDERLAND 5*video GAMES 5lh STREET PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 /! - VIDEO ADVENTURE A iV»U*Y nryf H PI A2A \ -- »'a« " ' J Ajttuuwuuyuuvuuwa tc«y 24 FREE Mavla Mania IHgM \^Mat2S $3 FF Seals £+*/**&U%A*%a Af<+***%+**y Flophouse La eh ^«M.K,.y 20 $2 The Qaardians Musi lie 21 or o»er 135 [lilt! 342 33bi t»sm !tp«bl»fe “30 years of Quality Service" Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. ■ GERMAN - AUTO SERVICE, INC. Eugene, Oregon. 97402 MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL , 4Vf '" & SALAD BAR That's Right! 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